Several Problems

  • Hello,

    at this time we have several problems with the picomod6:

    - After power on, the touch screen has an offset in x- and y- direction
    This is not a problem of "reg save", i think this is a HW Problem, ADC ...
    - COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime() didn't work (Invalid Time) maybe a problem of the FPU, DLL, SDK ...
    - Reginal setting didn't work (Time settings, OleDateTime )
    - USB Keyboard, Mouse cannot connected after power on
    - RTC loses his data after power on (01.01.2006)
    - Connecting the bootloader is a "matter of luck"

    ALL these works on NetDCU9 !

    When is a new Kernel, SDK, Bootloader available ?


  • Hello,
    We are working on a new kernel version.
    We have already solved some issues:

    - 0000247: [SD/MMC] Add driver for on-board µSD/MMC slot.
    - 0000185: [Kernel] RTC: time is not saved after power off
    - 0000246: [Display Driver] Utility to change 2D control features
    - 0000229: [Display Driver] DRVESC_G2D_ACCEL_SET/DRVESC_G2D_ACCEL_GET always return ESC_FAILED
    - 0000230: [Display Driver] DRVESC_G2D_ACCEL_SET needs values for pvOut and cjOut
    - 0000232: [Display Driver] Possibility to set 2D hardware acceleration level over registry
    - 0000231: [Display Driver] Hardware 2D accelleration disabled by default
    Please check the download area on a regular base.
    We hope that we can offer new image within calendar week 11/2010.


    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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