DHCP in armStoneA8

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to configure the eth0 in dhcp for do that I'm editing the file:


    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet dhcp

    Then I restart my network:

    /etc/init.d/S40network start

    But when I do that, I have this response:
    udhcpc:socket: Address family not supported by protocol

    What I'm doing wrong?

    Thanks and regards

  • Hi,

    the busybox udhcpc uses af_packet, a kernel module. This wasn't enabled in the fs.net default config, I enabled it, and my wlan+dhcp worked.
    -> Networking support (NET [=y])
    -> Networking options
    -> Packet Socket [y] <-- should be enabled

    Hope this helps
    Best regards

  • Hello,

    yes, this is the kernel .config file you have to change. You can do this with "make menuconfig". There you have to enable the <<Packet Socket [y]>> module.
    A liitle bit more about building the kernel is described in the README from fs-net.

    Best regards