Autostart from USB-Stick

  • I use WCE6 and we want to install an additional executable on the system (NetDCU9). The installation should be as easy as possible.
    I remember of autorun.inf files in Win95 which automatically started programs on data CDs.

    Does WCE support an autorun.inf file which is copied to an USB-Stick?

  • Hello,


    Does WCE support an autorun.inf file which is copied to an USB-Stick?

    In general not, but we have an "hidden" feature: an executable called "autostart.exe" located under "Hard Disk/NetDCU9" is launched. (by checkautostart.exe, refer HKLM\init). We normaly use this for initialze our "Update Tool".
    Hope this helps.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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