Own button design

  • Hello,

    I have a problem designing custom made buttons. After a lot of effort with (not working) XAML tools I tried overwriting the Control class to design own controls / buttons. While it works very fine with a Windows Application it does not with the Windows Embedded Compact SDK. Everything is similar and there is no problem to register the "MeinSteuerelement" class, but only in the Win App it's usable while in the WCE environment the class is shaded.
    Where could be my mistake? Isn't it possible in WCE to override classes?

    Greetings Sören

  • Hello,

    i am a bit confused. According MS "XAML for Windows Embedded is a native (C++) UI development framework for Windows Embedded Compact". So how was it possibel you create a XAML project using .NET. While create a new smart device project XAML should be only available for C++ projects.

    In genaral code is written in c++ under VS20!2/13/15 ..., design is done by MS Blend.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • My example shows my effort in writing pure C# Code without using XAML. With XAML I gave up. So this is a Device Application using Visual C# (which I hope is possible since it is offered when starting a new project). In this Windows Form project I just add a new class I call "MeinSteuerelement" and deviate it (using (I think) something like: "public class MeinSteuerelement : Control") from a Control. After compiling the new Control is available in the toolbox - but in the WCE it's shaded out, in a normal Windows application it is not. And this is what I don't understand: Why can't I deviate classes / override classes?

  • This is really bad news and brings us back to (very) old MFC Design like in ancient NETDCU8 days. In times customers are used to control touch screens with gestures on modern styled GUIs this is not up to date.

    Do you have any idea what Microsoft means with “production ready controls”? ActiveX Controls? DLLs?

    Concerning dll’s: They don’t work neither I already tried it – they are shaded out as well.

  • Hello,


    This is really bad news and brings us back to (very) old MFC Design like in ancient NETDCU8 days. In times customers are used to control touch screens with gestures on modern styled GUIs this is not up to date.

    Unfortunately we are not experts in GUI programming but from customer applications i know that there GUIs are very attractive and perfect designed. Best would be to use XAML. But even using .NET or MFC it should be possibel to get rid of the Windows design. Assume there are a lot of samples in the www. Did you checked www especially for CF samples (like "CodePlex" or http://www.resco.net/mobileformstoolkit/,... ).


    Do you have any idea what Microsoft means with “production ready controls”? ActiveX Controls? DLLs?

    Sorry no.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

    Edited 2 times, last by fs-support_ZU ().