ActiveSync Connection to WCE6 devices

  • Good day,

    we have a problem with our WCE6 devices (PicoMOD7A and NetDCU8) and connection via ActiveSync (Windows Mobile Device Center).

    We are accessing the device data of older devices, at site, via this method. (No ethernet connectivity configured. sadly.)

    The problem is that some devices, can not be connected to with ActiveSync. The WMDC just shows a connecting circle and does not proceed, or it shows a connected state for less than a second and terminates the connection instantly.

    The curious thing is that once we reset the registry the connection works flawlessly again. Reapplying our registry settings has no effect on the connectivity state. (The devices are also partially setup with ActiveSync during production)

    Sadly we cannot reapply the entire registry at site, for various reasons.

    The error seems to develope after a certain amount of device restarts. (Power off, power on)

    These restarts are over many years, without any USB- connections or otherwise.

    Do you know about any problems with WCE and ActiveSync that might lead to this?

    Are there any registry keys we might be able to check? (Since it seems like there is something, that goes wrong with the registry here)

    Best regards

  • Hello,

    yes this sounds like you have this problem CEDB grows ... .

    Hope you can resolve the problem in the field by "clear" the CEDB.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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  • Hello,

    >> I assume the debug output mentioned in the linked thread, would be COM1 on PicoMOD7A?

    << Yes in general COM1: is debug port on PicoMODX. You can enable/disable it in the EBoot by command "O" ... or in ndcucfg by command "serial debug on/off".

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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  • Ok, thanks for the info, I will run some tests with the exe provided.

    Another question regarding this problem:

    As I have already stated, a registry erase also fixes the problem.

    Are the CEDB entries or files also removed, when I call "reg erase"?

    Or is there a possibillity that there are registry entries that also lead to this problem?

    best regards

  • Hello

    >> Are the CEDB entries or files also removed, when I call "reg erase"?

    << Yes. All you say above seems to indicate it deals about the CEDB problem. Did you code in .NET? I never saw this problem under c++ coded applications.

    >> Or is there a possibillity that there are registry entries that also lead to this problem?

    << Not to my knowledge. But you never know ... .

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Yes, all our software was made in .NET, CF2 and CF3.

    My first tests definitly result in duplicate entries that are removed by your exe.

    The interessting part is that we have not only duplicates of "repllog.exe" but also "TouchCalibrate.exe".

    Why TouchCalibrate would be called during the startup, I honestly cannot tell.

  • >> Why TouchCalibrate would be called during the startup, I honestly cannot tell.

    << Think it is the same as "repllog" it is somewhre hindden in the .NET libraries.

    Mybe it would be a good idea to check the complete CEDB, as far as I remenber my samle checks only one or two data bases.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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  • Doesn't the sample check through data bases until it does not find any new ones? Or am I missinterpreting the code? I am not so experienced in c++ programming.

    Is there the possibilty to check the CEDBs from the devices explorer itself, or code only?

  • >> Is there the possibilty to check the CEDBs from the devices explorer itself, or code only?

    << No, from explorer it is not possible. Maybe there exist third party SW but i do not know such a program. You may search the www.

    >> Doesn't the sample check through data bases until it does not find any new ones?

    << Yes but is does not check and delete it is only done for DB notify. Sorry you have to check it by yourself, refer "// TODO: check next DB ..." in code.

    But maybe you do not need this at all. The DBs are located under ffsdisk\documents and setting with file attribute hidden (as far as i remenber). If you run the sample application after each reboot and nothing grows after serveral reboots to empty DB notify should be enought.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • >>Yes but is does not check and delete it is only done for DB notify.

    <<Are there any potential problems, that lead to the way this was done in the sample? Are there any averse effects if we delete duplicates from the other DBs?

    >>The DBs are located under ffsdisk\documents and setting with file attribute hidden (as far as i remenber).

    <<Should I be able to see these files if i set the Folder options to display hidden files and folders?

    >>If you run the sample application after each reboot and nothing grows after serveral reboots to empty DB notify should be enought.

    <<How am I able to check the directory size on winCe? Or do I need a winCe pro kernel for that?

    Thank you for your help

  • Hello,

    maybe you can privide me more details by following action (it was a long time ago since i work on this issue):

    >>Should I be able to see these files if i set the Folder options to display hidden files and folders?

    << Yes, just try. Check all three options!

    >> How am I able to check the directory size on winCe? Or do I need a winCe pro kernel for that?

    << Assume you should see the DBs it in the explorer as file (*.vol). Did you try it? Threr are not much files and filder under "Documents and settings".

    >> Are there any potential problems, that lead to the way this was done in the sample? Are there any averse effects if we delete duplicates from the other DBs?

    << Hm, sorry i can't answer this. I don't know anthing about your application and enviroment.

    It may be dangerous because you "write" to Flash without any feedback to the user.

    But what optins do you have when CEDB grows? You may decide if it is better to delete it after eache reboot or wait until you have X-fold multiple entries? Maybe you can also prompt the user to not power off ... .

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • >>Assume you should see the DBs it in the explorer as file (*.vol). Did you try it? Threr are not much files and filder under "Documents and settings".

    <<Ah this is where I went wrong. i was expecting a file in the line of .cedb or otherwise. Yes a .vol file exists and I can check its size.

    I can also see that the exe does reduce the size of the file. But it seems like the call of "CeFlushDBVol" is indeed needed. Since a restart pretty much removes all changes.

    Is there a possibillity that you can forward me the old project of the CEDB_cleaner (if it still exists)? Since I am currently struggeling to get my own project with the mentioned change up and running. (As I have already mentioned, I am not really versed in c++ development)

    Worst case scenario, we need to add the cleaner to the Launch options of our devices to clear the db on start. (But I would really like to keep the changes after a restart)

    Thanks for the help

  • Hello,

    attached the project. Only platform included is PicoCOM4.

    >> Since I am currently struggeling to get my own project with the mentioned change up and running. (As I have already mentioned, I am not really versed in c++ development)

    << I think it is more easy to create a simple console application project with your SDK and copy the code in it.



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    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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