Problems with mkimage to create a install.scr

  • Hi,

    I have some problems using the mkimage to create a install.scr file for armstone a9r2.

    When I am using the install.scr from the sdcard-fsimx6-B2020.04.tar.bz2 file all is working.
    But when I copy the content of it and create a new install.scr from it, its not working anymore.
    Here is what the serial outputs:

    I am using the following to create the .scr file:

    mkimage -A arm -O u-boot -T script -C none -n "F&S install script" -d test.txt install.scr

    I used different mkimage tools also the one which was created with u-boot, but nothing is working.

    Has anyone a idea what I make wrong?

    Thanks in advance

  • Hello,

    did you copy the content of install.scr or install.txt?

    Also, did you try to use the install.txt file from the source/ directory of the release directly to create the install.scr?

    There might be some special characters in your test.txt that lead to this behavior.

    Your F&S Support Team