I have a new armStoneMX8MP Starterkit, with its custom Yocto Kirkstone OS. I just wanted to flash an image with the same OS but some additional configuration settings, so I rebuilt the kernel and created a new Image.bin.
Problem is that my armStone never sent anything by serial, even when booting. I followed the instructions (connect serial cable to my PC and start minicom at /dev/ttyUSB0 with 115200 baudrate), but never received anything.
At that point, I just plugged an screen, keyboard and mouse and a USB Driver with my new Image.bin file. Then I mounted the boot partition mmcblk0p1 and substituted the Image.bin present there to Image_backup.bin (to avoid erasing it) and copied my new Image.bin. Now, when rebooting, nothing is displayed neither screen, ethernet, nothing.
Also, serial connection is still not communicating.
What should I do? Am I missing something with the serial? If I messed up with the Image, then I need the serial to enter U-Boot.