fsimx8ulp-Y2024.12-pre flashig emmc

  • I built yocto image of fsimx8ulp-Y2024.12-pre. But I can't flash the sysimg file to emmc.

    1. sudo ./uuu -b emmc_all ./fus-image-std-fsimx8ulp.sysimg
    2. uuu (Universal Update Utility) for nxp imx chips -- libuuu_1.5.182-0-gda3cd53
    3. Success 0 Failure 1
    4. 1:4-5BF0BB3B 1/ 1 [This wic have NOT terminate tag after ] SDPS: boot -scanterm -f ./fus-image-std-fsimx8ulp.sysimg -scanlimited 0x800000
    1. sudo ./uuu -b emmc_all ./u-boot.bin ./fus-image-std-fsimx8ulp.sysimg
    2. uuu (Universal Update Utility) for nxp imx chips -- libuuu_1.5.182-0-gda3cd53
    3. Success 0 Failure 1
    4. 1:4-5BF0BB3B 1/ 1 [HID(W): LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE (-4) ] SDPS: boot -scanterm -f ./u-boot.bin -scanlimited 0x800000
  • Hello Gordon ,

    unfortunately the `./uuu -b emmc_all` command will not work.

    The reason for this is that an individual board ID must be transferred when booting the NBOOT.

    The board ID determines which board configuration and DRAM parameters must be loaded for the specified board.

    Please use the recovery tool in the download area of the fsimx8ulp release.

    Documentation on how to use the tool is included in the recovery directory.

    Further information on updating the U-Boot and Nboot bootloader can also be found in the First-Steps documentation from chapter 3.2 in the release.

    I hope I was able to help you with this.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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