Posts by fs-support_ZU

    This sample demonstrates how to implement SIP and I2C devices. The example control a 16-fold IO chip (PCA9555D via I2C) and a FRAM (FM25L256 via SPI). Configuration of WCE registry is documented in the attached file "config.txt". Please also refer the data sheets PCA9555D, FM25L256 and atteched files spi-driver.txt and i2c-driver.txt.

    SPI.dll and I2C.dll are not a part of the standard software shipped with NetDCU StarterKit. We offer SPI and I2C interface as "add on". In case of interrest please contact our sales office (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->).



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    To run your application on startup you have to add the registry parameters LaunchXX and DependXX (XX is 00-99) under the key [HKLM\Init].

    LaunchXX defines the order that the module is started in. The value (string) specifies the name of the module to be started (e.g. "Launch80"="myprogram.exe")

    DependXX assigns a dependency that prevents the module from starting until another module is started. The value (hex) defines the hexadecimal number of the module that must be run before the defiened module is run.
    The entry for one module is two bytes long and you can specify more the one modules (e.g. "Depend80"=hex:14,00,1E,00 waits for modules defined in Launch20 and Launch30)

    The applications to wait for has to call SignalStarted().

    Please also refer MSDN online help "Configuring a Registry File to Run an Application at Startup".

    I suggest you have done some wrong WCE-Registry entries! In such a case it may be possible that the system does not start again (your serial boot output shows this). You have to reset the registry to delivery status by step into the bootloader and enter "R" (please refer NetDCU3_Bootloader.pdf). Now everything works regular.
    Then you have to reconfigure registry for LCD (use LB064V2.txt from CD!), network, ... .

    Alle Daten die im RAM liegen gehen nach dem Abschalten verloren. Der Order mit den Shortcuts (\windows\desktop) und MyDevice liegen im RAM!
    Es gibt zwei Lösungsansätze:
    1. Alle erforderlichen Werte in der WCE-Registy so konfigurieren, dass die Shortcuts von/auf \ffsdisk gelesen/geschrieben werden, oder
    2. die Shorcuts in \ffsdisk speichern und beim Systemstart über eine Stapelverarbeitungsdatei (rechtzeitig - bevor der Explorer startet) nach \windows\desktop kopieren.

    Das ist ein Eingang und kein Ausgang!
    Normalerweise lässt sich die Kontrastspannung über die Software einstellen (ca. 0...+30V bzw -30V). Mit Vext (Vext=0...+3.3V) kann dieser Kontrast über einen externen Poti geregelt werden. Dazu müssen allerdings HW-Jumper richtig gesetzt werden (siehe HW-Dokumentation)!

    Step into the bootloader (please refer NetDCU3_Bottloader.pdf). "h" gives a list of available commands. Type "O" to modifiy debug output configuration. In some software versions it is also necessary to set the value "Enabled" under [HKLM]\drivers\builtin\serial1 to "1".
    You can step into the bootloader all time - even debug output is disabled!

    It is also possible to start "ndcucfg.exe" on a telnet session to configure registry. Also "ndcucfg.exe" offers a command to set a sequence of ndcucfg-commands located in a text file. To do this type:

    1. ndcucfg -B<filename>

    The file may also located on a accessible remote computer.

    There are three posibilities to prevent user action on taskbar:

    1. Switch-off task by delete registry value under [HKLM]\Init for start explore.exe

    2. Hide taskbar by your own application, e.g. in C++ use:
    CWnd *pTaskBar;
    pTaskBar = FindWindow(_T("HHTaskBar"),NULL);

    3. Set taskbar attribute "Auto Hide" and disable attibute "Always on Top" (by right click on none icon area on taskbar ... )

    To rotate LCD content 90°, 180° or 270° set the registry value "Rotate" under the active display mode to the desired value.
    reg open \drivers\display\...\modeXXX
    reg set value Rotate dword 180
    reg save