Posts by jice

    hello, thank you for the response,
    i'have installed "Embedded Visual C++ (4.0)" and when i want create a new project all platform available are desactived and i can't create a new project. can you help me for resolve this problem
    best regards

    i've a netdcu8 board but i don't have the screen to view wince windows.
    do you have a solution for connect the board with my computer to view the same as the screen and for transfer a file of my computer to the board folder or in the sd card inserted on the board.

    best regards

    i've buy a netdcu8 board with wince 6.0 embedded and when i read the "first step" document, it indicate that to develop with wince, i must install embedded visual c++ and the "sdk netdcu8_sdk" kit, but when i try to instal the sdk, i've have a message indicate that i've not the native programming kit. i've try to install some other kit in download on the microsoft site but there is everything a problem with somes plugin that are necessary.

    Do you have a list and a complete procedure of modul and plugin that i have to install for developpment with wince 6.0

    best regards

    p.s.: the "first step " documentation indicate the procedure for wince5.0 but i've a wince6.0 embedded on my board.

    so, when i try to install the bsp on the "/opt/emlix/netdcu8" of my UBUNTU system, i've not the permission.
    I've unpack the files on the "/home" directory and it is accepted
    best regards

    Hello hall,
    I've read the NETDCU8.PDF file that explain the method to copy a file in the netdcu8 with ftpget command.
    The files and the ip adress of the remote host are correct but the ftpget command return a "connection refused" .
    Can you help me
    best regards


    Hello all,
    I've a netdcu8 board but i don't have a touch screen witih and i'd like to connect to the netdcu with a VNC connection in attemp to have the touch screen.
    Who can explain me the complete solution for do this
    Best regards

    I want to know the installation method of a VNC client on the target NETDCU8 to view the system on a vnc server.
    Best regards


    hello, i've probleme for install bsp on a ubuntu distribution of linux, because i d'ont have permission.
    It is possible to explain me the correct procedure for install with the good permission,best regard
