Posts by fsnetch

    Hallo Georg,

    I found some information in my link collection which may help you additionally. Look at

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    and download "Licensing Model for Windows CE Document" (Word-doc) for more information about this topic. It is quite good to find out what are the differences about Core and Professional Licence regarding to PB5's Catalog Items.

    Also you can look at

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    as an entry point for more information about AYGShell and a little of its "historical" background...


    thank you for your anser. I have some more question:

    What are the dependencies of MEMCFG and where should I insert the entry in Launch list? (Should it be in Launch40 for instance?)

    How can I find out which files and objects are attached into the RAM area at runtime (to estimate the potential need of storage memory)?

    I know that all files of my application normally are placed in RAM respectively Storage Memory (if they are not in the folders \FFSDISK, \Hard Disk and \Storage Card).

    I found out that the memory allocation and the use between Storage and Application Memory are differing, use of storage Memory was about 5% and application memory was about 80% while running a simple CF2-Application. This is a quite difficult situation because there is no swap disk or anything like that as known from desktop computers. While testing the OS behaviour when going near 100% use of application memory the system tried to change allocation rate, stopp application programs and then went to hang up, even the clock in system tray stopped. Of course, this was a hard test and should lead to extrem condition by intention. It showed me to be aware of memory use, and to have some reserves.

    I tried to change the system memory division on a PicoMOD1 using the registry entry "MemDivision" as described in the above, but it does not work. After booting I expected to find a changed allocation rate (40:60 for instance if I set MemDivision to 60) but it is always 50:50 regardless of what MemDivision value is set.

    If I run memcfg manually from command line it works well, I can set the allocation as I want it.

    After that I find the registry key "HKLM\System\MEMCFG\" but no entry value "MemDivision" exists.

    1. What is the reason why I can not influence the system memory divsion by registry?

    2. What is the recommended minimum size for the "Storage Memory" size in kB which should be always allocated?

    I try to use the sertest example from the CDROM with COM3 which was configured in RS485 mode using S1 and S2 as described in the documentation.
    But there is the problem, that the data bytes are not sent by IC4 and GPIO signal IO13 (which has to control RS485 transceiver direction) is always low.

    On the other it is hand possible (without having trouble) to receive data bytes sent to PicoMod device. Besides, my program works well with COM2 (RS232) in both directions.

    How can I make use of the RS485-Mode?
    Which settings do I have to make in the dcb structure (for flow control ...)?
    Are there any changes to be made in the registry or any additional driver necessary?
    Who (which driver part) is controlling GPIO-line IO13?