Good day,
we would like to run some tests on CAN-FD communication.
Is CAN-FD supported on the PicoMOD A9?
Is this merely a software change, or do we need to take note of certain changes during the buildroot build?
Best regards
Good day,
we would like to run some tests on CAN-FD communication.
Is CAN-FD supported on the PicoMOD A9?
Is this merely a software change, or do we need to take note of certain changes during the buildroot build?
Best regards
Good day,
i am trying to configure the mtdparts of my PicoModA9 during the Buildroot procedure.
In theory the partitons should be set from DeviceTree. Correct?
But I can't seem to find the definition in the DeviceTree files.
The files used for the DeviceTree should be:
But I do not find any references to the standard mtd partitions, like described here:…D_Howto#Booting_from_NAND
Best regards
thanks for the help.
Do you also have a suggestion on how to run a script on startup?
For example, I wish to save a boot script in one of my mtdpartitions and run it on startup.
Would I just overwrite the bootcmd environment variable? Or is there a better way to do that?
Best regards
Good day,
I managed to get a basic A/B Partition update procedure up and running with swupdate.
Now I have some questions for F&S about the UBOOT.
best regards
Hi Stefan,
Thanks for your help.
I started testing rauc and swupdate with our PicoMODA9.
Are there any suggestions on how I would go about handling a Single-Copy / Asymmetric/Recovery pattern approach with UBOOT? (from the side of F&S)
Do I need to make changes to the F&S UBOOT for startups in my recovery/update partition? Or can this be handled otherwise?
How does the UBOOT choose which partition to mount?
Best regards
Good day,
are there any suggestions for third party OTA update tools, on embedded devices from F&S.
Are there tools you have expierience with, for image based updates?
best regards
Good day,
any info on this?
best regards
Good day
During tests with our PicoMod, we stumbled upon the "2k38 problem" with the 32-bit signed time under Linux.
The problem entails that the time wraps around to 1900 on a certain point in time in Jan. 2038 since the time variable of Linux overflows.
Our devices are expected to run for a duration of 20 years upwards and would therefore run into this problem.
Is there a way to circumvent this problem with the current buildroot build?
best regards
>>Assume you should see the DBs it in the explorer as file (*.vol). Did you try it? Threr are not much files and filder under "Documents and settings".
<<Ah this is where I went wrong. i was expecting a file in the line of .cedb or otherwise. Yes a .vol file exists and I can check its size.
I can also see that the exe does reduce the size of the file. But it seems like the call of "CeFlushDBVol" is indeed needed. Since a restart pretty much removes all changes.
Is there a possibillity that you can forward me the old project of the CEDB_cleaner (if it still exists)? Since I am currently struggeling to get my own project with the mentioned change up and running. (As I have already mentioned, I am not really versed in c++ development)
Worst case scenario, we need to add the cleaner to the Launch options of our devices to clear the db on start. (But I would really like to keep the changes after a restart)
Thanks for the help
>>Yes but is does not check and delete it is only done for DB notify.
<<Are there any potential problems, that lead to the way this was done in the sample? Are there any averse effects if we delete duplicates from the other DBs?
>>The DBs are located under ffsdisk\documents and setting with file attribute hidden (as far as i remenber).
<<Should I be able to see these files if i set the Folder options to display hidden files and folders?
>>If you run the sample application after each reboot and nothing grows after serveral reboots to empty DB notify should be enought.
<<How am I able to check the directory size on winCe? Or do I need a winCe pro kernel for that?
Thank you for your help
Doesn't the sample check through data bases until it does not find any new ones? Or am I missinterpreting the code? I am not so experienced in c++ programming.
Is there the possibilty to check the CEDBs from the devices explorer itself, or code only?
Yes, all our software was made in .NET, CF2 and CF3.
My first tests definitly result in duplicate entries that are removed by your exe.
The interessting part is that we have not only duplicates of "repllog.exe" but also "TouchCalibrate.exe".
Why TouchCalibrate would be called during the startup, I honestly cannot tell.
Ok, thanks for the info, I will run some tests with the exe provided.
Another question regarding this problem:
As I have already stated, a registry erase also fixes the problem.
Are the CEDB entries or files also removed, when I call "reg erase"?
Or is there a possibillity that there are registry entries that also lead to this problem?
best regards
that already sounds interessting.
I assume the debug output mentioned in the linked thread, would be COM1 on PicoMOD7A?
best regards
Good day,
we have a problem with our WCE6 devices (PicoMOD7A and NetDCU8) and connection via ActiveSync (Windows Mobile Device Center).
We are accessing the device data of older devices, at site, via this method. (No ethernet connectivity configured. sadly.)
The problem is that some devices, can not be connected to with ActiveSync. The WMDC just shows a connecting circle and does not proceed, or it shows a connected state for less than a second and terminates the connection instantly.
The curious thing is that once we reset the registry the connection works flawlessly again. Reapplying our registry settings has no effect on the connectivity state. (The devices are also partially setup with ActiveSync during production)
Sadly we cannot reapply the entire registry at site, for various reasons.
The error seems to develope after a certain amount of device restarts. (Power off, power on)
These restarts are over many years, without any USB- connections or otherwise.
Do you know about any problems with WCE and ActiveSync that might lead to this?
Are there any registry keys we might be able to check? (Since it seems like there is something, that goes wrong with the registry here)
Best regards
Good day,
I have a question about the SD-card pins of the PicoMOD.
Are the on board microSD and the SD-Card pins on the J1 connector, connected in any way?
Or does the PicoMOD offer 2 SD-Card interfaces? One on-board and one to be wired to the connector?
Best regards
Good day,
i had to reinstall one of the 64bit packages, but now the build is working as intended.
The only problem now is that the root filesystem seems to exceed the maximum size, but I guess I should be able to tweak that to get a working system.
Thanks for the help
Good day,
EDIT: I most likely applied the patch wrong. I will test a build and delete this post if that is the case.
EDIT2: Ok I still have the same problem as discribed below.
Currently, I am running tests on QT, but I have problems building the qt5webengine package in buildroot_B2019.08, while running on the F&S Development VM.
I have added the toolchain fix referenced here: Build error of package QtWebEngine with new release fsimx6-B2019.08
On the first try for make I got the following error:
QuoteYour Buildroot configuration needs a compiler capable of building 32 bits binaries.
If you're running a Debian/Ubuntu distribution, install the gcc-multilib package.
For other distributions, refer to their documentation.
make[1]: *** [support/dependencies/ dependencies] Error 1
make: *** [Makefile:84: _all]
I fixed this problem by installing the following packages: glibc-devel.i686 and libstdc++-devel.i686. Please tell me if these were a wrong options, since I am not quite sure those are correct for a PicoModA9.
After installing these packages the build can start like expected, but I get the following error when the build reaches qt5webengine:
QuoteDisplay More>>> qt5webengine 5.12.2 Building
PATH="/home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/host/bin:/home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/host/sbin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/arm/fs-toolchain-8.3-armv7ahf/bin:/home/developer/.local/bin:/home/developer/bin:/usr/local/arm/fs-toolchain-8.3-armv7ahf/bin" PATH=/home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/build/qt5webengine-5.12.2/host-bin:"/home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/host/bin:/home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/host/sbin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/arm/fs-toolchain-8.3-armv7ahf/bin:/home/developer/.local/bin:/home/developer/bin:/usr/local/arm/fs-toolchain-8.3-armv7ahf/bin" NINJAFLAGS="-j5" GN_PKG_CONFIG_HOST=/home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/build/qt5webengine-5.12.2/host-bin/host-pkg-config /usr/bin/make -j5 -C /home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/build/qt5webengine-5.12.2
cd src/ && ( test -e Makefile /home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/host/bin/qmake -o Makefile /home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/build/qt5webengine-5.12.2/src/ WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_system_ffmpeg ) && /usr/bin/make -f Makefile
cd buildtools/ && ( test -e Makefile /home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/host/bin/qmake -o Makefile /home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/build/qt5webengine-5.12.2/src/buildtools/ WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_system_ffmpeg ) && /usr/bin/make -f Makefile
cd webengine/ui/ && ( test -e Makefile /home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/host/bin/qmake -o Makefile /home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/build/qt5webengine-5.12.2/src/webengine/ui/ WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_system_ffmpeg ) && /usr/bin/make -f Makefile
cd webengine/ui2/ && ( test -e Makefile /home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/host/bin/qmake -o Makefile /home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/build/qt5webengine-5.12.2/src/webengine/ui2/ WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_system_ffmpeg ) && /usr/bin/make -f Makefile
/home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/host/bin/qmake -install qinstall qmldir ../../../qml/QtWebEngine/Controls2Delegates/qmldir
( test -e Makefile.configure_host /home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/host/bin/qmake -o Makefile.configure_host /home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/build/qt5webengine-5.12.2/src/buildtools/ WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_system_ffmpeg ) && /usr/bin/make -f Makefile.configure_host
( test -e /home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/host/bin/qmake -o /home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/build/qt5webengine-5.12.2/src/buildtools/ WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_system_ffmpeg ) && /usr/bin/make -f
/home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/host/bin/qmake -install qinstall qmldir ../../../qml/QtWebEngine/Controls1Delegates/qmldir
bootstrapping ninja...
make[5]: Nothing to be done for 'first'.
( test -e Makefile.configure_target /home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/host/bin/qmake -o Makefile.configure_target /home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/build/qt5webengine-5.12.2/src/buildtools/ WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_system_ffmpeg ) && /usr/bin/make -f Makefile.configure_target
make[5]: Nothing to be done for 'first'.
warning: A compatible version of re2c (>= 0.11.3) was not found; changes to src/* will not affect your build.
bootstrap complete. rebuilding...
[26/26] LINK ninja
make[5]: Nothing to be done for 'first'.
( test -e /home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/host/bin/qmake -o /home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/build/qt5webengine-5.12.2/src/buildtools/ WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_system_ffmpeg ) && /usr/bin/make -f
[172/172] LINK gn
c++ -O3 -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-strip-all -static-libstdc++ -Wl,--as-needed -o gn -Wl,--start-group tools/gn/gn_main.o base.a gn_lib.a -Wl,--end-group -ldl -lpthread
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Project ERROR: GN build error!
Makefile:98: recipe for target 'sub-gn-pro-make_first' failed
make[4]: *** [sub-gn-pro-make_first] Error 3
Makefile:54: recipe for target 'sub-buildtools-make_first' failed
make[3]: *** [sub-buildtools-make_first] Error 2
Makefile:48: recipe for target 'sub-src-make_first' failed
make[2]: *** [sub-src-make_first] Error 2
package/ recipe for target '/home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/build/qt5webengine-5.12.2/.stamp_built' failed
make[1]: *** [/home/developer/fsimx6-B2019.08/build/buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08/output/build/qt5webengine-5.12.2/.stamp_built] Error 2
Makefile:84: recipe for target '_all' failed
make: *** [_all] Error 2
[developer@localhost buildroot-2019.05.1-fsimx6-B2019.08]$
I would be glad, if you could show me in the right direction to fix this problem.
Best regards
Indeed, seems like a refresh of the reference card hast worked.
Thank you
Best regards
Thank, I appreciate the help.
But are you sure the new reference card is the correct one? I am having a hard time seeing any differences to the old reference card.
For example Pin 29 is still GPIO1_IO05 and /sys/class/gpio/gpio5.
Or am I checking the wrong file? It should be under Documents --> PicoMODA9 - Linux yes?
best regards