Posts by al12559



    Can you adjust keyboard layout using taskbar, save registry and then reboot. Are the settings persit?

    (1) If I change using the taskbar icon from DE to EN, save the registry, reboot, I still find DE as current setting.
    (2) If I use Settings => Control panel => Regional and language settings => Input Language to switch from DE to EN, the setting is persistent.
    (3) The method to change

    1. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Keyboard Layout\Preload:Default="00000407"]


    1. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Keyboard Layout\Preload:Default="00000409"]

    , save registry and reboot still does not work.



    are you able to save any entry under HKCU?

    Yes, I am, in HKCU as well as in HKLM..


    Do you use latest kernel?

    I use kernel V-1.03. I had tried kernel V-1.04 and V-1.05 which led to serious malfunctions so that I returned to the last known good version. I will give V-1.07 a try.
    BTW: What does the prefix "XIP" in "XIPNKPC4_CORE_CF35_120416" mean? Can it be used on PicoCOM4 just as the previous versions?


    André Lehmann

    Hello all,

    I want to switch between the keyboard layouts for German (0x407) and English (0x409) from my application.
    Which registry setting has to be modified?
    I tried the NetDCU approach given in…111&hilit=keyboard+layout but it does not seem to work with PicoCOM4:
    To switch from English to German, I replaced HKCU\Keyboard Layout\Preload\Default="00000409" by "00000407" and saved registry. After reboot I found the value to be "00000409" again, and the current layout was still English.

    Thank you in advance for a timely response.

    André Lehmann


    Did you try InternetExplorer or Command Shell for example, same behavior?

    I tried the Windows Explorer and did not observe the FTP server disconnecting. So it works for now.
    On the other hand, FileZilla is a tool well-known for stability and adherence to standards. it remains unclear why it receives the disconnection message (it never actively disconnects except on user request).

    I successfully installed the FTP server


    on PicoCOM4.
    Now I wonder what the FTPD related registry parameters mean.
    Especially I want to prevent the FTP server from disconnecting automatically which it obviously does shortly after a file transfer.
    Is there a setting to do this?
    On the PC side I use the FTP client FileZilla.

    When I inspect settings at Start=>Settings=>Control Panel=>Date/Time on my PicoCOM4,
    time zone is set to "(GMT+01:00)",
    The option "Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving" is checked (both settings are permanent and survive a reboot).
    Date and time are set correctly as well, a RTC battery is inserted..

    But there was no change after Mar 25.
    What could have prevented it?

    As the card is mounted deep inside an instrument I hesitated to first check the card .
    I was fooled by the startup statement

    1. HSMMC: Card inserted!

    which I took for an indication that the driver recognised an inserted card.
    Can you comment on this message? It appears in both cases: card inserted or not inserted.
    The SD card turned out to have become defective (during normal operation without any unload/load operation).

    I use the kernel 1.03 (Nov 8, 2011). A SD card is attached to my device controlled by PicoCOM4.
    Until last week the SD card was working fine. Now - without any modification - it cannot be accessed as "SDCard" anymore.
    On the contrary, the startup output states as it used to do before

    1. HSMMC: Version 1.0, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\18
    2. HSMMC: Card inserted!

    Do you have any idea?
    Thank you in advance

    How can I install both PicoCOM2 and PicoCOM4 SDKs on one computer using VisualStudio 2008?
    Depending on the project I need one or the other.

    If I try to install PicoCOM2 after PicoCOM4 SDK, I only have the option to modify, repair or remove PicoCOM4 SDK.
    After I installed PicoCOM4 SDK I cannot open VS2008 projects that use the PicoCOM2 SDK anymore.
    Consequently I cannot replace the PicoCOM2 SDK dependency with one on PicoCOM4 SDK.

    What steps do you propose?

    Thank you.
    I would recommend to include this information in a <readme.txt> file accompanying the <picocom4_sdk_v101.msi> file as it appears to be a systematic error.

    How can I install both PicoCOM2 and PicoCOM4 SDKs on one computer?
    Depending on the project I need one or the other.

    If I try to install PicoCOM2 after PicoCOM4 SDK, I only have the option to modify, repair or remove PicoCOM4 SDK.
    After I installed PicoCOM4 SDK I cannot open VS2008 projects that use the PicoCOM2 SDK. Consequently I cannot replace the PicoCOM2 SDK dependency with one on PicoCOM4 SDK.


    after I downloaded <picocom4_sdk_v101.msi> I tried to install it in VS2008 on Windows7(32).
    Installation failed with two messages:

    1. ToolsMsmCA(Error): IHxFilters filter registration failure:
    2. Err = 0x80040305, Context = pFilters->SetNamespace(Namespace)


    1. ToolsMsmCA(Error): IHxRegisterSession transaction failure:
    2. Err = 0x8004036f, pRegSession->CommitTransaction()

    After that installation is rolled back.
    How can I overcome this?


    Even after setting the recommended value PenUpDebounce to 0 I observe the same behaviour:
    - Precision of touch panel coordinate recognition is much too low.
    - The corresponding mouse cursor [I use one of the PicoCOM4 kernels that DOES support a mouse cursor] jumps to positions far away from the recently pressed touch panel coordinates.
    I set the touchpanel driver parameter Debug to 4 and go a list of the available settings.
    What do the following undocumented settings mean, and what are valid values?

    1. TCHPDD: Debounce = 0x0 (Default)
    2. TCHPDD: DebounceJitter = 0x3 (Default)
    3. TCHPDD: PenUpDebounce = 0x0

    My current settings are

    A touch panel "double-click" is never intended or evaluated in my application.

    With the current kernel version V1.03, 111108 the mouse cursor is still missing.
    What could be the reason for it?
    Under which conditions did you observe the problem had been solved?
    Can you see anything wrong in my serial debug output on booting?


    Cursor now also is working in PRO kernel image.

    Unfortunately I cannot confirm.
    I installed the new kernel image on PicoCOM4 (Starter Kit mainboard), verified the EnableCursor=1 value. But situation is the same as before:
    No mouse cursor, but left-click or right-click at the invisible cursor position yields the desired action.

    (As I do not know whether I will finally get an answer in an older thread "How to enable mouse cursor on PicoCOM4?" I feel forced to open a new thread.)
    When I use the kernel image NKPC4_PRO_CF35_111006, a mouse cursor will never be displayed, regardless of the setting in

    1. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\Display\LCD\Mode150]EnableCursor= 0 | 1

    This behavior is shown on both the starter kit and my custom mainboard. On the other hand, this setting has the correct effect on both the mainboards, when I use another current PicoCOM4 kernel image.

    As I have to use a HTML browser it is important for me to get the said kernel version up and running. And at least as long as you develop it is no fun to lack a mouse cursor - not speaking of system setting dialog windows that do not fit into small screens and cannot be operated without a mouse.

    Did you look into this issue already?

    Can you confirm that the kernel NKPC4_PRO_CF35_111006.bin does not display a mouse cursor at all while the other versions permit to show/hide the cursor? I observed these differences using two display types (Hitachi and Glyn) quite reproducibly.