Posts by eb7dzp


    I'm trying to configure the Wi-Fi connection on picoCOM4 but i can't see the whole window because the screen resolution is smaller than the window size. There's a hidden part of the window....where i guess it will be more configuration parameters. Is there any way to drag the window to see the bottom of the windows? I can move horizontally, but not vertically.

    Thank you in advanced.


    Ãlvaro Ladrón de Guevara

    Good morning,

    I'm trying to record sound but when I build the project, I get the folowing errors:

    1>picocom_DialogBoxDlg.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol waveInGetDevCapsW referenced in function "private: unsigned int __cdecl Cpicocom_DialogBoxDlg::FillDevices(void)" (?FillDevices@Cpicocom_DialogBoxDlg@@AAAIXZ)
    1>picocom_DialogBoxDlg.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mmioCreateChunk referenced in function "private: void __cdecl Cpicocom_DialogBoxDlg::OpenDevice(void)" (?OpenDevice@Cpicocom_DialogBoxDlg@@AAAXXZ)
    1>picocom_DialogBoxDlg.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mmioClose referenced in function "private: void __cdecl Cpicocom_DialogBoxDlg::CloseDevice(void)" (?CloseDevice@Cpicocom_DialogBoxDlg@@AAAXXZ)
    1>picocom_DialogBoxDlg.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mmioAscend referenced in function "private: void __cdecl Cpicocom_DialogBoxDlg::CloseDevice(void)" (?CloseDevice@Cpicocom_DialogBoxDlg@@AAAXXZ)
    1>picocom_DialogBoxDlg.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol waveInGetErrorTextW referenced in function "private: class ATL::CStringT<wchar_t,class StrTraitMFC<wchar_t,class ATL::ChTraitsOS<wchar_t> > > __cdecl Cpicocom_DialogBoxDlg::StoreError(unsigned int,int,wchar_t const *,...)" (?StoreError@Cpicocom_DialogBoxDlg@@AAA?AV?$CStringT@_WV?$StrTraitMFC@_WV?$ChTraitsOS@_W@ATL@@@@@ATL@@IHPB_WZZ)
    1>PicoCOM4 (ARMV4I)\Debug\picocom_DialogBox.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 5 unresolved externals

    I've seen that the picocom4_sdk_v101 file doesn't include the winmm.lib and the header file mmsystem.h doesn't contain either all the functions I need (i.e: mmioRead, mmioWrite, mmioOpen, mmioCreate, mmioAscend, waveInGetDevCaps, waveInGetErrorText). Aren't these functions supported by picoCOM4? Could I copy the library from de Windows SDK directory to the PicoCOM4\Lib\ARMV4I directory? Is it possible to do that?

    An answer would be appreciated. Thank you.




    First of all, saying that I can run (Debug and Realese mode) the sample project in my computer because finally I've found Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2. Only I've needed to copy some headers from the newer versions. And it's working. For picocom...

    - You have already installed PicoCOM4 SDK (Strmiids is included)?

    Yes, I've installed picoCOM4 SDK in my computer and it's including strmiids.lib file. This is the path:

    C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\wce600\PicoCOM4\Lib\ARMV4I

    - You can select PicoCOM4 SDK in VS2005?

    Yes. I've created a Win32 Smart Device Project. Then I've selected Console Application and finally the corresponding device (PicoCOM4 (ARMV4I)) that appears in the middle of the window on VS2005, close to debug mode (Debug or Release). In addition, I link the project to Strmiids.lib file that is included in the previous path, and I add an include path to DShow.h header (necessary for this application) in the following path:

    C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\wce600\PicoCOM4\Include\Armv4i

    - You can deploy the samlpe project "how to play a file" for PicoCOM4?

    No. Two errors appear to me when I compile the whole project. These are the messages:

    1>corelibc.lib(mainwcrt.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol wmain referenced in function "void __cdecl mainCRTStartupHelper(struct HINSTANCE__ *,unsigned short const *)" (?mainCRTStartupHelper@@YAXPAUHINSTANCE__@@PBG@Z)
    1>PicoCOM4 (ARMV4I)\Debug/PlayAudioPicocom.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

    Only two questions:

    1) How can I resolve these errors?
    2) Do the references to DShow.h and Strmiids.lib files have to be allocated in the picocom ARM path or in the Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2 path? I suppose that the first option is the good one.

    Thank you in advanced.


    Yes, I installed the "picoMOD4 core sdk.msi" some months ago, and is working with other applications. I've found the Strmiids.lib file in a subfolder too, so I don't need to download a SDK for ARM. I already have it!

    My question is, where could I find a SDK version compatible with VS2005 and Windows 7 platform? Because if I can't link the application, I won't be able to debug it, whether by the picoCOM or by the computer.

    If is not possible to do what i'm trying to explain, what is the way to play and record using the I/O ports?

    Thank you in advanced.


    First of all, I don't have any SDK version for ARM. I have the 6.0A, 7.0A and 7.1 versions...I've downloaded one from the web (ARM 4.0 SDK) but is not including the Strmiids.lib file.

    Otherwise, I can't compile the VS2005 project in my computer, not in the PicoCOM. So maybe I would resolve this problem first. If the project runs on the PC, the next step would be connect the device (PicoCOM) and debug.

    You've said "to your PicoMOD4 SDK". Where's that? Because I can't find it on the directories...



    Good morning,

    I'm trying to do the example "How to Play a File" in VS2005 but it gives me the error "strmiids.lib(strmiids.obj) : fatal error LNK1103: debugging information corrupt; recompile module". I've linked the corresponding library so the error comes because I don't have installed the latest SDK compatible version for VS2005. This version is Windows Server 2003 Platform SDK and for some reason I can't install it on Windows 7. Any suggestion?

    Then I've tried to prove the example on VS2010 with SDk 7.1 and it works perfectly, but picoCOM needs an application debugged on VS2005...

    Thank you in advanced.



    I need to use the I/O Audio ports for an application, and it would be very useful if you know what applications are compatible with the picoCOM4 kernel. For the player i've found an application called CorePlayer and it is working properly because it permits me to play .mp3 and .wav files. However for the recorder, is very difficult for me to find this application. I've tried to install a lot of programs that I've found on the web, but anyone of them is compatible with picoCOM.

    Specifically, i need to play a 44100Hz signal through the Output ports (with CorePlayer), and then recovery it (the signal is going to be processed) in the Input ports (with some application i hope you know).

    Thank you in advanced,


    The C shared library is created from a MATLAB project that is compiled using the Visual Studio 2005 compiler (it's configured with the command 'mbuild -setup'). Then, the project has to be built on MATLAB and finally some .lib files are generated...(i guess these files have to be included in the path of the VS2005 project).

    I don't know if this procedure that MATLAB follows is internal or not. The fact is that the C shared library is created.

    I've found an example on VS2010 where a MFC application uses a MATLAB function previously compiled. After that is necessary to generate a setup file (.exe) with the corresponding .dll files, and put them into picoCOM4. The installation fail.

    However, this example is done on VS2010 and we want to work with VS2005 that is more compatible with picoCOM4. Is there any way to do this procedure work on VS2005?

    Thank you in advanced.

    Ãlvaro Ladrón de Guevara

    I have some questions related to picoCOM4 which we have just bought including the StarterKit. We are developing an application in which we need to load a MATLAB project (the .m file include Digital Signal Processing like FFT and PSD). This project is going to be compile and debug on Visual Studio 2005 (Visual C++ specifically). Is that possible? That is, is possible to load in picoCOM an application that firstly has been done in MATLAB (creating a C shared library), or maybe we need to translate all the source code from MATLAB to C++?

    Another question is about the SD-Card maximum size. Can I use any size SD-card or is there a limitation?

    Thank you in advanced.

    Ãlvaro Ladrón de Guevara


    I have some questions related to picoCOM4 which we have just bought including the StarterKit. We are developing an application in which we need to load a MATLAB project (the .m file include Digital Signal Processing like FFT and PSD). This project is going to be compile and debug on Visual Studio 2005 (Visual C++ specifically). Is that possible? That is, is possible to load in picoCOM an application that firstly has been done in MATLAB (creating a C shared library), or maybe we need to translate all the source code from MATLAB to C++?

    Another question is about the SD-Card maximum size. Can I use any size SD-card or is there a limitation?

    Thank you in advanced.

    Ãlvaro Ladrón de Guevara

    Hello I'm working with PicoCOM4 and the starterkit and I need to do an application to change two pins (one output, one input) from starterkit's IOPins (26 pins). But I have some problems because I do the example of "PicoCOM4 Device Driver" 2.1.1. to put the IO-Pin 12 as input, and I can't find the "NI2C" the I2C driver registry key. I find "I2CInt" and "I2C1" and none have the value "flags" to disable I2C driver. And I'm not sure what pins are staterkit 21 (SDA) and 22 (SCL) to do the measures.

    any ideas?


    best regards