Posts by fs-support_MK

    There was an issue with register shadowing that sometimes caused invalid values when reading from a DIO port. We have fixed this issue (0001297) in the DIO driver which will be available in the next kernel release (approx. 2 weeks).

    Is your smtp client DLL accessiable generally? have you already tried to import the DLL from C/C++?

    We are currently working on a SMTP client implentation for our boards, that will released within this week for PicoCOM4. This may also include a SSH server.

    For Q1 2013 we expect a huge update for Windows Embedded Compact (WEC7 that will also include a newer version of CompactFramework. Currently it is not fully cleared which development environment will be supported by this OS version.

    If you are currently evaluating which VS verion you should use for your Windows CE/EC application development here is our recommendation:
    As VS2005 is resticed in debug possibilites for .NET applications and also does not include support for an easy development of silverlight applications we currently recommend using VS2008 Professional version.

    It looks like the AudioCapture and SmartTee filters are not included in the current PicoCOM4 Pro kernel image. It is not possible (easily) to add these filters subsequently. We will take a deeper look at this issue and schedule these features for the next release. We will inform you in this thread.

    BTW: Here is a list of all filters that are available for Windows CE 6.
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... mbedded.60</a><!-- m -->)

    Sorry - there was a typo in my previous post. It should be columns instead of cols. FullHD should work poroperly with following settngs:.

    1. reg open \drivers\display\lcd\mode17
    2. reg set val columns dword 1920
    3. reg set val PPL dword 1920
    4. reg set val rows dword 1080
    5. reg set val LPP dword 1080
    6. reg save

    This will work generall, but as driving this huge resolution on primary display interface might produces unnecessary system utilization in your application it will be a advisable to reduce this system threshold. In simplest case by reducing framerate for example.
    I will discuss this with my college anyway and inform you in this thread.

    I am not sure but I think the primary surface size is defined by the primary display driver. Therefore you may need to adapt the display settings in registry under [HKLM\Drivers\Display\LCD].

    1. [HKLM\Drivers\Display\LCD\mode17]
    2. PPL=dword:1920
    3. cols=dword:1920
    4. LPP=dword:1080
    5. rows=dword:1080

    I have tried this currently without success. It might be possible that the resolution for the primary display driver is limited. I have forwarded your request to the responsible developer that will be available at next week.

    Please try to link against uuid.lib .

    To configure the command processor shell on windows CE to run over a serial connection add the following to your registry:

    1. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\Console]
    2. OutputTo = REG_DWORD:1 ;COM1
    3. COMSpeed = REG_DWORD:38400 ;38400 Baud

    Here is the corresonding ndcucfg script

    1. reg open \Drivers\Console
    2. reg set val OutputTo dword 1
    3. reg set val COMSpeed dword 38400
    4. reg save

    When starting a command window the next time (cmd.exe) in- and output will be prompted on the specified serial line.

    BTW: You might use the ndcucfg command "start cmd" to run the command shell if now display is available.

    We will realse the kernel image today. You may subscribe the PicoCOM4 RSS feed to get informed directly when the kernel is available in download area:
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