1) Why isn't there a kernel with CF3.5 and RTC? I have to go back to CF2.0 for RTC which disables some functionality from CF3.5.
I think the intention was to keep the kernel image small as CF3.5 compared to CF2.0 requires a little more kernel disk space. If you are interesed in a kernel image that features CF3.5 and RTC(VOIP) we offer the possiblity to create a custom kernel image for you. Please contact our sales department for more information (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:sales@fs-net.de">sales@fs-net.de</a><!-- e -->).
2) The latest kernel in CF2.0 RTC is not loadable because he is > 16MB. So i have to use the 2nd last kernel and some IO is not doing.
I think it is possible to repartitioning to get more space but i dont wanna do this with every board and it is critical.
Could you specify in more detail what exactly is the probelm with IOs in the last kernel image? There is no known issue regarding IOs on PicoCOM1 on the last kernel image.
To repartition the flash automatotacilly it is possible using a PSD file that includes custom bootloader settings with USBLoader. If you are interested in this solution we could offer you detailed information how to arrange this.
3) I use the loadable 2nd last CF2.0 RTC kernel. But it is not possible to instanciate the RTCClient.
I do CoInitializeEx and CoCreateInstance and get an error result that the class is not registered when i step through.
I have installed the SDK and tried this in managed and in native and it does not work.
Also i can't find rtcdll.dll or any rtc*.dll on the PicoCOM1 even with the CF2.0 RTC kernel.
The entry in the registry HKCR/CLSID/{7a42ea29-a2b7-40c4-b091-f6f024aa89be} for RTC is also missing.
Is there something to do before using RTC with the RTC-kernel? start some service or so?
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We need to verify this in more detail. Maybe there really is something wrong with the latest kernel image.