Posts by swent

    Hello i dont found informations to the registry settings for Display

    is it possible to use the same settings as on the NETDCU8 ?

    for NETDCU8 settinge are:

    reg open \drivers\display\Samsung
    reg create key mode100
    reg set value name string "Evervision VGG322426"
    reg set value EFW dword 4
    reg set value BFW dword 18
    reg set value msignal dword 2
    reg set value rows dword 240
    reg set value LPP dword 240
    reg set value width dword 115
    reg set value height dword 86
    reg set value contrastenable dword 0
    reg set value contrastvalue dword 0
    reg set value type dword 6
    reg set value config dword 0x00600000
    reg set value columns dword 320
    reg set value PPL dword 320
    reg set value HSW dword 38
    reg set value bpp dword 16
    reg set value lcdclk dword 6
    reg set value VSW dword 8
    reg set value BLW dword 68
    reg set value ELW dword 20
    reg set value EnableCursor dword 0
    display mode set 100
    reg save
    reboot hardware

    but there is no Key "Display\Samsung\"

    The System is CE6.0



    where do i store the web-sites permanently ?

    The File in the Directory "\\Windows\www\wwwpub\default.htm" is the default website, but this place is in RAM.

    Is there a registry setting to use a place in the \\FFSDISK area to store the default.htm ?



    the cange of the size works fine.

    here are set the text for the Buttons:

    GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON1)->SetWindowTextW(L"\x0041\x4FBF"); //cs_but_setup);

    in the first line i use for test the hex values of the characters, normally the text is in the CString cs_but_setup.

    The Software FontView.exe displays all the characters from Msming.ttf right.
    But i can't open the workspace with VisualStudio 2008 to explore this step by step.



    with this code i want display chinese character in a textstatic and 2 Buttons
    but there is no change to the TTF msming, always the System Font appeares.
    Only the new Size is correct.

    LOGFONT lf;

    if (!AddFontResource(_T("\\ffsdisk\\msming.ttf")))
    strmessage.Format(L"msming.ttf not found");

    memset(&lf,0, sizeof(LOGFONT));

    lf.lfHeight = 25;
    _tcscpy(lf.lfFaceName, _T("MS Ming"));


    GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON1) ->SetFont(&b_font);
    GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON2) ->SetFont(&b_font);

    Thomas Dauner


    in the folder FFSDISK\StartUp\ is the Application ( .exe - File)
    The Application starts automaticaly
    In the Application is no "Exit" Button.

    How can i exit the application or inhibit the autostart of the Application.

    at first i delete the registry keys HKLM\init\

    Launch100 CheckAutoStart.exe
    Depend100 1E00

    but there is no effect, the Application starts always.



    at the last 2 Weeks i was sick and can't answer.

    The missimg S was an error but with no effect.
    I copy the File to folder \FFSDISK\o2co2.exe
    and edit the entry "Launch100" to "\\FFSDISK\o2co2.exe"
    but the o2co2.exe would not start.

    OK. now i haye an other solution for the requirement " Windows Explorer not visible at Power On"

    1. Hide Taskbar in Explorer
    2. install for Desktop background user Logo
    3. stop the start of "Recycle bin" and "My Device"
    4. copy the user Application in Folder \FFSDISK\StartUP\

    in addition i have a 2Sek. delay berfore my application appeares on screen.
    I think it looks better as the user logo appeares for 100-200mS on screen.

    Thank you


    wenn ich den Eintrag lösche, startet die NetDCU8 nicht mehr richtig.
    Das Display wird nicht richtig initialisiert, das Fenster für die ActiveSync-Verbindung
    erscheint noch im Display und bleibt stehen.

    Eine Verbindung über ActiveSync ist aber nicht möglich.
    Die serielle Verbindung mit DCUTermi und NetDCU Config Utility funktioniert.

    Was mach ich falsch ?
