Posts by RSchubert

    Hi, how do I access the sound device? I have inlcuded the ALSAlib. In my FS there's a /proc/asound directory. Inside there's a card0 folder. The hardware is identified as pm7tlv320. The question is: what is the name of the device? With the ALSAlib there comes a test program named pcm that should generate a sinus wave to the sound output. Here I have to add the device name e.g. ./pcm -Dhw:0,0. All devices I tried did not work.

    (_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card
    Playback open error: No such file or directory

    In my /dev folder there's no device that looks like sound.

    Thanks in advance.

    Good morning,

    how do I mount the SD card on Picomod7 starter board? I'm able to mount a USB stick with

    1. mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/usb

    but I don't find a device for the SD card. When I insert the card the debugging console is showing me:

    1. mmc0: new high speed SD card at address b368
    2. mmcblk0: mmc0:b368 MS 1.88 GiB
    3. mmcblk0:<7>mmc0: starting CMD18 agr 00000000 flags 000000b5
    4. p1

    In my /dev folder there's no mmc or mmcblk device. sda1 seems to be the only existing device from all the sda and sdb devices (checked with #cat sdaX). Any idea?


    Setting one of the default bitrates defined by Bxxxxx is working. My problem is that I need a custom baudrate (520000 baud) because of communication with a slow CPU where I cannot divide the clock to a fast default value.

    Any ideas? Thanks.

    In the manual (PicoMOD-Startinterface_eng.pdf) there's nothing about RTC or any Switch 1-4? Is there another document? Where should this switch be?


    Hi, I need to reboot the Picomod by software. It seems this peace of code is missing inside the kernel - so /sbin/reboot will fail. Here's the kernel file:

    Any idea how to fix this? Thanks in advance.

    Hi, me again. How do I control the brightness of LED backlight? We have a display (AUO) with inputs for:

    - 12V Backlight Power
    - GND
    - 5V for enable/disable backlight
    - PWM input for dimming.

    For now we have all pins hard wired to 12V,GND,5V or 3.3V.

    The question is how do I control the VCFL (J28 Pin1) and PWM (J28 Pin2) pins by software. By default both pins seem to be low (0V).

    Thanks for answering

    Hi, how do I get the RTC working while power off? We are using the Starterboard with Picomod7. We are using a CR2032 with 3.2V (meassured) power on the Starterboard. Everytime we reset the Picomod, the clock is set to zero. Is it a software issue? Do I have to read/write the RTC by own peace of code or should this be done by the kernel?

    Thanks for answering.

    Hi, what's needed (on the hardware side) to use the Picomod7 audio output. Is it possible to connect a little speaker or headphones directly to AUDIO OUT + - and GND of the StarterBoard?

    Thanks for answering.

    this already was in the code:

    1. tcgetattr(fd,&oldtio); /* save current port settings */
    2. newtio.c_cflag = B38400 | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD;
    3. newtio.c_iflag = IXANY;
    4. newtio.c_oflag = 0;
    5. newtio.c_lflag = 0;
    6. newtio.c_cc[VMIN]=1;
    7. newtio.c_cc[VTIME]=0;
    8. tcsetattr(fd,TCSANOW,&newtio);

    I also tried your piece of code. The result is the same. Baud_base and divisor are 0 and writing the values causes crashing the serial driver (I have to reboot to get the serial port working again). Maybe the problem ist, that there's no known serial driver (see setserial output)??

    Is there a way to set a custom serial baud rate on COM1 (/dev/ttySAC1) on Picomod7 ?

    What I tried:

    1. struct serial_struct new_serdrvinfo;
    2. ioctl(fd, TIOCGSERIAL, &new_serdrvinfo); // read driver settings
    3. new_serdrvinfo.flags = (new_serdrvinfo.flags & ~ASYNC_SPD_MASK) | ASYNC_SPD_CUST; // activate custom baudrate
    4. printf("BaudBase: %i - Divisor: %i\n",new_serdrvinfo.baud_base,new_serdrvinfo.custom_divisor);
    5. // new_serdrvinfo.baud_base=3000000;
    6. // new_serdrvinfo.custom_divisor = 6; // set custom divisor
    7. ioctl(fd, TIOCSSERIAL, &new_serdrvinfo); // write new driver settings

    The baud_base and custom_divisor parameters both are zero. When I try to set some values the ioctl(fd, TIOSSERIAL, xxx) blocks or the hole program hangs up.

    Calling #setserial -a /dev/ttySAC1 returns zero for the two parameters also. The UART IC is "undefined" and Port ist returned as 0x0000.

    It's possible to use some additional defined values like B460800 or B500000 (they are working) but I need 520000.

    Any idea? Thanks.

    Dear F&S support,

    on PicoMOD7 Starterboard (Startinf) there are two serial ports. Connector COM3 is used for debugging console as dev/ttyS0. Is this right so far? I can log into this console from PC with putty - it's working. Now I need to use the second serial port on connector COM1. How can I use it? On PicoMOD /dev there are ttyS0 to ttyS3 devices. When I try to read/write to ttyS1 to ttyS3 "Input/output error" will be returned. When I try to read/write to ttyS0 "getty: ttyS0: TIOCSCTTY: Inappropriate ioctl for device" will be returned. That's why I think ttyS0 is used as the debug console. So what do I need to do to get the COM1 port working (I'm able to compile changes to the kernel settings by myself if necessary).

    Kind regards and a nice weekend.

    Hi hpb,

    your're right. The numbers don't mean nothing but for PicoMOD7 Kernel 2.6.2x and an old framebuffer driver is used. Some functions are not supported yet. The package for armstoneA8 is using Kernel 3.3 and some new drivers. The CPU and periphery seams similar. So I think/hope the work is not that much as getting the armstoneA8 working with the new stuff.
