under Linux is USB not working.
When i connect a Mouse or Stick, i cant see any in /var/log/messages und under X is Mouse not working.
lg, markus
under Linux is USB not working.
When i connect a Mouse or Stick, i cant see any in /var/log/messages und under X is Mouse not working.
lg, markus
yes, ich have a code and when i see in the README.txt the are only Examples for PicoMOD6/Linux
hmm, the content of the README.txt is
QuoteDisplay More
Examples for PicoMOD6/Linux
Small program showing how to set the backlight brightness (if
connected via PWM).
Small program showing how to access GPIO pins from user space via the
/sys filesystem.
Small video player for raw H.264 video streams (no sound). Frame rate,
size and position can be set on the command line. Some video samples
and the source code of the player are included. Please read the
README.txt of fsplayer to see how to run the samples and how to encode
videos to be played with this player.
Small OpenGL demo application showing a rotating cube where two faces
show a BMP image and the four other faces show two different videos.
Of course everything is decoded, scaled and rendered in realtime. The
source code, the OpenGL headers and libraries, two sample images and
two sample H.264 videos are included.
Some sample programs showing how to play sound and/or videos with
gstreamer and hardware acceleration. A sample video (MPEG4, .avi
format) is included.
Some sample programs to send and receive CAN frames. See the
README.txt that is included in the archive for further details.
How con i update from Windows CE to Linux the Board?
lg, markus