Ok, I set up dev environment which was easy thanks to your VirtualBox image. So now I can build with above settings. Unfortunately not a glimp on the HDMI output.
I've also checked your other sticky post of setting up specific displays.
In the tty console output I get : (relevant hdmi lines only)
mxc_vpu 2040000.vpu_fsl: VPU initialized
mxc_vdoa 21e4000.vdoa: i.MX Video Data Order Adapter(VDOA) driver probed
mxc_hdmi_cec soc:hdmi_cec@00120000: can't get/select CEC pinctrl
imx-audio-hdmi sound-hdmi: hdmi-hifi.0 <-> soc:hdmi_audio@00120000 mapping ok
No state is present for card imxhdmisoc
Found hardware: "imx-hdmi-soc" "" "" "" ""
Hardware is initialized using a generic method
No state is present for card imxhdmisoc
I wonder if I need to tell kernel to use hdmi using the bootargs (video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi). Please advice how to do this, or is something else wrong?