CAN interface documentation

  • The document 'WINCE_CanInterface_eng.pdf ' states that the settings for the CAN interface are located at[HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\CID1] . On my PicoCOM2 with the image 'NKPC2_CORE_CF2_090623.bin' those settings seem to be under [HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\CAN1], however not all the keys are present. What are the default values for each parameter that the drives assumes if the related key is missing ? The driver documentation does not give any help on that and just states that most of them assume meaningfull default values, whatever that should be !!!

  • You can get the default settings by setting registry value Debug to value 4.
    After saving registry and reboot you get the values over serial debug line COM1:.

    1. ndcucfg:
    2. reg open \drivers\builtin\can1
    3. reg set value Debug dword 4
    4. reg save
    5. reboot

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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