Posts by mschreier

    Sorry for taking so long to answer, but I just returned from vacation.

    The return value was an ok response (even though I don't remember the exact value right now).
    I have not tried to use events since this would mean to create another thread that waits for the event, which is not what I wanted, because then I could also use a separate thread with a sleep etc... which I have seen in some other posts on your forum.

    In short my question is very simple: Have you had the chance to verify that this code snippet does not work ? And if you see the same result, do you have any idea why.

    Let me point out that I am very well aware of alternate solutions to skin the famous cat, but the question right now refers to multimedia timer callbacks !!!

    The CAN driver documentation 'WINCE_CanInterface_eng.pdf' references the CANCheck tool. I have look through all the various forums and posts, however any questions on where to get this tool somehow don't seem to be answered. IS THIS TOOL AVAILABLE OR NOT (or maybe somewhat) ????

    The document 'WINCE_CanInterface_eng.pdf ' states that the settings for the CAN interface are located at[HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\CID1] . On my PicoCOM2 with the image 'NKPC2_CORE_CF2_090623.bin' those settings seem to be under [HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\CAN1], however not all the keys are present. What are the default values for each parameter that the drives assumes if the related key is missing ? The driver documentation does not give any help on that and just states that most of them assume meaningfull default values, whatever that should be !!!

    I seem to have a problem using the multimedia timers on a PicoCOM2 with the image NKPC2_CORE_CF2_090623.bin. The following code compiles without errors, however the callback function is never called. Any ideas ???

    Meine Erfahrung beruht auf Toradex Colibri mit Windows CE 5.0. Nach einschalten ist das Board innerhalb 3 - 4 Sekunden gebootet mit Windows CE Oberfläche und eventuellen eigenen Applikationen im Autostart. Bei dem besagten image war jedoch kein Compact Framework dabei.

    Habe gerade mein StarterKit erhalten. Inbetriebnahme hat ohne Probleme funktioniert.
    Jetzt muss ich leider feststellen, dass das PicoCOM2 Modul ca 10-15 Sekunden braucht um Windows CE vollständig zu booten.
    Ich habe schon Erfahrung mit Mitbewerber Produkten, welche in ca 3 Sekunden gebootet sind.
    Unsere Anforderung liegt bei < 5 Sekunden.

    Kann Ihr Board mit einer entsprechenden Konfiguration (z.B. ohne Compact Framework etc..) diese Anforderung erfüllen ?