connecting F-RAM pins

  • Hello,

    we want to control an F-RAM chip with our PicoMod via SPI.

    The pins VSS, VDD, CS, SCK, SO and SI are clear.

    But where have the WP and HOLD pins to be connected?

    Kind regards,

    W. Böck.

  • These pins may be connected to some digital-IO lines. You may choose them yourself and control them using the DIO driver within your application that will access the FRAM.
    For detailed information about the purpose of these pins please take a deeper look at the datasheet of the FRAM you are using.
    If you are not requiring these functionality you can also connect them to the desired high-/low-level directly. E.g. if you do not need the feature to toggle the write-protection of the FRAM you can pull-down the /WP-Pin permanently on your base board.

    Software developer, F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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