U-boot upgrade

  • Hello,
    I'd like to know, wheather is there any way of upgrading u-boot different than upgrade it via running u-boot.
    If new u-boot doesn't run correctly, I will not be able to downgrade the system back to previous u-boot version.
    In PicoMOD1 I used stepping stone for u-boot debugging and upgrading, but there is no stepping stone in PicoCOM3. Could NBoot be used for such upgrade or is there another way?

    Thank you,

  • Could you please explain in more detail what did not work?
    Is there any output on serial debug line?
    Please verify your debug serial line and make sure that your HW setup is correct.
    If there is no output at all and you are not able to enter Nboot anymore (small 's' during bootup) your board may be broken.

    BTW: Stepstone and NBoot are basically the same. On our latest boards the low-level bootlaoder is called NBoot.

    Software developer, F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • I mean I tried to send 's' chars via serial line while restarting board and I obtained no NBoot response, only std. u-boot communication.
    As I am not provided with any NBoot documentation, I suppose that it uses the same serial line as the one used by u-boot communication. And I also suppose that the serial line configuration is the same as u-boot's - 38400b/s 8b, 1stop bit, no parity and no flow control.

  • I just found out that NBoot works - its just you have to press and hold 's' key before device starts. Otherwise NBoot will not capture 's' char - its way too impatient.

  • I found an error in U-Boot source - file include/s3c6410.h. U-Boot version 1.3.4.

    Wrong values:
    #define GPBDAT_OFFSET 0x04
    #define GPBPUD_OFFSET 0x08
    #define GPBCONSLP_OFFSET 0x0C

    should be:
    #define GPBDAT_OFFSET 0x24
    #define GPBPUD_OFFSET 0x28
    #define GPBCONSLP_OFFSET 0x2C

  • Thanks for pointing this out. However as far as I see, these values are never used.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.