Update hangs during "Jumping to Kernel xxxxx"

  • Hi all,

    I'm trying to update a NetDCUA5 in order to change the OS that is installed on it.

    I'm trying to download the WinCE 7 using the file XIPVYB_C7E_140915.bin. Everything works as expected except for the last part when the update process tries to jump to the kernel... The same happens when I try and install another image, such as a WinCE 2013 one.


    My update hangs there and I can't do anything else. I've been waiting for more than 15 minutes without much success... Is there a problem with my EBoot or NBoot or something related to this ?

  • Are the bootloaders up-to-date?

    Else please update and:
    - erase flash with latest NBoot
    - check bad blocks (command "B") and erase them (command "U") if there are someone
    - then install EBoot ...

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Thank you for your answer. The card I'm trying to switch the OS was a WCE 2013 before. Maybe that will help you understand the situation here.

    Anyway, during the boot, I've pressed 's' and here is the result :

    F&S Nand Loader VN05 built Sep 12 2013 12:14:43
    NetDCUA5 Rev. 1.10
    256MB RAM (1 chip) 128MB FLASH 500MHz 512kB L2
    booted primary image from page 4

    I've pressed 'B' for bad blocks and it tells me 'none'.

    Is it up-to-date ? For practice purpose, I tried to follow the following document : https://www.fs-net.de/assets/download/bin/FSVYBRID/WinCE/FSVYBRID WInCE Update instructions.pdf

    I've downloaded your DCUTerm but, even tho I've configured it like yours, I'm getting error when powering On the card and pressing s. Looks like I can't communicate with the card with DCUTerm. Alternatively, I'm using HyperTerminal without troubles.

    Of course, using HyperTerminal does not allow me to send a new NBoot file. Is the trouble I'm having related to the version of Windows I have ? Is there a special version of DCUTerm for Windows 7 64 Bits ?

  • DCUTerm works on Windows 7 64bit, I use it every day. Do you have a real serial port or a USB->Serial converter? Some converters are too slow to get the 's' recognized, or the repeat rate of the keyboard is too slow
    You can also use Tera Term for the download (File->Send File)

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your answer. I'm on a laptop and using the docking station to have a proper serial port plug.

    I actually get error while trying to write on the serial communication.

    I'll give Tera Term a try...

  • I tried again with DCUTerm and after many attempts, one of them succeeded. I was able to chose 'd' under the following menu :

    Please select action
    'd' -> Serial download of bootloader
    'E' -> Erase flash
    'B' -> Show bad blocks
    Use NetDCUUsbLoader for USB download

    I selected my EBoot, It performed well.

    I rebooted my card and It asked for my Mac Address... I followed your documentation and entered 000551 + my barcode and it went well. I chose DE to use EShell, selected my NetDCU card, chose my WinCE7 image, the installation went further away than the last one... I'm stuck here now :

    Windows CE ethernet MAC address not set.
    Enter WindowsCE MAC address (actual ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff): 0000005555110088FFAA110

    MAC address for WindowsCE set to 00:05:51:08:fa:10

    NetDCUA5 - WindowsCE Bootloader

    :> de
    INFO: *** Device Name 'NetDCUA517927' ***
    InitDHCP():: Calling ProcessDHCP()
    Got Response from DHCP server, IP address:

    ProcessDHCP()::DHCP IP Address Resolved as, netmask:

    Lease time: 604800 seconds
    Got Response from DHCP server, IP address:
    No ARP response in 2 seconds, assuming ownership of
    Sent BOOTME to
    Sent BOOTME to
    Packet has the following data:
    TFTP packet could have 1 name/value pairs
    Locked Down Link 1
    Src IP Port 03D4 Dest IP Port E5D2
    Default TFTP block size set to: 512 bytes
    There were no options detected in the TFTP

    Download file information:
    [0]: Address=0x80100000 Length=0x38163BC Name=
    BIN detected. Check MinImageStart ()
    INFO: Changed start address for to 0x80100000.
    #########################################################1 files tranfered
    Create partition for boot section ...
    Create partition for kernel section ...
    FindFreeSector: FreeSector is: 0x243 after processing part 0x20.
    Create partition for FFSDISK section ...
    FindFreeSector: FreeSector is: 0x243 after processing part 0x20.
    FindFreeSector: FreeSector is: 0x8281 after processing part 0x21.
    CreatePartition: Num sectors set to 0x7900 to allow for compaction blocks.
    INFO: [0] Found chain information (pChainInfo=0x8033B818 Extensions=0x3).
    [Dump XIP Chain Summary]
    - pvAddr: 0x80500000
    - dwMaxLength : 16384
    - usOrder : 0x0
    - usFlags : 0x0
    - reserved : 0x0
    Writing single region/multi-region update, dwBINFSPartLength: 58811324
    INFO: BP_OpenPartition: dwBINFSPartLength =0x38163BC).
    INFO: BP_SetDataPointer: Set data pointer in BINFS partition (offset=0x0).
    INFO: WriteRegionsToNandFlash: Write region to BINFS partition (start=0x80100000
    , length=0x38163BC).
    Writing image to flash complete.
    AUTO-BOOT enabled
    All files flashed
    OEMReadData: 0x4A
    Leaving DownloadImage()
    dwImageStart=0x80100000, dwImageLength=0x38163bc, dwLaunchAddr=0x8010a020
    ROMHDR at Address 80100044h
    Got EDBG_CMD_CONFIG, flags:0x0000000F
    INFO: OEMLaunch: Jumping to Physical Address 0x8010A020h (Virtual Address 0x8010

    Jumping to Kernel @ 0x8010A020
    Windows CE Kernel for ARM (Thumb Enabled)
    INFO:OALLogSetZones: dpCurSettings.ulZoneMask: 0xb

    NetDCUA5 V1.09 - Firmware Init
    Copyright (c) 2013 F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    Build: Sep 15 2014/15:48:50
    FMD: NAND ID:0x2cf18095 --> MICRON: 1GBit (128MB)
    FMD: Block 0 to 14 are locked for boot loader
    OAL: Enable SCU
    WARNING: SNVS was reset.
    I2C: Version 2.5
    ERROR: OEMSetRealTime: NKSystemTimeToFileTime failed.
    OAL: RestartReason=Power On Reset
    FMD: NAND ID:0x2cf18095 --> MICRON: 1GBit (128MB)
    FMD: Block 0 to 14 are locked for boot loader
    FSPART: FS partition driver loaded
    BINFS: RegisterVolume - Mounted volume '\BINFS'
    BE2: Version 1.4, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\03
    NI2C: Version 0.9, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\15
    BE2: Version 1.4, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\16
    UART: Version 1.13, Key = Drivers\Active\17
    UART: Version 1.13, Key = Drivers\Active\19
    UART: Port disabled. Serial debug is on !
    UART: Version 1.13, Key = Drivers\Active\20
    UART3 RS232 Configured
    CID: Version 2.4, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\21
    CID: Version 2.4, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\22
    ENET: Version 01.03, ActiveKey = Comm\ETHNETA
    PIF: Version 1.2, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\24
    Priority256 = 0x00000000 = 0 (Default)
    WaitStates = 0x220f2220 = 571417120 (Default)
    IRQPin = 0x00000068 = 104
    IRQCfg = 0x00000002 = 2
    IOBaseAddr = 0x30000000 = 805306368
    PIF: freq=166736838Hz
    PIF: freq=55578946Hz
    PUI: Version 1.0, Key = Drivers\Active\25
    ERROR: c:\wince700\platform\fsvybrid\src\drivers\uartintf\dll\uartintf.c line 10
    07: UARTINTF not found or damaged. Can't init port.
    PUI: Version 1.0, Key = Drivers\Active\26
    ERROR: c:\wince700\platform\fsvybrid\src\drivers\uartintf\dll\uartintf.c line 10
    07: UARTINTF not found or damaged. Can't init port.
    AIN: Version 1.2, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\27
    PWM: Version 1.2, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\28
    EXTRTC: Version 1.1, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\29
    I2C: Version 4.2, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\30
    TCH: Version 0.6, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\31
    SDHC: Version 1.2, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\32
    WAV: Version 2.3, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\34
    ENET: Version 01.03, ActiveKey = Comm\ETHNETB
    BCS: Version 1.4, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\44
    NSPI: Version 3.0, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\45
    DIO: Version 2.8, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\46
    FRW: Version 1.1, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\52
    LCD: Version 1.6, ActiveKey = Drivers\Display\LCD
    LCD: Read registry settings from Drivers\Display\LCD
    LCD: Display-Mode 0, Name VGA standard display
    NDCUCFG V 56 started. Platform: NetDCUA5
    NDCUCFG Open COM1: at 38400 Baud
    CreateFile() failed -> ERROCheckAutoStart: Version 1.7, LaunchNum = 100
    R COM1:

    Any idea what I did wrong ?

    Edit : The card looks installed (I can TELNET it, I can go into the registry, I can connect on it with FTP) but this error with COM1 is very strange... I don't remember having this kind of message after updating my other NetDCUA5. Is there something strange here or not ? Since our application uses COM ports, I'll need to make sure my installation is correct... Is there a tool I can use to check that ?

  • Since you have the debug output enabled, NDCUCFG can't open the COM port. This is normal.
    You can disable the debug output with 'O' in EBoot.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.