New FreeRTOS Release fsimx6sx-V2019.12

  • F&S i.MX6SX FreeRTOS Release (20.12.2019)

    Please see the file


    for a description of how everything is installed and used.

    This is a major FreeRTOS release for fsimx6sx. fsimx6sx is the software for all boards from F&S that are based on the i.MX6-SoloX CPU from NXP. Currently these are the modules efusA9X, PicoCOMA9X and PicoCoreMX6SX. Further boards may be added to this family in the future. All these boards can work with software that is created from this release package.

    This release brings new versions to all parts of the software stack. Here are some highlights of this release.

    1. New version numbering

    We have changed the way how we name versions. In the past we had a version number made up of a major part m and a minor part n. Then we used Vm.n for FreeRTOS-BSP releases. Release versions were counted individually for each CPU architecture. But then a "new" CPU type unfortunately had a smaller version number than an "old" CPU, even if the code was coming from the same sources or was even newer. This caused some irritations and misunderstandings of what release is actually the newest.

    So from now on we will use the year and month of the release instead. For example the "2019.12" of this release indicates a FreeRTOS-BSP based release from December 2019.

    2. Add support for rpmsg-lite

    Now NXP´s rpmsg-lite is used instead of openAMP RPMsg. This makes the size of the images significant smaller.

    3. Rework of the directory layout

    Change directory layout but the examples can be built with the same commands as before.

    4. Merge fsimx6sx and fsimx7ulp git repositories

    The two git repositories fsimx6sx and fsimx7ulp are merged together so it´s easier to handle.

    5. Add hello_world_split example

    The hello_world_split example shows the user how to split an example in different memory regions like DDR, OCRAM and TCM.


    The following list shows the most noticable changes in this release in more detail since our last regular i.MX6SX FreeRTOS-BSP release. Please note that the source code is also used for other platforms. This is why you will also find references to other CPU types and F&S boards here in the changelog.

    freertos-bsp-1.0.1-fsimx6sx-V2019.12 (20.12.2019)

    Supported boards: efusA9X, PicoCOMA9X, PicoCoreMX6SX,

    Not tested: PicoCoreMX7ULP

    - Add hello_world_split_example

    - Merge branch 'temp'

    - Remove example folder

    - Move not portet examples

    - Add cmake build alls upport for 7ulp

    - Improve 7ulp make all function

    - Remove unnecessary files

    - Move board specific files for better sdk layout (imx6sx + 7ulp)

    - Improve and script to support new SDK layout

    - Add imx6sx nxp documentary move linux_app/ to not tested

    - Add picocoremx6sx support

    - Rename boards directory to examples

    - Remove readme.txt and xml files from the examples

    - Add and modify examples, which did not work because of Soc revision A

    - Improve binary to image conversion

    - Remove nxp evk

    - Add cmmsis examples to not tested

    - Fix qspi examples

    - Add power_mode_switch example

    - Add shell_mem example

    - Fix picocore adc build bug

    - Remove some unnecessary files

    - Add not_tested readme.txt

    - Update all working examples to current NXP MCUXpresso SDK 2.5.1

    - Update not tested examples to current NXP MCUXpresso SDK 2.5.1

    - Add new examples from NXP MCUXpresso SDK 2.5.1

    - Switch input UART clock from 80 MHz to 24 MHz

    - Improve print message of prepare script

    - Add AUD_PW_EN and M4_PER_EN pins to the pin-mux and enable them on start up

    - Improve the power off state on the 7ULP of the A7 by turning of the power supply of the LPDDR

    - Add sai driver examples and sgtl5000 codec

    - Add SGTL codec support to the power_mode_switch example

    - Fix linkerfile for hello_world_dram depending on ram size

    - Fix memory addresses of different memory types for the imx6sx examples

    - Fix the placement of the vring-buffers for the imx6sx

    - Move fs_func_gen and fs_gpio_toggle to not_tested

    - fix compiler warnings for fsimx6sx


    new toolchain gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update


    - Update to version 3.1 of FreeRTOS_on_FSiMX6SX_Boards_eng.pdf

    Your F&S Support Team

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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