Corrupted F&S Development Machine Image

  • I am trying to import F_S_Development_Machine-Fedora_27_V1.6.ova for 64-bit (i.MX8) into VirtualBox 6.1.26 and keep getting the following error:

    1. Failed to import appliance C:\Users\Alex\Downloads\F_S_Development_Machine-Fedora_27_V1.6.ova.
    2. Result Code: E_INVALIDARG (0x80070057)

    The logfile mentions the image being corrupted:

    1. 01:25:41.320265 createImport ERROR [COM]: aRC=VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR (0x80bb0004) aIID={ad47ad09-787b-44ab-b343-a082a3f2dfb1} aComponent={MediumWrap} aText={Could not create the imported medium 'C:\Users\Alex\VirtualBox VMs\F_S_Development_Machine-Fedora_27_V1.6\F_S_Development_Machine-Fedora_27_V1.6-disk001.vdi'.
    2. 01:25:41.320278 createImport VMDK: Compressed image is corrupted 'C:\Users\Alex\F_S_Development_Machine-Fedora_27_V1.6-disk001.vmdk' (VERR_ZIP_CORRUPTED)}, preserve=false aResultDetail=-22001

    I downloaded the .ova four times now to rule out other issues, but they keep coming up as corrupted. Two different images i tested worked perfectly on the first attempt.

    Has anyone had similar experiences? Is there a solution or work-around? Could the file be corrupted as provided online?

    Thanks for you help!

  • Hello,

    we have reuploaded the OVA image. Please try to import it again.

    We have also uploaded a MD5SUM. You can check if your download was correct by computing your local MD5SUM with the PowerShell commend

    certutil.exe -hashfile <PATH\TO\YOUR\OVA> MD5

    We have also noticed that the error Result Code: E_INVALIDARG (0x80070057 also can occur, if there is not enough disc space left, so please make sure that you have at least 30GB available.

    If it still does not work please send a mail to and you will recive a alternative download link.

    Your F&S Support Team