F&S Audio Mixer

  • During the transition from PicoCOM4 to PicoCOMA5, we noticed that the 'F&S Audio Mixer' in the control panel can no longer be opened (WCE6, Kernel 3.1, XIPVYB_CE6Core_V3.1_210812.bin). We also noticed that the audio is much less clear than the PicoCOM4. Is there any way to fix this? We found from the hardware documentation that PIN 77 (LOUT) and PIN 78 (ROUT) have multiple assignments on the PicoCOMA5. What needs to be disabled in the registry if we only want to use the audio function of these two pins?


  • That must have something to do with "HKEY_LOCAL_MASCHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\PicoCOMA5\WaveDevI2C"

    If I deactivate this, the sound is completely off. But I don't know what to set here to get better audio quality. My actual settings:

  • Hello,

    >> We found from the hardware documentation that PIN 77 (LOUT) and PIN 78 (ROUT) have multiple assignments ...

    << If audio works we can be sure that codec is assembled, so this should not be the problem.

    >> We also noticed that the audio is much less clear than the PicoCOM4

    << Is there a noise or a delay witfhin the sound?

    In the firts case you may contact our HW department.

    In second case try:


    Priority256=dword:60 ;still below wavedev but above all other periphericals


    Priority256=dword:5e ;above wavedev

    Await first vale will improve.

    Hope this helps.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Unfortunately, this change makes no difference. it's hard to describe what sounds wrong. for example, when tapping the touch, a click sound should be emitted. the first click sounds correct, from the second click it just sounds like a hiss. a longer sound sounds very noisy.

  • Hello,

    although the 'F&S Audio Mixer' does not work for us either, nevertheless we can't reproduce the problem with the sound.

    We were able to play our test wav files over 'Volume&Settings' and test all windows sounds. There was nothing to complain about the quality.

    Keyboard and touch inputs also produced windows sound outputs, no matter how many times typed.

    Do you have any other programs running that might have an effect on the sound?

    Can you please also send us an excerpt from "HKEY_LOCAL_MASCHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\PicoCOMA5\WaveDev"?

  • Hi,

    thanks for your help. I've also tested my wav files in "Volume & Sounds", so no other app was running.


    Could it have something to do with our circuitry on the adapter board? However, this works very well with the PicoCOM4.

  • to check the signal path of the audio signal, you can use a WAV-file with a known amplitude and frequency (can be created with the Audacity sound editor, e.g. 1kHz sine, 90% signal amplitude).

    Play the WAV-File and measure the signal along the signal path and make sure that on every location the signal is in the allowed voltage range and no clipping occurs. Also make sure that the signal is the same if played several times.

    If you can see, that the signal at LOUT changes, then the problem is on the PicoCOM side.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • The signal from the PicoCOMA5 looks practically identical to that from the PicoCOM4. So it's not the PicoCOMA5. We will check our circuit on the adapter board. Many thanks for your help.