we are using WEC7 on ARMstoneA9r2 (A9r2) and trying to use GPIO port0 as we do before on NEtDCU14 without problems.
we have some questions now, because seems its not working as expected on A9r2:
1) Which exact pins are corresponding to GPIO port 0 on A9r2: pins from 3 to 10 of the 66 pins feature connector ?
2) We try to configure 4 pins In and 4 pins Out altenatively, so on WCE register we set:
reg open \Drivers\BuiltIn\DIGITALIO
reg set value Port dword 0
reg set value DataInit dword 0
reg set value DataDir dword 170
reg set value UseAsIO dword 255
But we are only able to write on 3 of the 4 Outpins with a program we make long time ago for NetDCU14 ...
This pins are: 3, 5, 7 works ok, but pin 9 is not working...
And on the other hand, we dont read 3.3V (pullup) on any of the Input pins configured: pins 4, 6, 8 and 10 of feature connector ... to my undestanding...
Is something wrong or missing ??