F&S Development Machine with Fedora 36 for arm32 V1
There is a new Virtual Machine with Fedora36 in your download section available (My F&S / Tools-Linux /VirtualMachines/Fedora36/32-bit (i.MX6)/ F_S_Development_Machine-Fedora_36-arm32_V1.0.ova). The structure of the virtual machine is listed below.
- fsimx6ul-B2023.12 (/home/developer/fsimx6ul-B2023.12)
The following packages are installed:
gawk tar gzip python3 unzip perl lbzip2 bzip2 lzop findutils bc wget putty bless tigervnc cifs-utils meld emacs kate cmake make gcc git git-cola qt-creator glibc glibc-static.x86_64 glibc.i686 glibc-devel.i686 glibc-static glibc-static.i686 zlib zlib.i686 zlib-devel.i686 zlib-static.i686 zlib-static.x86_64 libstdc++.i686 libgcc.i686 ncurses ncurses-base ncurses-devel ncurses-libs bison bison-devel bison-runtime perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker perl-Data-Dumper perl-Thread-Queue perl-bignum socat diffutils diffstat cpp gcc-c++ patch python3-pexpect automake chrpath ccache which file cpio python autoconf htop texinfo python3-pip xz dtc libatomic qtcreator flex gitk python2.7 rpcgen glibc-static.x86_64 zlib-static.x86_64 qt5-qtcharts qt5-qtcharts-devel qt6-qtcharts qt6-qtcharts-devel bash-completion sudo openssl-devel lz4 zstd bzip2 tar kernel-headers kernel-devel mesa-libGL-devel python3-GitPython python3-jinja2 sdl12-compat-devel xterm mate-desktop
The default user is "developer" and the corresponding password is also "developer". This user has root privileges.
Set up programs:
The following programs have been set up.
- NFS Server
- TFTP Server
- setup_toolchain (/etc/profile.d) - easily switch between toolchains. Just call "settoolchain" in terminal
- fs-setup.sh (/etc/profile.d/fs-setup.sh) - Improves some commands like cp, mv, or rm for saver usage and add non-case-sensitive autocompletion
Environment Variables:
The file "/home/developer/.bashrc" has been set up.
- export variable "ARCH=arm"
- export variable "CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-"
Setup F&S wallpaper for home screen and login screen.
Quickstart with F_S Development Maschine.pdf
The document can be downloaded either at "My F&S / Tools-Linux /VirtualMachines/ Quickstart with F_S Development Maschine.pdf" or "select your specific Board / Documents / Quickstart with FS Development Machine".
Your F&S Support Team