PicoCoreMX8MM normal CPU core temperature

  • Hello again,

    I am working with the PicoCoreMX8MM + FS-BaseBoard.

    Currently I am taking a look at the temperature while running an UI-Application.


    • Qt-Application with simple animation (3 simultaneously moving arrows)
    • Resolution: Full-HD 1920x1080
    • Cooling: PicoCore heat sink from F&S
    • Temperature reading from: /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp

    Testcase 1: Software-Rendering (linuxfb backend)

    • Result without cooling
      • CPU usage: 65%
      • Temp: 74°C
    • Result with cooling
      • CPU usage: 65%
      • Temp: 60°C

    Testcase 2: GPU-Rendering (eglfs backend)

    • Result without cooling
      • CPU usage: 5%
      • Temp: 73°C
    • Result with cooling
      • CPU usage: 5%
      • Temp: 58°C

    Regarding the CPU usage, the big drop is expected, as the GPU does the heavy lifting now with the animation.

    But I was expecting a more significant drop in temperature, as it basically stayed the same.

    Are these measurements ok?
    What are "normal" or expected temperatures when running an UI-Application with animations on full-hd panel?

    The objective of those tests is to decide whether we need a heat sink or not.

    Is it safe to run the PicoCoreMX8MM without heat sink in those temperatures (70-80°C)?

    Thank you and best regards,


  • The temperatures look OK for me.

    Other customers have reported similar temperatures.

    Which heat sink are you using? Only the heat speader or an additional heat sink?

    Running the board without the heat spreader is not recommended.

    A peak load can lead to a temperature above the throttling threshold an this results in a massive drop in performance.

    The heat spreader distributes the heat away from the processor an the keeps the internal temperature below the threshold.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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