WLAN USB stick

  • I have got a WLAN USB stick, it works fine, except if you reboot the board, this stick is not recognized automatically after booting. That means you have to unplug and plug it in again.
    A "normal" usb stick is recognized automatically.

    Is it possible, that the filesystem is not loaded? As mentioned in:
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://fs-net.de/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=669&highlight=loaded">http://fs-net.de/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t ... ght=loaded</a><!-- m -->

    Is there anything to set in the /init registry key?
    Are there any additional registry keys to set to tell windows ce what to boot?

    Thank you very much for your advise.

  • I turned on Debug output to find any possible error message.
    Maybe it helps:

    There are some "Driver cannot be unloaded" outputs. What does it mean?
    Thank you.

  • We bought a different WLAN USB stick, this one works as well, but there is the same situation.
    I searched the web, but can not find any special registry key for Windows CE to enable it.
    Is there any Regvalue for NetDCU8 to enable it?
    Thank you very much.

  • I plugged in a USB to serial converter, I get the popup asking for the dll. I do the same using the dongle, the same happens.

    I reboot having the USB to serial converter plugged in, I get the popup again. I do the same procedure using the dongle. - no popup asking for the dll.

    So I conclude nothing can be wrong with the dongles software and registry entries of the dongle.


  • Dear Georg

    Please send your USB-WLAN Stick to F&S (Mr.Kusch), maybe we can solve the problem.

    Best regards


    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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