Problem booting NETdcu8

  • I purchased few weeks ago a cpu board NetDCU8 with WinCE, and i just started to test it.
    I have few questions about it to continue my development.

    1. I did connect everything to reach the specifications i found in the harware PDF. Electrically, everything sounds good. When i started the board, i used the windows Hyperterminal to connect to the COM2 ( J5 ) with 38400 8,N,1 and i got a long message in return. I'm joining the file as an attachment. But i did not get the prompt and the board did not react to any character or command i sent. So, should i use and other terminal? Should i send a special command to start? Should i use an other com port?

    2. Do i need special libraries to use the CANBus and I2C?

  • Hello,

    1. as korbai told you, you will get command prompt of ndcucfg on "Serial RS232 Interface 1" on NetDCU8/6 StarterKit (NetDCU8: HW Revision >=1.10 and use of nboot8_XX.bin).

    2. For CAN the corresponding DLL is included in the standard image.
    For I2C on NetDCU8 the DLL is not free of charge. We offer the NetDCU-SKIT-I2C which contains DLL, sample and documention. Please contact our sales office for detailed information.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Hello,

    Thank you both for your answer. I did try your suggestion, but nothing is working.

    Maybe i should give you some more details.

    The problem is that i can't enter any command to change parameters for lcd and to give the system an IP configuration. I don't have any prompt on any serial port, even on J5 after receiving the boot debug message.

    I'm NOT using the starter kit, it is our own mother board. So for the debug, i used the serial port 2 on J5 ( pin 12.14.16), but it seems not to accept any commands there.

    When i'm using serial port 1 on J2 (pin 3.5.9) i have nothing at all on the terminal ( hyperterminal 38400,8,N,1), and i cannot enter any commands. The status led seems to react when i type a character to send though.

  • Ok,

    your boot output from signals that "ndcucfg" is correctly started. So i suggest something is wrong with your HW connection.
    Use J2.3 (RXD), J2.5 (TXD) and GND and conncet them via null modem cable with your PC.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.