Posts by CT82


    How did you meassure these values?

    I toggle an output and showed this with the KO. By operating the display, the toggle signal is interrupted.


    Which kernel version are you using?

    I work with Version 1.30.

    I' ve just found out, that the priority of the touch driver is really 109. But it looks like this task call an other one with the priority 102.
    Have you got any ideas which task this could by?
    The system has only one thread with the priority of 109. When i change the priority of the touch driver, this thread changes his priority. But the can is interrupted as long as his priority is bigger than 102. When I'm operating the system with the mouse, the can isn't interrupted.

    Yes, I've set the can priority to 99 and the behaviour is changed. Both toggle are now not interrupted through the touch.
    After that, I've set one threads priority to 108 and the other threads priority to 110. If the touch priority will be 109, one toggle would by interrupted and this one with the priority 108 not. The result was, that both were interrupted. I've reducing the priorities until one thread was not interrupted. So I expect, that the touch priority is 102. This will be also the reason why the touch interrupted the can thread with the priority of 103. I tried to change the priority of the touch, but my registry has no key "touch" under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\DRIVERS\BUILTIN\". When I create this key with the priority dword the system doesn't incur the value.
    In your driver documenation has the priority key of the touch the following comment:

    Set this value to adjust the priority of the touch panel driver.

    What means that? Is there a second possiblity to set the priority?

    One click on the touch cause two interrupts of 100ms each with a gap of 50ms. What does the driver in the pretty long time?


    I've an NetDCU10 with an discharged IO-Board which is connected over can. I' ve two threads each to toggle one Output.
    The first thread has a priority of 94 and toggle a local dout on the NetDCU. The second thread toggle an output on the IO-Board over can. Both have a toggle time of 10ms.
    By operating the display, the thirst thread operates with no interrupts. But the second has an interrupt of around 90ms.
    Has the touch-driver the heigher priority as the can-driver? What does the touch-driver, that he interrupt the can driver for so long?

    Thanks for your help.



    I try to change the baudrate of the DM9000 Ethernet Adapter. Is that possible?
    When yes, how can i change the baudrate?

    Thanks for your help.


    my registry is configured as follows:

      LogSize 4096
      BaseDir \Windows
      DebugOutputMask 23
      DebugOutputChannels 2
      IdleTimeout 300
      DefaultDir \FFSDISK\
      AllowAnonymousVroots 1
      AllowAnonymousUpload 1
      AllowAnonymous 1
      UseAuthentication 0
      IsEnabled 1

    I try to transfer data with QT( QFtp). But the transfer from other ftp servers worked, it should by a problem of the settings of the ce server.
    The login works fine and I get no error, but I've received no data. The same by open the server directory with firefox.. Firefox showed an empty directory.
    I' ve no outputs on the debug line.

    Thanks for your help.

    Regards Markus


    Mittlerweile habe ich auch versucht auf Stufe der FTP Commands den Server anzusprechen und die Daten zu laden, leider ohne Erfolg.
    Gibt es evt. eine neuere Version des Servers? Oder hat jemand eine andere Idee was mein Problem sein könnte?

    Besten Dank für die Hilfe

    Grüsse Markus


    Ich arbeite mit dem NetDCU10 und habe den in diesem Forum downloadbaren ftp Server auf diesem installiert. Der Zugriff mit dem InternetExplorer auf den ftp Server funktioniert einwandfrei. Versuche ich das Selbe mit Firefox oder einem QT Testprogram wird der Server zwar erkannt, allerdings wird nur ein leeres Verzeichnis angezeigt. Bei der Betrachtung der Kommunikation zwischen PC und ftp Server mit einem Netzwerkanalyser habe ich folgendens festgestellt:
    Der ftp Server beginnt die im Verzeichnis vorhandenen Daten zu senden, das erste Packet enthält das erste Verzeichnis. Als nächstes wird die Verbindung geschlossen und im nächsten Packet folgen die kompletten Angaben der im Verzeichnis vorhandenen Daten.
    Der Internetexplorer scheint diese noch zu lesen Firefox resp. das Qt Programm nicht.
    Kann dieses Problem durch setzten einer Einstellung behoben werden oder mache ich sonst was falsch?

    Besten Dank für die Hilfe

    Grüsse Markus


    By starting the NetDCU with the Bootloader, i become on command "I" the following output:

    NetDCU10 boot options valid : YES
    Start Download after reboot : no
    Download kernel to : FLASH
    Kernel load/store compression : OFF
    Size of area for OS image : 16 MB
    Size of FFSDISK : 16 MB
    Format of FFSDISK : FAT
    Size of 2nd partition : 32 MB
    Format of 2nd partition : EXTENDED
    F3S serial number :
    Launch image after reboot : yes
    Output debug messages at serial port : yes
    Bootloader Network setting valid : YES
    -MAC Address : 0:5:51:0:0:A
    -Use DHCP to get IP address: YES
    WindowsCE MAC address valid : yes
    -WindowsCE MAC Address : 0:0:0:0:0:0

    CPU mode : ASYNC

    Why can the WindowsCE MAC Address by null? I found this MAC address in the registry. Is this address not a fixed value?
    I try to change there the MAC address but as expected without success. Is this address changeable?

    Thanks for your help.

    Regards Markus

    Sorry you have misunderstood my. In the normal process I haven't any errors. I try to simulate an error to check my error handling. I simulate the error with a short on the can bus. And in this case I received the bus error and the bit is not set. When the counter fall unter the error value, I received a second bus error event. The baudrate shoud set correct.

    Thanks for your help.

    Regards Markus

    Thanks a lot for your answers.

    I think i have found my problem. After the descreption from the PicoCOM /PicoMOD shoud a warning event issue when the counter reach the warning level. The passive event if the counter reach the passive level and the error event by reaching the error level.
    In my application i receive just error events. So i checked the status bits SR7 and SR6 on the can controller. It looks like that the error event occures when an error interrupt is generated from the can controller. But this error interrupt is generated when one of the counter levels is reached and a second time by the reset of the counter. So I receive a lots of error events by them the SR7 bit is not set. Consequently the can controller is running further.
    When I check this to bits by receiving an error event the system woks as expected.

    Kind Regards


    Thanks for the fast reply.

    I would prefer to hold the handle. If I close it, I' ve to set all settings new.
    Is there no other way to clear this buffers?

    My problem are the "old" errors in the buffer. I think with command CANBUS_CMD_CLEAR_OVERRUN I become no
    new overrun errors but the existing overrun errors will it not delete.

    But I' ve to delete all errors in the buffers not only the overrun error.

    Regards Markus


    Thanks for your fast reply. I' ve an other question. After a bus error i will try to restart my nodes. For that I' ve to reset the can controller.
    I try that with the command IOCTL_CAN_INIT. I' ve searched a reset function wich clears the receivebuffer from the can driver and the rx buffer from
    the can controller as well. With the command IOCTL_CAN_INIT I' ve further errors after the restart. Is there a possibility to clear this buffers but hold
    the settings?

    Thanks for your help.

    Kind Regards



    I' ve searched after a function to set the Rx- and Tx- Buffersize in your Can Driver.
    How big is the Buffer and is there a possibility to set the size or exist just the buffer on the
    SJA1000 ( TX 13 Bytes, Rx 64 Bytes ).

    The Function WaitCommEvent returns a number of Events. I haven't found the Meanings of this Events.

    Is this Event set after reach a defined counter? And is the Controller reseted after this Event?

    Is this Event also set after reach a defined counter?

    Is this Event set when a second Message received and the first is not read? Or ist this Event set after
    a overrun from the Tx or Rx Buffer?

    When occur this Events?

    Thanks for your help.

    Kind Regards


    Ich spreche lediglich mit den obigen Befehlen( in demfall die des NetDCU8 ) meinen NetDCU10 an. Dieser wurde mit dem von F&S erhaltenen Image aufgesetzt. In der Standartkonfiguration ist ein I2Cint vorhanden wie auch eine dazugehörige DLL. Es wurde kein zusätzlicher Treiber installiert.

    Freundliche Grüsse

    Markus Signer


    Ich habe den obigen I2C Treiber in meine Software übernommen. Der CreateFile ist erfolgreich und die Adresse meines Temperatursensors auf dem I2C wird beim Scan erkannt. Mit folgendem Code will ich einen DatenTransfer machen:

    Der DeviceIoControl ist ebenfalls successful. Nur wird der zu lesende Wert nicht in den getbuf eingetragen.
    Mit dem KO betrachtet sieht man wie der setbuf gesendet wird und der getbuf gelesen wird.

    Was könnte hier der Fehler sein?

    Besten Dank für die Antwort.

    Grüsse Markus