Posts by slegaspi

    I have been using NetDCU10 and am now trying to see if it is easy enough to substitute with NetDCU9. I seem to be having USB problems - ActiveSync cannot connect and the NdetDCU USB-loader also cannot find a USB connection. This occurs both the the NetDCU development board and our target hardware. The NetDCU9 has kernel v1.01.

    Do I need to install a different USB driver?


    I have the problem that my registry setup is not saved after updating the NetDCU10 kernel and my application automatically through the USB. The details are as follows...

    I call the KernelUpdate_NDCU10_V104.exe at the beginning of my script for the NetDCU-SKIT-USB-UpDate Tool, AutoStart.exe . After updating the kernel, I want to setup the registry. Here is this section of my Update.script:

    1. # -- update kernel --
    2. X 'KernelUpdate_NDCU10_V104 -k NK10_CF2_100608.bin -q'
    3. # -- setup registry --
    4. X '\windows\cmd.exe /c ndcucfg "-B\Hard Disk\NetDCU10\reg_setup.txt"'
    5. # -- update application program --
    6. I G4UIv2.exe \FFSDISK\G4UI.exe
    7. ...

    The KernelUpdate program is run successfully (have verified the kernel version has changed), the windows\cmd.exe is called and each line of my reg_setup is displayed with OK, including the "reg save" at the end. My application is also correctly installed and I get the message that update was successful, reboot.

    The reg_setup.txt includes the display setup. After rebooting the display is clearly not setup (black screen). When I then transmit the same reg_setup.txt file via DCUTermi and reboot, display setup etc is OK.

    Am I missing something?


    Thanks, was able to read the kernel version.

    Since updating to kernel v1.34, any changes that I make in windows (e.g. Volume settings >> disable sounds for events) are not saved on next power up. Is there something else I need to do to enable saving changes?

    Is there also a way to send such control panel changes to the WinCE registry in a text file? I've looked at the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Snd\Event & \ControlPanel data and don't notice any changes when I change the control panel volume settings.


    I've updated the kernel to V1.34 100211, without changing the thread priority, and it seems to have done the trick so far.

    How can I tell which kernel is loaded on a NetDCU10? When DCUTermi is connected and then the board started up I only receive the bootloader version etc below:
    Microsoft Windows CE Ethernet Bootloader Common Library Version 1.1 Built Dec 3 2008 15:56:43
    Microsoft Windows CE Bootloader for NetDCU10 Built Feb 4 2009
    Portions copyright (c) 2007 F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    Boot Loader, Version 1.31
    StepStone Loader, Version NA34

    Samsung: 512MBit (64MB)
    Create partition for boot section ... Success
    INFO:OALLogSetZones: dpCurSettings.ulZoneMask: 0xb
    System ready!
    Preparing for download...
    Press >S< to step into monitor...
    AUTO BOOT enabled
    Image Signature in Flash Memory found (dwSig=0x43454345)
    TOC pointer=0x8108A2E8
    Kernel read from flash disk started finished

    I am trying to play .wav files using the WinCE waveOut functions. I do this within one ("audio") thread, and within another ("serial IO") thread, my application needs to send data to com port 2 every 100ms.

    The audio files play ok, however, my serial IO send data function is not called within the required time. The serio IO thread is set to CE_THREAD_PRIO_256_HIGHEST, audio thread is CE_THREAD_PRIO_256_NORMAL.

    I thought that the threads are managed by WinCE to in effect run in parallel, i.e. run the quantum period of time then go to the next thread, espeically if the other thread is higher prio. Have I understood this correctly?
    Is it possible that the waveOut resources are interferring with the other threads or does my problem lie somewhere else?


    I am running a single application on WinCE, with several threads. One thread is dedicated to my serial comms, where I receive data regularly at about 10Hz. From this thread I use PostThreadMessage with a (WM_APP + X) command to tell my main thread to process the data received serially and then display the corresponding info. The main thread is running in a message loop, waiting on GetMessage().

    My problem is that the message to the main thread sometimes gets removed before the process functions are called (NB: the PostThreadMessage does not return 0). My understanding is that threads are initially created without a queue, however, by using the GetMessage function, a queue is created, and if not, the PostThreadMessage function would return 0.

    Is that correct or do I have to use CreateMsgQueue (which I thought was only necessary between processes)? How can I find out how large my message queue is and what messages are on the queue?

    Many thanks,

    Board: NetDCU10
    Full screen size: 800 x 480 pixels
    Scrolling area variable... standard size: 100 x 300; max.: 300 x 300

    Notes related to procedure description below:
    • the number of pixels per data sample depends on the size of the scrolling area
    • for the example below: scrolling area width is 100, each sample has a width of 1 pixel, height = 300
    • number of data samples to be drawn with each update is variable (e.g. 3 plots drawn within the 1 graph)

    1. Scrolling area width from pixel 2 to pixel 100 is copied to pixel location 1 to 99 using the "BitBlt" function.
    2. The function "Rectangle" is used to draw a filled rectangle over the (1 x 300)rectangle for pixel location 100
    3. "MoveToEx" & "LineTo" are used to draw the different data samples in pixel location 100


    Our application displays "live" data graphically and scrolls a section of the graph so that the newest data is always displayed at a certain point. I am currently using the BitBlt function to copy/shift the graph before displaying the new data. We receive data every 100ms and unfortunately using BitBlt takes almost all of this time (meaing I don't have enough time left to update other parts of the display).

    Can anyone suggest a more time-efficient method?

    Thanks in advance!

    I am running an application which I have made dependent on CheckAutoStart.exe in the registry. While the application is running and I attach a USB-Stick (with the AutoStart.exe and Update.script), the message window to reboot the system is hidden behind my application screens.

    How can I determine within my application when CheckAutoStart.exe has found the AutoStart application and requires a system reboot? (so that I can provide my own message to the user)
