Posts by fs-support_AD

    F&S i.MX93 Yocto Pre-Release 2024.09 (fsimx93-Y2024.09-pre)

    A new pre-release for fsimx93 is available.

    It is based on the following components:

    - Yocto 5.0 (Scarthgap)

    - Linux 6.6.x

    - U-Boot 2024.04

    Currently supported boards:

    - PicoCoreMX93, OSM93


    Please note that this is a pre-release, which is only meant for testing and not suitable for production!

    There may be huge changes to the software and the distribution method in the future.

    Please report any bugs in this thread.


    Building the Pre-Release

    1. Download the virtual machine F_S_Development_Machine-Fedora_40_V0.2.ova from My F&S Tools-Linux/VirtualMachines/Fedora40/64-bit (i.MX9)/ and import it to VirtualBox.

    2. Run git clone to clone the repository. Go to releases-fus/

    3. Run git checkout fsimx93-Y2024.09-pre

    4. Run ./setup-yocto <BUILDIR_NAME> and go to <BUILDIR_NAME>/yocto-fus/

    5. Run DISTRO=fus-imx-wayland MACHINE=fsimx93 .

    6. Run bitbake fus-image-std


    The bootloader does not supported F&S nboot and based currently on NXP sturcture. Be careful to use other bootloader versions.

    Here are some highlights of this release.

    1. New Linux Kernel 6.6.x

    The Linux kernel is now based on 6.6.x

    - EEVDF replaces the existing CFS code scheduler

    - ReiserFS Officially Declared "Obsolete"

    - KSMBD Declared Stable

    - CephFS Completes Multi-Year Effort Adding FSCRYPT Support.

    - EXT4 Lands A Nice Performance Improvement

    - Tmpfs Gains New Features

    - NFS Enables NFSv4.2 READ_PLUS Option By Default

    - Brings Fixes, Partially Recovers From Scrub Performance Regression

    - Adding Randomized Kmalloc Caches (Linux Security)

    - Various Security improvments (Linux Security)

    - Various kernel graphics improvements


    Many other improvments.


    Of course there are also many changes for other CPU types (like x86) and other graphics cores (like AMD, Nvidia, Intel) but these are not of interest here.

    Based on NXP version lf-6.6.23-2.2.0

    2. New bootloader U-Boot 2024.04

    The U-Boot is now based on 2024.04.

    NXP version lf-6.6.23-2.0.0

    3. New Yocto version 5.0 scarthgap

    Updating Yocto to Version 5.0 Scarthgap. This provides many new package

    versions. We have also updated the poky layer to version 5.0.3

    4. Improved Image versioning

    5. New Release concept over github

    We now provide our Linux gits over github at All release and pre-release states will be pushed here. For now, we will not push each single commit to github.

    Also the release sources are not added to the release tar anymore, but will be downloaded from github during the setup process.

    The versions of the different gits of a release can be looked up in the fs-release-manifest.xml file in the release tar directory.

    6. New Azurewave wlan driver

    Additional to the mainline SD-BT-8997 driver we now provide the NXP version. This driver supports additional security features, optimized. STA and AP modes and improved roaming.

    To activate the nxp mlan driver uncomment the respective lines in: recipes-kernel/kernel-modules/files/mxm-wifiex.conf Also comment out the line for the mainline mwifiex driver.

    Please note that bluetooth is currently not supported with the nxp-mlan driver. For Bluetooth please use the mainline driver.

    The following list shows the most noticeable changes in this release in more detail since our last release for this platform. Please note that the source code is also used for other platforms. This is why you will also find references to other CPU types and F&S boards here in the change log.

    u-boot-v2024.04-fs0.1-fsimx93-Y2024.09-pre ()

    Supported boards: PicoCoreMX93, OSM93

    - NXP version of u-boot-2024.04 (lf-6.6.23-2.0.0)

    - Merge branch 'rel_imx' into fsimx93

    - configs:fsimx93: update defconfig to 2024.04

    - board:fsimx93: update fsimx93 to 2024.04

    - board:fsimx93: adjust lpddr4 timings for osm.

    - arch:arm:dts: Improve fs-osm-sf-mx93-adp-osm-bb-u-boot.dtsi

    - board:f+s:fsimx93: Improve RAM timings

    - arm:dts:imx93: Add a per clock for lpuart3 to lpuart8

    - arm:mach-imx:imx9: Initialize lpuart[3-8] root clocks

    - arch:arm:mach-imx:imx9:native: Rename board_fix_fdt() to arch_fix_fdt()

    - board:f+s:common: Improve fs_fdt_common functionality

    - board:f+s:common: Enable fs_eth_common function for iMX9 architecture

    - board:f+s:common: Add fs common functionality for fsimx93

    - arch:arm: Add F+S common configuartion

    - board:f+s:fsimx93: Remove unused function for android

    - board:f+s:fsimx93: Improve functionality for fsimx93

    - configs: Improve fsimx93 board configuartion

    use F+S common functions

    - configs: Improve fsimx93_defconfig

    add fixup, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS

    - arch:arm:dts: Improve picocoremx93 device tree

    - arch:arm:dts: Improve device trees for picocoremx93

    - board:f+s:fsimx93: Improve fsimx93.c

    - configs: Split fsimx93_deconfig in two configurations

    - Improve build process for fsimx93

    - In imx8m/soc.c, rename board_fix_fdt() to arch_fix_fdt()

    - arch:arm:dts: Improve picocoremx93.dtsi

    improve SPI_B configuration

    - board:f+s:fsimx93:Improve support for fsimx93

    linux-v6.6.48-fs0.1-fsimx93-Y2024.09-pre ()

    Supported boards: PicoCoreMX93, OSM93

    - NXP Version lf-6.6.23-2.0.0

    - Merge branch 'linux-imx-6.6.x' into fsimx93

    - Original linux-6.6.48

    - Merge branch 'linux-6.6.x' into linux-imx-patch-6.6.x

    - Merge branch 'linux-imx-patch-6.6.x' into fus-6.6.x

    - arch:arm64:boot:dts:f+s: Improve support for picocoremx93

    - arch:arm64:boot:dts:f+s: Improve the indentation in Makefile

    - arch:arm64:boot:dts:f+s: Remove support for display j070wvtc0211

    - arch:arm64:boot:dts:f+s: Improve BT070L1060CS0I1AD-A display support

    - arch:arm64:boot:dts:f+s: Add support for ee0350et-2cp display

    - arch:arm64:boot:dts:f+s: Improve support for EE1010B1T-1CP display

    - arch:arm64:configs: Improve fsimx93_defconfig

    - arch:arm64:boot:dts:F+S: Adjust device tree for the BT070L1060CS0I1AD-A

    for osm93 with adapter board

    meta-fus-scarthgap-5.0.3-fs0.1-fsimx93-Y2024.09-pre ()

    Supported boards: PicoCoreMX93, OSM93

    - Update layer to scarthgap

    - Fix image_types_fus

    - Fix osm device tree names

    - Restructure meta-fus layers

    - Improve fsimx93.conf

    change SERIAL_CONSOLES to "115200,ttyLP6"

    - Improve handling of NXP wifi mxm-wifiex driver

    - Improve alsa-state to deploy asound configuration

    - Remove 0001-lib-build_OID_ patch

    - Improve

    - Extend to remove getty tty1

    - Move wic directory to meta-fus-bsp

    - meta-fus-bsp:conf:machine: Improve KERNEL_DEVICETREE in fsimx93.conf

    Remove device trees for j070wvtc0211 display

    - meta-fsu-bsp:conf:machine: Improve KERNEL_DEVICETREE in fsimx93.conf

    add support for ee0350et-2cp MIPI display.

    - meta-fus-bsp:conf:machine: Improve fsimx93.conf

    rework bootloader configuration

    - meta-fus-bsp:imx-mkimage: Rework imx-boot_1.0.bbappend

    add support to use multiple default configurations

    - meta-bus-bsp:alsa: Add imx-alsa-plugins_%.bbapend

    handling QA issue warning

    - meta-fus-sdk:dymaic-layer:qt6: Add qtbase_%.bbapend

    - meta-fus-bsp:u-boot: Improve 0001-Set-file-system-RW.patch

    - meta-fus-sdk:dymaic-layer:qt6: Add qtlanguageserver_%.bbapend

    - meta-fus-sdk:dymaic-layer:qt6: Add qtwayland_%.bbapend

    - meta-fus-bsp:machine: Improve fsimx93.conf

    disable ptest support for qtbase, qtdeclarative, qtlanguageserver

    and qtwayland packages

    - meta-fus-sdk:classes: Improve image_types_fus.bbclass


    set IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX = "-qt" in

    atf-lf_v2.10 ()

    Supported boards: PicoCoreMX93, OSM93

    - Use NXP version lf-6.6.23-2.0.0

    firmware-imx-8.24 ddr synopsys ()

    (no changes)

    firmware-ele-imx-0.1.2 ()

    (no changes)


    (no changes)


    - Initial version 1.1 of FSiMX93_FirstSteps_eng.pdf

    - Update to version 0.20 of LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf

    Please download the hardware documentation directly from our website.

    Then you always have the newest version.


    this is normally not an issue. You have a requirement which needs configuration of the uart port. The drivers offers the device tree settings to configure this. Please see driver documentation for uart node. In general you may have better response if dma is disabled too.


    1. &uart4 {
    2. pinctrl-names = "default";
    3. pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_uart4_1>;
    4. uart-has-rtscts;
    5. fsl,rx_fifo_trig = <1>;
    6.     no-dma;
    7. linux,rs485-enabled-at-boot-time;
    8. status = "okay";
    9. };

    Hope this helps.

    Your F&S Support Team

    Hello Alfred,

    sdcard image has all device trees on the first partition. Normally you can use our default device trees. Over the time our experience shows that our customer use different combination of boot divice. E.g. it is possible to configure our bootloader to use device tree from NAND or USB and other images like linux kernel and rootfs from eMMC. Also we desided to add some more binaries to our sdcard tar ball. But they are same default images like in our bsp binaries folder.

    If you want to use several device trees for armstonea9 you can e.g compile the binary manuelly and add (copy) it inside the sdcard image. This can be done by mounting the image as loopback device. You will find more information online. (e.g. on wikipedia) It should be a easiest and fastest way from my point of view.

    For production it can be more better way to add the divice tree to the machine file fsimx6.conf in .../meta-fus/conf/machine directory and add the your device tree to the kernel. For this it need to:

    • Extend the KERNEL_DEVICETREE enviroment with your device tree
    • Add the patch to recipe ../meta-fus/recipse-kernel/linux/
    • (Re)compile the kernel e.g. commado bitbake -c compile linux-fus -f
    • Build your image again. E.g. bitbake fus-image-std
    • Boot the board and go to the bootloader command line interface
    • Change the environment bootfd to bootloader name, which should be used. E.g. cmd 'editenv bootfdt' allows to change the env. value.
    • Optional use 'saveenv' command to write the new value to the persistent memory.

    Hope this helps.

    Your F&S Support Team

    F&S i.MX93 Yocto Pre-Release 2024.03 (fsimx93-Y2024.03-pre)

    A new pre-release for fsimx93 is available.

    It is based on the following components:

    - Yocto 4.2 (Mickledore)

    - Linux 6.1.55

    - U-Boot 2023.04

    Currently supported boards:

    - PicoCoreMX93


    Please note that this is a pre-release, which is only meant for testing and not suitable for production!

    There may be huge changes to the software and the distribution method in the future.

    Please report any bugs in this thread.


    Building the Pre-Release

    1. Download the virtual machine F_S_Development_Machine-Fedora_36_V1.5.ova from My F&S Tools-Linux/VirtualMachines/Fedora36/64-bit (i.MX8)/ and import it to VirtualBox.

    2. Run git clone to clone the repository. Go to releases-fus/

    3. Run git checkout fsimx93-Y2024.03-pre

    4. Run ./setup-yocto <BUILDIR_NAME> and go to <BUILDIR_NAME>/yocto-fus/

    5. Run DISTRO=fus-imx-wayland MACHINE=fsimx93 .

    6. Run bitbake fus-image-std


    The bootloader does not supported F&S nboot and based currently on NXP sturcture. Be careful to use other bootloader versions.

    Here are some highlights of this release.

    1. New Linux Kernel 6.1.55

    The Linux kernel is now based on 6.1.55

    - Fixes and performance optimizations for EXT4.

    - Significant performance optimizations for BTRFS.

    - Many graphics improvements.

    - Support for statx to report direct I/O alignment details.

    - Various Security improvments (Linux Security).

    - Various scheduler improvements.

    - Initial Rust infrastructure.


    Many other improvments.


    Of course there are also many changes for other CPU types (like x86) and other graphics cores (like AMD, Nvidia, Intel) but these are not of interest here.

    Based on NXP version lf-6.1.55-2.2.0

    2. New bootloader U-Boot 2023.04

    The U-Boot is now based on 2023.04.

    NXP version lf-6.1.55-2.2.0

    3. New Yocto version 4.2 Mickledore

    Updating Yocto to Version 4.2 Mickledore. This provides many new package

    versions. We have also updated the poky layer to version 4.2.4

    4. Improved Image versioning

    5. New Release concept over github

    We now provide our Linux gits over github at All release and pre-release states will be pushed here. For now, we will not push each single commit to github.

    Also the release sources are not added to the release tar anymore, but will be downloaded from github during the setup process.

    The versions of the different gits of a release can be looked up in the fs-release-manifest.xml file in the release tar directory.

    6. New Azurewave wlan driver

    Additional to the mainline SD-BT-8997 driver we now provide the NXP version. This driver supports additional security features, optimized. STA and AP modes and improved roaming.

    To activate the nxp mlan driver uncomment the respective lines in: recipes-kernel/kernel-modules/files/mxm-wifiex.conf Also comment out the line for the mainline mwifiex driver.

    Please note that bluetooth is currently not supported with the nxp-mlan driver. For Bluetooth please use the mainline driver.

    The following list shows the most noticeable changes in this release in more detail since our last release for this platform. Please note that the source code is also used for other platforms. This is why you will also find references to other CPU types and F&S boards here in the change log.

    u-boot-v2023.04-fs0.1-fsimx93-Y2024.03-pre ()

    Supported boards: PicoCoreMX93

    - arm:dts:imx93: Add a per clock for lpuart2

    - arm:mach-imx:imx9: Initialize lpuart2 root clock

    - Add board support for fsimx93

    - common: Impvore usb_storage for usb devices

    - Correct copyright message

    - Improve picocoremx93 device tree

    linux-v6.1.55-fs0.1-fsimx93-Y2024.03-pre ()

    Supported boards: PicoCoreMX93

    - arch:arm64:dts:freescale: Improve imx93.dtsi

    - clock: Improve binding clock definitions for imx93

    - arch:arm64:dts:f+s: Add device tree support for picocoremx93

    - char: Add bdinfo driver

    - rtc: Add rtc pcf85263 driver

    - leds: Add leds-pca963x-fus driver

    - spi: Improve spidev driver

    - input:touch:focaltech: Improve focaltech touch driver

    - Add support to use fsversion

    - gpu:drm:bridge: Add F+S version of sn65dsi84-dsi2lvds driver

    - arch:arm64:configs: Add default configuration for fsimx93

    - arch:arm64:dts:f+s:picocoremx93: enable epxp node

    - arch:arm64:dts:f+s: add picocoremx93-adp-lvds2lvds2-EE1010B1T-1CP

    - drivers:input:touchscreen:goodix: configure interrupt direction

    - dts:F+S:picocoremx93: complete BT070L1060CS0I1AD-A for ADP-LVDS2LVDS1

    meta-fus-mickledore-4.2.4-fs0.1-fsimx93-Y2024.04-pre ()

    Supported boards: PicoCoreMX93

    - Rework meta-fus structure

    Use meta-bsp and meta-sdk, add initial support for fsimx93

    - conf:machine:fsimx93: enable 2d acceleration

    - Improve linux-fus recipe for fsimx93

    atf-lf_v2.8 ()

    Supported boards: PicoCoreMX93

    - Use NXP version lf-6.1.55-2.2.0

    firmware-imx-8.22 ddr synopsys ()

    (no changes)


    (no changes)


    - Initial version 1.0 of FSiMX93_FirstSteps_eng.pdf

    - Update to version 0.20 of LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf

    Please download the hardware documentation directly from our website.

    Then you always have the newest version.


    today NXP shut down the web site This means that the download URL in our "yocto-download" script is't correct. Please change the URL and MANIFEST enviroments as follows:



    Your F&S Support Team


    today NXP shut down the web site This means that the download URL in our "yocto-download" script is't correct. Please change the URL and MANIFEST enviroments as follows:



    Your F&S Support Team


    today NXP shut down the web site This means that the download URL in our "yocto-download" script is't correct. Please change the URL and MANIFEST enviroments as follows:


    Your F&S Support Team

    i.MX8M-Plus Linux Release Y2023.03 (Yocto)

    This is a maintenance release for fsimx8mp. fsimx8mp is the software currently for all boards from F&S that are based on the i.MX8M-Plus Quad CPU from NXP (or i.MX8M-Plus for short). Currently this consists of the boards armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2 and efusMX8MP. More boards may be added to this family in the future. All these boards can work with software that is created from this release package.

    The release consists of two files:


    This is the main release itself containing all sources, the binary images, the documentation, examples and the toolchain.


    If you copy the contents of this archive to an SD card, you can install our precompiled standard system in a very straightforward and comfortable way on the board. The SD card archive is meant for people who just want to try a release first without having to download the quite large main archive. Its content is also contained in the main release archive, so if you want to download the main archive anyway, you don't need to bother with the SD card archive.

    These tar archives are compressed with bzip2. So to see the files, you first have to unpack the archives


    1. tar xvf fsimx8mp-Y2023.03.tar.bz2

    This will create a directory fsimx8mp-Y2003.03 that contains all the files of the release.

    Please read the file doc/FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf. It describes the first steps when working with the board and gives references to further reading.


    Known Issues

    The Link LED of the PicoCoreMX8MPr2 revision 1.00 is inverted. It will be on, if no link is detected and off if a link is detected.

    The Activity will be indicated through blinking as expected. Unfortunately, this can not be fixed by software.



    !!! Important !!!

    Please note that the update from older nboot, uboot version to the newer is necessary

    for both bootloader nboot and u-boot in the same update procedure.

    Do not update only one bootloader!

    !!! Important !!!


    Release Notes for fsimx8mp-Y2023.03

    Here are some highlights of this release.

    1. New version numbering

    We have changed the way how we name versions. In the past we had a version number made up of a major part m and a minor part n. Then we used Vm.n for Buildroot releases and Ym.n for Yocto releases. Release versions were counted individually for each CPU architecture. But then a "new" CPU type unfortunately had a smaller version number than an

    "old" CPU, even if the code was coming from the same sources or was even newer. This caused some irritations and misunderstandings of what release is actually the newest.

    So from now on we will use the year and month of the release instead, preceeded by a 'B' for Buildroot releases and a 'Y' for Yocto releases. For example the "B2019.08" of this release indicates a

    Buildroot based release from August 2019.

    2. New U-Boot 2020.04

    We have a considerably newer U-Boot now. One of the main new features is display support, so basically U-Boot can now be used to show a splash screen.

    U-Boot will also show more information about the CPU type now, for example temperature range, possible speed, etc. The command "clocks" will show much more information about internal clock rates. And USB storage devices are detected faster than before.

    U-Boot has experienced quite a lot of internal restructuring. For example it now also supports configuration via a Kconfig menu, similar to Linux kernel and Buildroot. After configuration with

    make fsimx8mp_defconfig

    simply call

    make menuconfig

    to show the menu. There you can select and de-select entries or move to sub-menus.

    Moving all configuration options from the previous header file to this menu is a long-term and still on-going process. So not all features are available in the menu, yet.

    U-Boot is now compiled and running in THUMB mode. This saves space that is needed for all the display code.

    3. New Linux kernel 5.4.70

    The Linux kernel is now based on 5.4.70. By default, we are using the Image format of the kernel now.

    • Improvements and optimizations in memory management, for example better heap and page management (tmpfs, shmem), better protection against attacks by implementing stack, heap and memory randomization.
    • Performance optimizations for the network stack, like faster TCP connections, quick killing of hanging network links, more features for the packet filter (firewall), smaller latencies on WLAN.
    • Optimizations in block layer, for example better Device Mapper for LVM, improved parallel access to directories, more efficient access to SSDs, parallel access for NFS, kernel support for file copy, server-side copy for CIFS, NFS, XFS, support for hard discs with host-managed SMR (Shingled Magnetic Recording).
    • Optimizations on file systems (NTRFS, EXT4, F2FS, NFS, XFS, Overlayfs, Ceph), new cluster filesystem Orangefs
    • Many improvements in graphics stack, like DRM (Direct Rendering Manager), new open source graphics driver etnaviv for Vivante graphics on i.MX CPUs (etnaviv = vivante backwards)
    • Better load balancing of processes to CPU cores, new cgroups v2, improved power and frequency handling, new cpufreq governor schedutil.
    • New GPIO infrastructure not using sysfs, supposed to be faster.
    • Support for USB SuperSpeedPlus (USB 3.1).
    • Many many new and improved drivers for WLAN chips, touch controllers, audio codecs, cameras, MMC/SD cards, etc.

    Of course there are also many changes for other CPU types (like x86) and other graphics cores (like AMD, Nvidia, Intel) but these are not of interest here.

    4. Yocto 3.0 (Zeus)

    With this release systemd will be the default init system for the example-fus-images.

    Systemd is a init system and service manager for Linux operating systems. It provides a system and service manager that runs as PID 1 and starts the rest of the system. Systemd provides aggressive parallelization capabilities, uses socket and D-Bus activation for starting services, offers on-demand starting of daemons, keeps track of processes using Linux control groups,

    maintains mount and automount points, and implements an elaborate transactional dependency-based service control logic. [Source:]

    It is configured via the systemclt application.

    Also the root file system will now be mounted as read-write by default. This can be changed to read-only when setting up the build enviroment via the script. See LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf for a detailed description.

    5. Documentation

    In the past, the documentation that was included in the release package itself was often superseded by newer versions on our website. But people continued to use the outdated version of the release, causing unnecessary complications.

    To avoid this, from now on only the software related documentation is directly included in the release and we have added a chapter to FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf that contains direct links to the appropriate resources on our website. There you can download the newest versions of hardware documentations, schematics, layout files, certificates, accessories, add-ons, adapters and similar things.

    The software documentation is completely reworked. The FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf document now really only shows a basic introduction to the work with boards of the fsimx8mp architecture. And there is a new document LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf that shows a more in-depth view of a Linux system in general and of the F&S versions of NBoot, U-Boot, Linux and Yocto in particular. This is still work in progress, some chapters are not fully done yet and will be revised in the future. Check our website from time to time to see if there is a newer version of this document.


    The following list shows the most noticable changes in this release in more detail since our last regular i.MX8M-Plus release. Please note that the source code is also used for other platforms. This is why you will also find references to other CPU types and F&S boards here in the changelog.

    u-boot-2020.04-fsimx8mp-Y2023.03 (09.03.2023)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2, efusMX8MP

    • spi:fspi: Correct structure definition for supported commands
    • fsimx8mp: Add board support for efusMX8MP
    • fsimx8mp: Add support for I2C6
    • Improve Uboot versioning
    • Remove certain u-boot commands for secure boot
    • Add secure boot for fsimx8mp
    • Fix OC-RAM Layout for fsimx8mp
    • Add support for op-tee
    • Add i.MX8MN support for Secure Boot
    • Support signed Linux images on i.MX8M based Boards
    • Add support for signed U-Boot Images for i.MX8M Boards
    • Improve functions from arch/arm/mach-imx/checkboot.c
    • Add Option to menuconfig to toggle secure boot messages
    • Add functionality for Secure Boot on i.MX8MM Boards

    linux-5.4.70-fsimx8mp-Y2023.03 (09.03.2024)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2, efusMX8MP

    • fsimx8mp: Enable drivers for efusmx8mp in fsxim8mp_defconfig
    • drm:bridge:lt9211: Improve rgb output mode
    • drm/fb-helper: Add missed unlocks in setcmap_legacy()
    • MLK-25731: drm: imx: hdp: correct ipg clk disable
    • squash gpu: drm: bridge: synopsys: dw-hdmi: turn off power at end of interrupt routine
    • gpu: drm: bridge: synopsys: dw-hdmi: turn off power at end of interrupt routine
    • gpu: drm: bridge: cadence: cdns-hdmi-core: set cec phys_addr from edid
    • drm: bridge: dw-hdmi: check hdmi value in resume
    • Add support for efusmx8mp
    • Fix armstonemx8mp recording issue
    • ASoC: wm8960: Support headphone jack detection function
    • Add device tree version
    • Add ads1015 adc driver to defconfig
    • Add F&S Linux Version
    • Fix picocoremx8mpr2-lcdif-j070wvtc0211.dts
    • Improve bdinfo driver

    yocto-3.0-fsimx8mp-Y2023.03 (10.03.2023 based on Yocto 3.0 Zeus)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2, efusMX8MP

    • fsimx8mp: Add support for efusmx8mp
    • Add support to change UBOOT_LOCALVERSION

    atf-5.4.70-fsimx8mp-Y2023.03 (10.03.2023)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2, efusMX8MP

    • Change bl31 for fsimx8mp to new one
    • Change the op-tee load address for fsimx8mm
    • Add domain permission for UART2 on M7
    • Add possibility to deactivate debug UART for fsimx8mp
    • Add DEBUG_CONSOLE for imx8mn
    • Add domain permission for UART2 on M4


    • No changes


    • Update to version 1.3 of FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf
    • Update to version 0.15 of LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf

    Please download the hardware documentation directly from our website. Then you always have the newest version.

    Your F&S Support Team

    i.MX8M-Plus Linux Release Y2023.03 (Yocto)

    This is a maintenance release for fsimx8mp. fsimx8mp is the software currently for all boards from F&S that are based on the i.MX8M-Plus Quad CPU from NXP (or i.MX8M-Plus for short). Currently this consists of the boards armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2 and efusMX8MP. More boards may be added to this family in the future. All these boards can work with software that is created from this release package.

    The release consists of two files:


    This is the main release itself containing all sources, the binary images, the documentation, examples and the toolchain.


    If you copy the contents of this archive to an SD card, you can install our precompiled standard system in a very straightforward and comfortable way on the board. The SD card archive is meant for people who just want to try a release first without having to download the quite large main archive. Its content is also contained in the main release archive, so if you want to download the main archive anyway, you don't need to bother with the SD card archive.

    These tar archives are compressed with bzip2. So to see the files, you first have to unpack the archives


    1. tar xvf fsimx8mp-Y2023.03.tar.bz2

    This will create a directory fsimx8mp-Y2003.03 that contains all the files of the release.

    Please read the file doc/FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf. It describes the first steps when working with the board and gives references to further reading.


    Known Issues

    The Link LED of the PicoCoreMX8MPr2 revision 1.00 is inverted. It will be on, if no link is detected and off if a link is detected.

    The Activity will be indicated through blinking as expected. Unfortunately, this can not be fixed by software.



    !!! Important !!!

    Please note that the update from older nboot, uboot version to the newer is necessary

    for both bootloader nboot and u-boot in the same update procedure.

    Do not update only one bootloader!

    !!! Important !!!

    Release Notes for fsimx8mp-Y2023.03

    Here are some highlights of this release.

    1. New version numbering

    We have changed the way how we name versions. In the past we had a version number made up of a major part m and a minor part n. Then we used Vm.n for Buildroot releases and Ym.n for Yocto releases. Release versions were counted individually for each CPU architecture. But then a "new" CPU type unfortunately had a smaller version number than an

    "old" CPU, even if the code was coming from the same sources or was even newer. This caused some irritations and misunderstandings of what release is actually the newest.

    So from now on we will use the year and month of the release instead, preceeded by a 'B' for Buildroot releases and a 'Y' for Yocto releases. For example the "B2019.08" of this release indicates a

    Buildroot based release from August 2019.

    2. New U-Boot 2020.04

    We have a considerably newer U-Boot now. One of the main new features is display support, so basically U-Boot can now be used to show a splash screen.

    U-Boot will also show more information about the CPU type now, for example temperature range, possible speed, etc. The command "clocks" will show much more information about internal clock rates. And USB storage devices are detected faster than before.

    U-Boot has experienced quite a lot of internal restructuring. For example it now also supports configuration via a Kconfig menu, similar to Linux kernel and Buildroot. After configuration with

    make fsimx8mp_defconfig

    simply call

    make menuconfig

    to show the menu. There you can select and de-select entries or move to sub-menus.

    Moving all configuration options from the previous header file to this menu is a long-term and still on-going process. So not all features are available in the menu, yet.

    U-Boot is now compiled and running in THUMB mode. This saves space that is needed for all the display code.

    3. New Linux kernel 5.4.70

    The Linux kernel is now based on 5.4.70. By default, we are using the Image format of the kernel now.

    • Improvements and optimizations in memory management, for example better heap and page management (tmpfs, shmem), better protection against attacks by implementing stack, heap and memory randomization.
    • Performance optimizations for the network stack, like faster TCP connections, quick killing of hanging network links, more features for the packet filter (firewall), smaller latencies on WLAN.
    • Optimizations in block layer, for example better Device Mapper for LVM, improved parallel access to directories, more efficient access to SSDs, parallel access for NFS, kernel support for file copy, server-side copy for CIFS, NFS, XFS, support for hard discs with host-managed SMR (Shingled Magnetic Recording).
    • Optimizations on file systems (NTRFS, EXT4, F2FS, NFS, XFS, Overlayfs, Ceph), new cluster filesystem Orangefs
    • Many improvements in graphics stack, like DRM (Direct Rendering Manager), new open source graphics driver etnaviv for Vivante graphics on i.MX CPUs (etnaviv = vivante backwards)
    • Better load balancing of processes to CPU cores, new cgroups v2, improved power and frequency handling, new cpufreq governor schedutil.
    • New GPIO infrastructure not using sysfs, supposed to be faster.
    • Support for USB SuperSpeedPlus (USB 3.1).
    • Many many new and improved drivers for WLAN chips, touch controllers, audio codecs, cameras, MMC/SD cards, etc.

    Of course there are also many changes for other CPU types (like x86) and other graphics cores (like AMD, Nvidia, Intel) but these are not of interest here.

    4. Yocto 3.0 (Zeus)

    With this release systemd will be the default init system for the example-fus-images.

    Systemd is a init system and service manager for Linux operating systems. It provides a system and service manager that runs as PID 1 and starts the rest of the system. Systemd provides aggressive parallelization capabilities, uses socket and D-Bus activation for starting services, offers on-demand starting of daemons, keeps track of processes using Linux control groups,

    maintains mount and automount points, and implements an elaborate transactional dependency-based service control logic. [Source:]

    It is configured via the systemclt application.

    Also the root file system will now be mounted as read-write by default. This can be changed to read-only when setting up the build enviroment via the script. See LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf for a detailed description.

    5. Documentation

    In the past, the documentation that was included in the release package itself was often superseded by newer versions on our website. But people continued to use the outdated version of the release, causing unnecessary complications.

    To avoid this, from now on only the software related documentation is directly included in the release and we have added a chapter to FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf that contains direct links to the appropriate resources on our website. There you can download the newest versions of hardware documentations, schematics, layout files, certificates, accessories, add-ons, adapters and similar things.

    The software documentation is completely reworked. The FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf document now really only shows a basic introduction to the work with boards of the fsimx8mp architecture. And there is a new document LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf that shows a more in-depth view of a Linux system in general and of the F&S versions of NBoot, U-Boot, Linux and Yocto in particular. This is still work in progress, some chapters are not fully done yet and will be revised in the future. Check our website from time to time to see if there is a newer version of this document.


    The following list shows the most noticable changes in this release in more detail since our last regular i.MX8M-Plus release. Please note that the source code is also used for other platforms. This is why you will also find references to other CPU types and F&S boards here in the changelog.

    u-boot-2020.04-fsimx8mp-Y2023.03 (09.03.2023)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2, efusMX8MP

    • spi:fspi: Correct structure definition for supported commands
    • fsimx8mp: Add board support for efusMX8MP
    • fsimx8mp: Add support for I2C6
    • Improve Uboot versioning
    • Remove certain u-boot commands for secure boot
    • Add secure boot for fsimx8mp
    • Fix OC-RAM Layout for fsimx8mp
    • Add support for op-tee
    • Add i.MX8MN support for Secure Boot
    • Support signed Linux images on i.MX8M based Boards
    • Add support for signed U-Boot Images for i.MX8M Boards
    • Improve functions from arch/arm/mach-imx/checkboot.c
    • Add Option to menuconfig to toggle secure boot messages
    • Add functionality for Secure Boot on i.MX8MM Boards

    linux-5.4.70-fsimx8mp-Y2023.03 (09.03.2024)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2, efusMX8MP

    • fsimx8mp: Enable drivers for efusmx8mp in fsxim8mp_defconfig
    • drm:bridge:lt9211: Improve rgb output mode
    • drm/fb-helper: Add missed unlocks in setcmap_legacy()
    • MLK-25731: drm: imx: hdp: correct ipg clk disable
    • squash gpu: drm: bridge: synopsys: dw-hdmi: turn off power at end of interrupt routine
    • gpu: drm: bridge: synopsys: dw-hdmi: turn off power at end of interrupt routine
    • gpu: drm: bridge: cadence: cdns-hdmi-core: set cec phys_addr from edid
    • drm: bridge: dw-hdmi: check hdmi value in resume
    • Add support for efusmx8mp
    • Fix armstonemx8mp recording issue
    • ASoC: wm8960: Support headphone jack detection function
    • Add device tree version
    • Add ads1015 adc driver to defconfig
    • Add F&S Linux Version
    • Fix picocoremx8mpr2-lcdif-j070wvtc0211.dts
    • Improve bdinfo driver

    yocto-3.0-fsimx8mp-Y2023.03 (10.03.2023 based on Yocto 3.0 Zeus)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2, efusMX8MP

    • fsimx8mp: Add support for efusmx8mp
    • Add support to change UBOOT_LOCALVERSION

    atf-5.4.70-fsimx8mp-Y2023.03 (10.03.2023)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2, efusMX8MP

    • Change bl31 for fsimx8mp to new one
    • Change the op-tee load address for fsimx8mm
    • Add domain permission for UART2 on M7
    • Add possibility to deactivate debug UART for fsimx8mp
    • Add DEBUG_CONSOLE for imx8mn
    • Add domain permission for UART2 on M4


    • No changes


    • Update to version 1.3 of FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf
    • Update to version 0.15 of LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf

    Please download the hardware documentation directly from our website. Then you always have the newest version.

    Your F&S Support Team

    i.MX8M-Plus Linux Release Y2023.03 (Yocto)

    This is a maintenance release for fsimx8mp. fsimx8mp is the software currently for all boards from F&S that are based on the i.MX8M-Plus Quad CPU from NXP (or i.MX8M-Plus for short). Currently this consists of the boards armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2 and efusMX8MP. More boards may be added to this family in the future. All these boards can work with software that is created from this release package.

    The release consists of two files:


    This is the main release itself containing all sources, the binary images, the documentation, examples and the toolchain.


    If you copy the contents of this archive to an SD card, you can install our precompiled standard system in a very straightforward and comfortable way on the board. The SD card archive is meant for people who just want to try a release first without having to download the quite large main archive. Its content is also contained in the main release archive, so if you want to download the main archive anyway, you don't need to bother with the SD card archive.

    These tar archives are compressed with bzip2. So to see the files, you first have to unpack the archives


    1. tar xvf fsimx8mp-Y2023.03.tar.bz2

    This will create a directory fsimx8mp-Y2003.03 that contains all the files of the release.

    Please read the file doc/FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf. It describes the first steps when working with the board and gives references to further reading.


    Known Issues

    The Link LED of the PicoCoreMX8MPr2 revision 1.00 is inverted. It will be on, if no link is detected and off if a link is detected.

    The Activity will be indicated through blinking as expected. Unfortunately, this can not be fixed by software.


    Release Notes for fsimx8mp-Y2023.03

    Here are some highlights of this release.

    1. New version numbering

    We have changed the way how we name versions. In the past we had a version number made up of a major part m and a minor part n. Then we used Vm.n for Buildroot releases and Ym.n for Yocto releases. Release versions were counted individually for each CPU architecture. But then a "new" CPU type unfortunately had a smaller version number than an

    "old" CPU, even if the code was coming from the same sources or was even newer. This caused some irritations and misunderstandings of what release is actually the newest.

    So from now on we will use the year and month of the release instead, preceeded by a 'B' for Buildroot releases and a 'Y' for Yocto releases. For example the "B2019.08" of this release indicates a

    Buildroot based release from August 2019.

    2. New U-Boot 2020.04

    We have a considerably newer U-Boot now. One of the main new features is display support, so basically U-Boot can now be used to show a splash screen.

    U-Boot will also show more information about the CPU type now, for example temperature range, possible speed, etc. The command "clocks" will show much more information about internal clock rates. And USB storage devices are detected faster than before.

    U-Boot has experienced quite a lot of internal restructuring. For example it now also supports configuration via a Kconfig menu, similar to Linux kernel and Buildroot. After configuration with

    make fsimx8mp_defconfig

    simply call

    make menuconfig

    to show the menu. There you can select and de-select entries or move to sub-menus.

    Moving all configuration options from the previous header file to this menu is a long-term and still on-going process. So not all features are available in the menu, yet.

    U-Boot is now compiled and running in THUMB mode. This saves space that is needed for all the display code.

    3. New Linux kernel 5.4.70

    The Linux kernel is now based on 5.4.70. By default, we are using the Image format of the kernel now.

    • Improvements and optimizations in memory management, for example better heap and page management (tmpfs, shmem), better protection against attacks by implementing stack, heap and memory randomization.
    • Performance optimizations for the network stack, like faster TCP connections, quick killing of hanging network links, more features for the packet filter (firewall), smaller latencies on WLAN.
    • Optimizations in block layer, for example better Device Mapper for LVM, improved parallel access to directories, more efficient access to SSDs, parallel access for NFS, kernel support for file copy, server-side copy for CIFS, NFS, XFS, support for hard discs with host-managed SMR (Shingled Magnetic Recording).
    • Optimizations on file systems (NTRFS, EXT4, F2FS, NFS, XFS, Overlayfs, Ceph), new cluster filesystem Orangefs
    • Many improvements in graphics stack, like DRM (Direct Rendering Manager), new open source graphics driver etnaviv for Vivante graphics on i.MX CPUs (etnaviv = vivante backwards)
    • Better load balancing of processes to CPU cores, new cgroups v2, improved power and frequency handling, new cpufreq governor schedutil.
    • New GPIO infrastructure not using sysfs, supposed to be faster.
    • Support for USB SuperSpeedPlus (USB 3.1).
    • Many many new and improved drivers for WLAN chips, touch controllers, audio codecs, cameras, MMC/SD cards, etc.

    Of course there are also many changes for other CPU types (like x86) and other graphics cores (like AMD, Nvidia, Intel) but these are not of interest here.

    4. Yocto 3.0 (Zeus)

    With this release systemd will be the default init system for the example-fus-images.

    Systemd is a init system and service manager for Linux operating systems. It provides a system and service manager that runs as PID 1 and starts the rest of the system. Systemd provides aggressive parallelization capabilities, uses socket and D-Bus activation for starting services, offers on-demand starting of daemons, keeps track of processes using Linux control groups,

    maintains mount and automount points, and implements an elaborate transactional dependency-based service control logic. [Source:]

    It is configured via the systemclt application.

    Also the root file system will now be mounted as read-write by default. This can be changed to read-only when setting up the build enviroment via the script. See LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf for a detailed description.

    5. Documentation

    In the past, the documentation that was included in the release package itself was often superseded by newer versions on our website. But people continued to use the outdated version of the release, causing unnecessary complications.

    To avoid this, from now on only the software related documentation is directly included in the release and we have added a chapter to FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf that contains direct links to the appropriate resources on our website. There you can download the newest versions of hardware documentations, schematics, layout files, certificates, accessories, add-ons, adapters and similar things.

    The software documentation is completely reworked. The FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf document now really only shows a basic introduction to the work with boards of the fsimx8mp architecture. And there is a new document LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf that shows a more in-depth view of a Linux system in general and of the F&S versions of NBoot, U-Boot, Linux and Yocto in particular. This is still work in progress, some chapters are not fully done yet and will be revised in the future. Check our website from time to time to see if there is a newer version of this document.


    The following list shows the most noticable changes in this release in more detail since our last regular i.MX8M-Plus release. Please note that the source code is also used for other platforms. This is why you will also find references to other CPU types and F&S boards here in the changelog.

    u-boot-2020.04-fsimx8mp-Y2023.03 (09.03.2023)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2, efusMX8MP

    • spi:fspi: Correct structure definition for supported commands
    • fsimx8mp: Add board support for efusMX8MP
    • fsimx8mp: Add support for I2C6
    • Improve Uboot versioning
    • Remove certain u-boot commands for secure boot
    • Add secure boot for fsimx8mp
    • Fix OC-RAM Layout for fsimx8mp
    • Add support for op-tee
    • Add i.MX8MN support for Secure Boot
    • Support signed Linux images on i.MX8M based Boards
    • Add support for signed U-Boot Images for i.MX8M Boards
    • Improve functions from arch/arm/mach-imx/checkboot.c
    • Add Option to menuconfig to toggle secure boot messages
    • Add functionality for Secure Boot on i.MX8MM Boards

    linux-5.4.70-fsimx8mp-Y2023.03 (09.03.2024)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2, efusMX8MP

    • fsimx8mp: Enable drivers for efusmx8mp in fsxim8mp_defconfig
    • drm:bridge:lt9211: Improve rgb output mode
    • drm/fb-helper: Add missed unlocks in setcmap_legacy()
    • MLK-25731: drm: imx: hdp: correct ipg clk disable
    • squash gpu: drm: bridge: synopsys: dw-hdmi: turn off power at end of interrupt routine
    • gpu: drm: bridge: synopsys: dw-hdmi: turn off power at end of interrupt routine
    • gpu: drm: bridge: cadence: cdns-hdmi-core: set cec phys_addr from edid
    • drm: bridge: dw-hdmi: check hdmi value in resume
    • Add support for efusmx8mp
    • Fix armstonemx8mp recording issue
    • ASoC: wm8960: Support headphone jack detection function
    • Add device tree version
    • Add ads1015 adc driver to defconfig
    • Add F&S Linux Version
    • Fix picocoremx8mpr2-lcdif-j070wvtc0211.dts
    • Improve bdinfo driver

    yocto-3.0-fsimx8mp-Y2023.03 (10.03.2023 based on Yocto 3.0 Zeus)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2, efusMX8MP

    • fsimx8mp: Add support for efusmx8mp
    • Add support to change UBOOT_LOCALVERSION

    atf-5.4.70-fsimx8mp-Y2023.03 (10.03.2023)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2, efusMX8MP

    • Change bl31 for fsimx8mp to new one
    • Change the op-tee load address for fsimx8mm
    • Add domain permission for UART2 on M7
    • Add possibility to deactivate debug UART for fsimx8mp
    • Add DEBUG_CONSOLE for imx8mn
    • Add domain permission for UART2 on M4


    • No changes


    • Update to version 1.3 of FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf
    • Update to version 0.15 of LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf

    Please download the hardware documentation directly from our website. Then you always have the newest version.

    Your F&S Support Team

    i.MX8M-Plus Linux Release Y2022.12 (Yocto)

    This is a maintenance release for fsimx8mp. fsimx8mp is the software currently for all boards from F&S that are based on the i.MX8M-Plus Quad CPU from NXP (or i.MX8M-Plus for short). Currently this consists of the boards armStoneMX8MP and PicoCoreMX8MP. More boards may be added to this family in the future. All these boards can work with software that is created from this release package.

    The release consists of two files:


    This is the main release itself containing all sources, the binary images, the documentation, examples and the toolchain.


    If you copy the contents of this archive to an SD card, you can install our precompiled standard system in a very straightforward and comfortable way on the board. The SD card archive is meant for people who just want to try a release first without having to download the quite large main archive. Its content is also contained in the main release archive, so if you want to download the main archive anyway, you don't need to bother with the SD card archive.

    These tar archives are compressed with bzip2. So to see the files, you first have to unpack the archives


    1. tar xvf fsimx8mp-Y2022.12.tar.bz2

    This will create a directory fsimx8mp-Y2022.12 that contains all the files of the release.

    Please read the file doc/FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf. It describes the first steps when working with the board and gives references to further reading.

    Release Notes for fsimx8mp-Y2022.12

    Here are some highlights of this release.

    1. New version numbering

    We have changed the way how we name versions. In the past we had a version number made up of a major part m and a minor part n. Then we used Vm.n for Buildroot releases and Ym.n for Yocto releases. Release versions were counted individually for each CPU architecture. But then a "new" CPU type unfortunately had a smaller version number than an

    "old" CPU, even if the code was coming from the same sources or was even newer. This caused some irritations and misunderstandings of what release is actually the newest.

    So from now on we will use the year and month of the release instead, preceeded by a 'B' for Buildroot releases and a 'Y' for Yocto releases. For example the "B2019.08" of this release indicates a

    Buildroot based release from August 2019.

    2. New U-Boot 2020.04

    We have a considerably newer U-Boot now. One of the main new features is display support, so basically U-Boot can now be used to show a splash screen.

    U-Boot will also show more information about the CPU type now, for example temperature range, possible speed, etc. The command "clocks" will show much more information about internal clock rates. And USB storage devices are detected faster than before.

    U-Boot has experienced quite a lot of internal restructuring. For example it now also supports configuration via a Kconfig menu, similar to Linux kernel and Buildroot. After configuration with

    make fsimx8mp_defconfig

    simply call

    make menuconfig

    to show the menu. There you can select and de-select entries or move to sub-menus.

    Moving all configuration options from the previous header file to this menu is a long-term and still on-going process. So not all features are available in the menu, yet.

    U-Boot is now compiled and running in THUMB mode. This saves space that is needed for all the display code.

    3. New Linux kernel 5.4.70

    The Linux kernel is now based on 5.4.70. By default, we are using the Image format of the kernel now.

    • Improvements and optimizations in memory management, for example better heap and page management (tmpfs, shmem), better protection against attacks by implementing stack, heap and memory randomization.
    • Performance optimizations for the network stack, like faster TCP connections, quick killing of hanging network links, more features for the packet filter (firewall), smaller latencies on WLAN.
    • Optimizations in block layer, for example better Device Mapper for LVM, improved parallel access to directories, more efficient access to SSDs, parallel access for NFS, kernel support for file copy, server-side copy for CIFS, NFS, XFS, support for hard discs with host-managed SMR (Shingled Magnetic Recording).
    • Optimizations on file systems (NTRFS, EXT4, F2FS, NFS, XFS, Overlayfs, Ceph), new cluster filesystem Orangefs
    • Many improvements in graphics stack, like DRM (Direct Rendering Manager), new open source graphics driver etnaviv for Vivante graphics on i.MX CPUs (etnaviv = vivante backwards)
    • Better load balancing of processes to CPU cores, new cgroups v2, improved power and frequency handling, new cpufreq governor schedutil.
    • New GPIO infrastructure not using sysfs, supposed to be faster.
    • Support for USB SuperSpeedPlus (USB 3.1).
    • Many many new and improved drivers for WLAN chips, touch controllers, audio codecs, cameras, MMC/SD cards, etc.

    Of course there are also many changes for other CPU types (like x86) and other graphics cores (like AMD, Nvidia, Intel) but these are not of interest here.

    4. Yocto 3.0 (Zeus)

    With this release systemd will be the default init system for the example-fus-images.

    Systemd is a init system and service manager for Linux operating systems. It provides a system and service manager that runs as PID 1 and starts the rest of the system. Systemd provides aggressive parallelization capabilities, uses socket and D-Bus activation for starting services, offers on-demand starting of daemons, keeps track of processes using Linux control groups,

    maintains mount and automount points, and implements an elaborate transactional dependency-based service control logic. [Source:]

    It is configured via the systemclt application.

    Also the root file system will now be mounted as read-write by default. This can be changed to read-only when setting up the build enviroment via the script. See LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf for a detailed description.

    5. Documentation

    In the past, the documentation that was included in the release package itself was often superseded by newer versions on our website. But people continued to use the outdated version of the release, causing unnecessary complications.

    To avoid this, from now on only the software related documentation is directly included in the release and we have added a chapter to FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf that contains direct links to the appropriate resources on our website. There you can download the newest versions of hardware documentations, schematics, layout files, certificates, accessories, add-ons, adapters and similar things.

    The software documentation is completely reworked. The FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf document now really only shows a basic introduction to the work with boards of the fsimx8mp architecture. And there is a new document LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf that shows a more in-depth view of a Linux system in general and of the F&S versions of NBoot, U-Boot, Linux and Yocto in particular. This is still work in progress, some chapters are not fully done yet and will be revised in the future. Check our website from time to time to see if there is a newer version of this document.


    The following list shows the most noticable changes in this release in more detail since our last regular i.MX8M-Plus release. Please note that the source code is also used for other platforms. This is why you will also find references to other CPU types and F&S boards here in the changelog.

    u-boot-2020.04-fsimx8mp-Y2022.12 (23.12.2022)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2

    • fsimx8mp: Improve fs_spl_memtest configuration in spl.c
    • fsimx8mp: Correct some comments
    • Correct mmc env offset values in picocoremx8mp.dtsi
    • fsimx8mp: Improve ram timings for picocoremx8mp(r2) 2GB versions
    • Increase nboot version to 2022.12
    • Add history file for fsimx8mp
    • Improve dram timings for armStoneMX8MP-V4I
    • ddr:imx8m: Add DRAM PLL to generate 900MHz output
    • Add SPL dram test for fsimx8mp

    linux-5.4.70-fsimx8mp-Y2022.12 (23.12.2022)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2

    • thermal/core: Add NULL pointer check before using cooling device stats
    • thermal/drivers/cpufreq_cooling: Update cpufreq_state only if state has changed
    • thermal:thermal_of: Fix error return code of thermal_of_populate_bind_params
    • thermal:core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal zone init
    • thermal/core: Correct function name thermal_zone_device_unregister()
    • thermal/core: Potential buffer overflow in thermal_build_list_of_policies()
    • thermal:imx8mm:Improve imx8mm_thermal driver
    • Add picocorem8mp(r2)-adp-aud1 device trees for ADP-AUD1

    yocto-3.0-fsimx8mm-Y2022.11 (09.11.2022 based on Yocto 3.0 Zeus)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2

    • fsimx8mp: Mount rootfs in rw mode


    • No changes


    • Update to version 1.3 of FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf
    • Update to version 0.17 of LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf

    Please download the hardware documentation directly from our website. Then you always have the newest version.

    Your F&S Support Team

    i.MX8M-Plus Linux Release Y2022.12 (Yocto)

    This is a maintenance release for fsimx8mp. fsimx8mp is the software currently for all boards from F&S that are based on the i.MX8M-Plus Quad CPU from NXP (or i.MX8M-Plus for short). Currently this consists of the boards armStoneMX8MP and PicoCoreMX8MP. More boards may be added to this family in the future. All these boards can work with software that is created from this release package.

    The release consists of two files:


    This is the main release itself containing all sources, the binary images, the documentation, examples and the toolchain.


    If you copy the contents of this archive to an SD card, you can install our precompiled standard system in a very straightforward and comfortable way on the board. The SD card archive is meant for people who just want to try a release first without having to download the quite large main archive. Its content is also contained in the main release archive, so if you want to download the main archive anyway, you don't need to bother with the SD card archive.

    These tar archives are compressed with bzip2. So to see the files, you first have to unpack the archives


    1. tar xvf fsimx8mp-Y2022.12.tar.bz2

    This will create a directory fsimx8mp-Y2022.12 that contains all the files of the release.

    Please read the file doc/FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf. It describes the first steps when working with the board and gives references to further reading.


    Known Issues

    The Link LED of the PicoCoreMX8MPr2 revision 1.00 is inverted. It will be on, if no link is detected and off if a link is detected.

    The Activity will be indicated through blinking as expected. Unfortunately, this can not be fixed by software.


    Release Notes for fsimx8mp-Y2022.12

    Here are some highlights of this release.

    1. New version numbering

    We have changed the way how we name versions. In the past we had a version number made up of a major part m and a minor part n. Then we used Vm.n for Buildroot releases and Ym.n for Yocto releases. Release versions were counted individually for each CPU architecture. But then a "new" CPU type unfortunately had a smaller version number than an

    "old" CPU, even if the code was coming from the same sources or was even newer. This caused some irritations and misunderstandings of what release is actually the newest.

    So from now on we will use the year and month of the release instead, preceeded by a 'B' for Buildroot releases and a 'Y' for Yocto releases. For example the "B2019.08" of this release indicates a

    Buildroot based release from August 2019.

    2. New U-Boot 2020.04

    We have a considerably newer U-Boot now. One of the main new features is display support, so basically U-Boot can now be used to show a splash screen.

    U-Boot will also show more information about the CPU type now, for example temperature range, possible speed, etc. The command "clocks" will show much more information about internal clock rates. And USB storage devices are detected faster than before.

    U-Boot has experienced quite a lot of internal restructuring. For example it now also supports configuration via a Kconfig menu, similar to Linux kernel and Buildroot. After configuration with

    make fsimx8mp_defconfig

    simply call

    make menuconfig

    to show the menu. There you can select and de-select entries or move to sub-menus.

    Moving all configuration options from the previous header file to this menu is a long-term and still on-going process. So not all features are available in the menu, yet.

    U-Boot is now compiled and running in THUMB mode. This saves space that is needed for all the display code.

    3. New Linux kernel 5.4.70

    The Linux kernel is now based on 5.4.70. By default, we are using the Image format of the kernel now.

    • Improvements and optimizations in memory management, for example better heap and page management (tmpfs, shmem), better protection against attacks by implementing stack, heap and memory randomization.
    • Performance optimizations for the network stack, like faster TCP connections, quick killing of hanging network links, more features for the packet filter (firewall), smaller latencies on WLAN.
    • Optimizations in block layer, for example better Device Mapper for LVM, improved parallel access to directories, more efficient access to SSDs, parallel access for NFS, kernel support for file copy, server-side copy for CIFS, NFS, XFS, support for hard discs with host-managed SMR (Shingled Magnetic Recording).
    • Optimizations on file systems (NTRFS, EXT4, F2FS, NFS, XFS, Overlayfs, Ceph), new cluster filesystem Orangefs
    • Many improvements in graphics stack, like DRM (Direct Rendering Manager), new open source graphics driver etnaviv for Vivante graphics on i.MX CPUs (etnaviv = vivante backwards)
    • Better load balancing of processes to CPU cores, new cgroups v2, improved power and frequency handling, new cpufreq governor schedutil.
    • New GPIO infrastructure not using sysfs, supposed to be faster.
    • Support for USB SuperSpeedPlus (USB 3.1).
    • Many many new and improved drivers for WLAN chips, touch controllers, audio codecs, cameras, MMC/SD cards, etc.

    Of course there are also many changes for other CPU types (like x86) and other graphics cores (like AMD, Nvidia, Intel) but these are not of interest here.

    4. Yocto 3.0 (Zeus)

    With this release systemd will be the default init system for the example-fus-images.

    Systemd is a init system and service manager for Linux operating systems. It provides a system and service manager that runs as PID 1 and starts the rest of the system. Systemd provides aggressive parallelization capabilities, uses socket and D-Bus activation for starting services, offers on-demand starting of daemons, keeps track of processes using Linux control groups,

    maintains mount and automount points, and implements an elaborate transactional dependency-based service control logic. [Source:]

    It is configured via the systemclt application.

    Also the root file system will now be mounted as read-write by default. This can be changed to read-only when setting up the build enviroment via the script. See LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf for a detailed description.

    5. Documentation

    In the past, the documentation that was included in the release package itself was often superseded by newer versions on our website. But people continued to use the outdated version of the release, causing unnecessary complications.

    To avoid this, from now on only the software related documentation is directly included in the release and we have added a chapter to FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf that contains direct links to the appropriate resources on our website. There you can download the newest versions of hardware documentations, schematics, layout files, certificates, accessories, add-ons, adapters and similar things.

    The software documentation is completely reworked. The FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf document now really only shows a basic introduction to the work with boards of the fsimx8mp architecture. And there is a new document LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf that shows a more in-depth view of a Linux system in general and of the F&S versions of NBoot, U-Boot, Linux and Yocto in particular. This is still work in progress, some chapters are not fully done yet and will be revised in the future. Check our website from time to time to see if there is a newer version of this document.


    The following list shows the most noticable changes in this release in more detail since our last regular i.MX8M-Plus release. Please note that the source code is also used for other platforms. This is why you will also find references to other CPU types and F&S boards here in the changelog.

    u-boot-2020.04-fsimx8mp-Y2022.12 (23.12.2022)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2

    • fsimx8mp: Improve fs_spl_memtest configuration in spl.c
    • fsimx8mp: Correct some comments
    • Correct mmc env offset values in picocoremx8mp.dtsi
    • fsimx8mp: Improve ram timings for picocoremx8mp(r2) 2GB versions
    • Increase nboot version to 2022.12
    • Add history file for fsimx8mp
    • Improve dram timings for armStoneMX8MP-V4I
    • ddr:imx8m: Add DRAM PLL to generate 900MHz output
    • Add SPL dram test for fsimx8mp

    linux-5.4.70-fsimx8mp-Y2022.12 (23.12.2022)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2

    • thermal/core: Add NULL pointer check before using cooling device stats
    • thermal/drivers/cpufreq_cooling: Update cpufreq_state only if state has changed
    • thermal:thermal_of: Fix error return code of thermal_of_populate_bind_params
    • thermal:core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal zone init
    • thermal/core: Correct function name thermal_zone_device_unregister()
    • thermal/core: Potential buffer overflow in thermal_build_list_of_policies()
    • thermal:imx8mm:Improve imx8mm_thermal driver
    • Add picocorem8mp(r2)-adp-aud1 device trees for ADP-AUD1

    yocto-3.0-fsimx8mp-Y2022.12 (23.12.2022 based on Yocto 3.0 Zeus)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2

    • fsimx8mp: Mount rootfs in rw mode


    • No changes


    • Update to version 1.3 of FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf
    • Update to version 0.17 of LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf

    Please download the hardware documentation directly from our website. Then you always have the newest version.

    Your F&S Support Team

    i.MX8M-Plus Linux Release Y2022.11 (Yocto)

    This is a maintenance release for fsimx8mp. fsimx8mp is the software currently for all boards from F&S that are based on the i.MX8M-Plus Quad CPU from NXP (or i.MX8M-Plus for short). Currently this consists of the boards armStoneMX8MP and PicoCoreMX8MP. More boards may be added to this family in the future. All these boards can work with software that is created from this release package.

    The release consists of two files:


    This is the main release itself containing all sources, the binary images, the documentation, examples and the toolchain.


    If you copy the contents of this archive to an SD card, you can install our precompiled standard system in a very straightforward and comfortable way on the board. The SD card archive is meant for people who just want to try a release first without having to download the quite large main archive. Its content is also contained in the main release archive, so if you want to download the main archive anyway, you don't need to bother with the SD card archive.

    These tar archives are compressed with bzip2. So to see the files, you first have to unpack the archives


    1. tar xvf fsimx8mp-Y2022.11.tar.bz2

    This will create a directory fsimx8mp-Y2022.11 that contains all the files of the release.

    Please read the file doc/FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf. It describes the first steps when working with the board and gives references to further reading.


    Known Issues

    The Link LED of the PicoCoreMX8MPr2 revision 1.00 is inverted. It will be on, if no link is detected and off if a link is detected.

    The Activity will be indicated through blinking as expected. Unfortunately, this can not be fixed by software.


    Release Notes for fsimx8mp-Y2022.11

    Here are some highlights of this release.

    1. New version numbering

    We have changed the way how we name versions. In the past we had a version number made up of a major part m and a minor part n. Then we used Vm.n for Buildroot releases and Ym.n for Yocto releases. Release versions were counted individually for each CPU architecture. But then a "new" CPU type unfortunately had a smaller version number than an

    "old" CPU, even if the code was coming from the same sources or was even newer. This caused some irritations and misunderstandings of what release is actually the newest.

    So from now on we will use the year and month of the release instead, preceeded by a 'B' for Buildroot releases and a 'Y' for Yocto releases. For example the "B2019.08" of this release indicates a

    Buildroot based release from August 2019.

    2. New U-Boot 2020.04

    We have a considerably newer U-Boot now. One of the main new features is display support, so basically U-Boot can now be used to show a splash screen.

    U-Boot will also show more information about the CPU type now, for example temperature range, possible speed, etc. The command "clocks" will show much more information about internal clock rates. And USB storage devices are detected faster than before.

    U-Boot has experienced quite a lot of internal restructuring. For example it now also supports configuration via a Kconfig menu, similar to Linux kernel and Buildroot. After configuration with

    make fsimx8mp_defconfig

    simply call

    make menuconfig

    to show the menu. There you can select and de-select entries or move to sub-menus.

    Moving all configuration options from the previous header file to this menu is a long-term and still on-going process. So not all features are available in the menu, yet.

    U-Boot is now compiled and running in THUMB mode. This saves space that is needed for all the display code.

    3. New Linux kernel 5.4.70

    The Linux kernel is now based on 5.4.70. By default, we are using the Image format of the kernel now.

    • Improvements and optimizations in memory management, for example better heap and page management (tmpfs, shmem), better protection against attacks by implementing stack, heap and memory randomization.
    • Performance optimizations for the network stack, like faster TCP connections, quick killing of hanging network links, more features for the packet filter (firewall), smaller latencies on WLAN.
    • Optimizations in block layer, for example better Device Mapper for LVM, improved parallel access to directories, more efficient access to SSDs, parallel access for NFS, kernel support for file copy, server-side copy for CIFS, NFS, XFS, support for hard discs with host-managed SMR (Shingled Magnetic Recording).
    • Optimizations on file systems (NTRFS, EXT4, F2FS, NFS, XFS, Overlayfs, Ceph), new cluster filesystem Orangefs
    • Many improvements in graphics stack, like DRM (Direct Rendering Manager), new open source graphics driver etnaviv for Vivante graphics on i.MX CPUs (etnaviv = vivante backwards)
    • Better load balancing of processes to CPU cores, new cgroups v2, improved power and frequency handling, new cpufreq governor schedutil.
    • New GPIO infrastructure not using sysfs, supposed to be faster.
    • Support for USB SuperSpeedPlus (USB 3.1).
    • Many many new and improved drivers for WLAN chips, touch controllers, audio codecs, cameras, MMC/SD cards, etc.

    Of course there are also many changes for other CPU types (like x86) and other graphics cores (like AMD, Nvidia, Intel) but these are not of interest here.

    4. Yocto 3.0 (Zeus)

    With this release systemd will be the default init system for the example-fus-images.

    Systemd is a init system and service manager for Linux operating systems. It provides a system and service manager that runs as PID 1 and starts the rest of the system. Systemd provides aggressive parallelization capabilities, uses socket and D-Bus activation for starting services, offers on-demand starting of daemons, keeps track of processes using Linux control groups,

    maintains mount and automount points, and implements an elaborate transactional dependency-based service control logic. [Source:]

    It is configured via the systemclt application.

    Also the root file system will now be mounted as read-write by default. This can be changed to read-only when setting up the build enviroment via the script. See LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf for a detailed description.

    5. Documentation

    In the past, the documentation that was included in the release package itself was often superseded by newer versions on our website. But people continued to use the outdated version of the release, causing unnecessary complications.

    To avoid this, from now on only the software related documentation is directly included in the release and we have added a chapter to FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf that contains direct links to the appropriate resources on our website. There you can download the newest versions of hardware documentations, schematics, layout files, certificates, accessories, add-ons, adapters and similar things.

    The software documentation is completely reworked. The FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf document now really only shows a basic introduction to the work with boards of the fsimx8mp architecture. And there is a new document LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf that shows a more in-depth view of a Linux system in general and of the F&S versions of NBoot, U-Boot, Linux and Yocto in particular. This is still work in progress, some chapters are not fully done yet and will be revised in the future. Check our website from time to time to see if there is a newer version of this document.


    The following list shows the most noticable changes in this release in more detail since our last regular i.MX8M-Plus release. Please note that the source code is also used for other platforms. This is why you will also find references to other CPU types and F&S boards here in the changelog.

    u-boot-2020.04-fsimx8mp-Y2022.11 (11.11.2022)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2

    • [fsimx8mp] Disable not used ethernet nodes in device tree
    • Improve phy shutdown for dwc_eth_qos driver
    • Improve primary eth interface for fsimx8mp
    • Add new environments for bootloader fs update in fsimx8mp.h
    • Improve ethernet aliases for fsimx8mp
    • Improve features support for fsimx8mp
    • Add nboot configuration for PicoCoreMX8MPr2-Fert1-5
    • Add support for picocoremx8mpr2
    • Rework device tree for picocoremx8mp
    • Add feature option for eth-phy-a and eth-phy-b
    • Improve nboot config for armStoneMX8MP-Fert2.100
    • Add nboot config for armStoneMX8MP-Fert0.100
    • Improve USB2 support for fsimx8mp
    • Improve nboot configuration for armStoneMX8MP-Fert4.100
    • Add config for armStoneMX8MP-FERT5.100
    • Fix FDT_TEMP entries for fsimx8mm/mp
    • Add no-uboot-override to fs_fdt_set_val()
    • Fix mmc_get_env_dev(), simplify board_mmc_get_env_dev()
    • Enable CONFIG_FASTBOOT_UUU_SUPPORT on fsimx8mm/mn/mp
    • Revert F&S changes in iomux.c and console.c
    • Remove usb host initialization in SPL for fsimx8mp
    • Enable FS mmc common functions for fsimx8mp
    • Improve device detection on typec connector for fsimx8mp
    • Fix env device for fsimx8mp
    • Fix new RAM timings for fsimx8mm

    linux-5.4.70-fsimx8mp-Y2022.11 (22.11.2022)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2

    • Improve picocoremx8mp.dtsi
    • Improve armstonemx8mp.dtsi
    • [fsimx8mp]: Add aliases for spi_a/b
    • Improve lvds display timings for picocoremx8mp(r2)
    • Improve picocoremx8mpr2 g133han01 display
    • Add g133han01 lvds display support for picocoremx8mp(r2)
    • mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support
    • Change fsimx8mp aliases for fec and eqos
    • Add support for picocoremx8mpr2
    • Rework device tree support for picocoremx8mp
    • Correct define names in armstonemx8mp device tree include file
    • Improve lvds display timings for armstonemx8mp
    • MLK-25498 gpu: drm: imx: Add missing PHY init to cdns_mhdp_imx_resume
    • Add support for armstonemx8mp
    • Merge tag 'fsimx8mm-B2021.06.1'

    yocto-3.0-fsimx8mm-Y2022.11 (09.11.2022 based on Yocto 3.0 Zeus)

    Supported boards: armStoneMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MP, PicoCoreMX8MPr2

    • [atf]: Add patches for fsimx8m(m,n,p)
    • Add support for fsimx8mp


    • No changes


    • Update to version 1.3 of FSiMX8MP_FirstSteps_eng.pdf
    • Update to version 0.17 of LinuxOnFSBoards_eng.pdf

    Please download the hardware documentation directly from our website. Then you always have the newest version.

    Your F&S Support Team