Posts by menuthaur


    the keyboard works as expected. We wan't to use it to modify a numerical value. Therefore we just need the numeric buttons. On windows mobile it is possible to show only the numeric keys.
    How can I popup the keyboard out of C++ code and how can I change the layout (only numeric buttons)?


    During the installation of the Netdcu9 SDK I'm getting an error:

    ToolsMsmCA(Error): IHFilters filter registration failure:
    Err = 0x80040305, Context = pFilters->SetNamespace( Namespace )

    After clicking OK in the message box i'm getting following error message:

    ToolsMsmCA(Error): IHxRegisterSession transaction failure:
    Err = 0x8004036f, pRegSession->CommitTransaction()

    Has anyone an idea what has happened?


    I make a little summary what we have done.
    First the symptoms:
    We are connecting the serial interface with the PC and starting then the NETDcu. The FPGA on our Mainboard is not
    starting then. Without connecting to the serial interface the FPGA is starting like expected.
    The reason for not starting:
    The FPGA is using three pins D1, D3 and D4 from the FS-Bus. They are used at power up of the netdcu for configuring
    the FPGA and the FPGA is expecting on all three pins an HIGH-Signal. So what we don't understand were is the connection
    between serial interface and the FS-BUS? Could it be a problem with the signal-levels?
    Are pins from the FS-Bus also used for the serial interface?
    Is it connected with the driver?

    Boot messages:
    Microsoft Windows CE Ethernet Bootloader Common Library Version 1.1 Built Apr 16 2009 17:04:45
    Microsoft Windows CE Bootloader for NETDCU9 Built Apr 28 2009
    Portions copyright (c) 2007 F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    Boot Loader, Version 1.36
    StepStone Loader, Version N912

    Create partition for boot section ... Success
    INFO:OALLogSetZones: dpCurSettings.ulZoneMask: 0xb
    System ready!
    Preparing for download...
    Press >S< to step into monitor...
    AUTO BOOT enabled
    Image Signature in Flash Memory found (dwSig=0x43454345)
    TOC pointer=0x810D13B0

    ROMHDR (cTOC = 0x00fd13b0) ---------------------
    DLL First : 0x4001c001
    DLL Last : 0x40afc0aa
    Physical First : 0x80100000
    Physical Last : 0x810d3354
    Num Modules : 191
    RAM Start : 0x810e0000
    RAM Free : 0x810f7000
    RAM End : 0x84000000
    Num Copy Entries : 2
    Copy Entries Offset : 0x80727fe0
    Prof Symbol Length : 0x00000000
    Prof Symbol Offset : 0x00000000
    Num Files : 68
    Kernel Flags : 0x00000000
    FileSys RAM Percent : 0x40404040
    Driver Glob Start : 0x00000000
    Driver Glob Length : 0x00000000
    CPU : 0x01c2
    MiscFlags : 0x0002
    Extensions : 0x80101020
    Tracking Mem Start : 0x00000000
    Tracking Mem Length : 0x00000000
    Kernel read from flash disk started finished in 11000 milliseconds
    Kernel read from NAND
    INFO: OEMLaunch: Jumping to Physical Address 0xA01084D4h (Virtual Address 0x0h)...

    Windows CE Kernel for ARM (Thumb Enabled) Built on Oct 20 2009 at 18:39:19

    NetDCU9 V1.19 - Firmware Init
    Copyright (c) 2007 F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    Build: Mar 22 2010/16:07:37
    INFO:OALLogSetZones: dpCurSettings.ulZoneMask: 0xb
    INFO:OALLogSetZones: dpCurSettings.ulZoneMask: 0xb
    OEM: Force clean boot.
    DCache: 32 sets, 32 ways, 32 line size, 32768 size
    ICache: 32 sets, 32 ways, 32 line size, 32768 size
    OEMInit: Set size of first SDRAM bank to = 64 MB
    Drivers\Builtin\Serial1 - OFF
    OEM: Not cleaning system hive
    OEM: Not cleaning user profiles
    OEM: Not cleaning system hive
    ERROR: OALIoCtlHalGetDeviceInfo: Device doesn't support IOCTL_HAL_GET_DEVICE_INFO::SPI_GETUUID
    PIF: ActiveKey (copy) = Drivers\Active\19 (@ 0xD04DD6A0)
    DM9CE: DM9000/9000A/9010 driver v3.2.9
    DM9CE: StationAddress [ 00-05-51-02-64-50 ]
    CID: Version 103, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\22
    BCS: Version 1.0, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\35
    DIO: Version 1.8, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\36
    AIN: Version 1.1, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\37
    I2S: Version 1.4, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\38
    Display-Mode: 100, Name Sharp LQ084S3
    SMIVGX - FrameBuffer Base = 0x10000000.
    SMIVGX - Register Base = 0x13E00000.
    Error Opening reg key Drivers\Display\SMIVGX\MONITOR0
    Display-Mode: 0, Name Sharp LQ084S3
    SMIVGX: Detect Card
    SMI: m_pLAW = 0xD0C40000
    SMI: m_pREG = 0xD1430000
    Backlight mode can't be read from registry. Defaulting it to enabled state
    GetLCDcontrast: read contrast value: 0x0
    GetLCDcontrast: dwDefaultContrast=0x0, contrast=0x0
    MATRIX: matrix keyboard is OFF.
    TCHPDD: EnableTouchscreen PASSED
    NDCUCFG V: 040 started. Platform: NETDCU9
    CreateFile() failed -> ERROR COM1:

    Registry entries:
    Built in drivers:

    "FriendlyName"="Serial Cable on COM1:"



    Active drivers:


    Ok, i made it but nothing changed.

    I modified the registry that the Key "Dll" hast the value "\FFSDISK\n9_serial.dll".
    But i'm not sure if the driver is loaded, because after startup it is possible to delete the file.

    One other thing i forgotten to mention is that the kernel seems to be loaded and started but the display is not switched on.
    With the explorer i can parse the files on the device or use the remote registry editor and parse the registry after starting the
    device with connected serial interface.


    as we have to store some more data on the NetDCU9 I recognized that the FFSDISK directory is only about 16MB big.
    After reading some other posts I changed the size of FFSDISK with the help of the bootloader. We need 16MB for the Kernel
    so that was ok. 16MB were reserved for the FFSDISK but what is about the EXTENDED partition?

    Do I need this partition or can I reduce the size to 0MB. Where is it mapped to?


    Thank you for your quick response.
    Our CAN-Bus runs at a speed of 1MBit/s. I already increased the Priority256 value to 97 and also to 2.
    After that the event occured not so often but still too often :).

    It seems that the interconnect between CPU and CAN controller ist not fast enought.
    Which CAN-Bus rate will be "slow enought" to handle all the data? - Because we don't need
    the full data rate of 1MBit/s.


    we have some problems with our ndcu9 and CAN peripherals.
    If a device is sending a big amount of data to the netdcu our application
    loses some data packages.
    Everytime the error occures, we get the CANBUS_EVENT_OVERRUN.
    What does this exactly mean? Is the buffer of the device driver full and we
    are to slow in reading them, or is the driver itself to slow to read the data,
    maybe because the priority is to low?

    I found the following parameters in another thread in this forum.
    After appyling the value the touch panel is now very sensitiv!!
    I don't know why? I tried to make the touch more sensitive some weeks ago without any result.
    Now the pointer is jumping around when pressing a button, so I decided to increase the
    MinMove value. I set it from 0 to 1. But with a value other than 0 the touch panel doesn't work.

    To tell you the truth, I don't believe that any value has to do with any reaction of the touch panel.

    Thx Holger

    Thx, I found the MinMove parameter in the documentation.
    The touch panel doesn't work if i set the parameter to a value of 20.
    Setting the parameter to 1 doesn't work too.
    This seemed to be a little bit serious so I decided to check the default value 5.
    Saving the registry an reeboting, same effect, touch panel doesn't work.

    Any ideas?

    I tested some values as mentioned.

    Chanigng the TouchSamples value to 3 reduced the sytem load about 20%.
    The value SamplePeriodLowHns reduced the system load about 10%.
    Changing SamplePeriodHighHns didn't change anything.

    If I change the SamplePeriodLowHns to a very high value e.g. 1 500 000 the system
    load declines but the response time rises (150ms * TouchSamples -> action).
    Is there a parameter which tells the driver only to send messages if the stylus moves more than
    e.g. 5px in any direction?



    I added the value Priority256 (and set to 255) to the touch panel driver. This didn't change anything.
    If the touch panel causes an interrupt everytime something changes, changing the priority
    will not help, the ISR handler of WinCe will be called anyway.

    Has anybody else the same problem or is this a hardware depending problem?


    Hope dies last


    wir versuchen gerade unsere Applikation so zu optimieren, dass der Benutzer möglichst
    schnell eine visuelle Rückmeldung bekommt. Beim Betätigen eines Buttons auf der Oberfläche wird
    beispielsweise der restliche Bildinhalt ausgetauscht. Wenn man nun den Taster (Touchscreen) gedrückt hält
    wird das Bild wesentlich langsamer aufgebaut. Ich dachte zunächst an einen Fehler in der Implementation
    des Buttons, und konnte auch feststellen dass die Systemlast beim Gedrückhalten auf bis zu 100% ansteigt.

    Es scheinen unentwegt Nachrichten im Kontrollelment einzutreffen. Ich habe unsere Applikation dann aus dem
    Autostart entfernt und die Systemlast bei ruhendem Desktop beobachtet. Wenn ich einen beliebigen Punkt auf dem Desktop
    drücke, steigt die Systemlast tatsächlich auf 80-100% an, und geht wieder auf ca. 1% runter sobald ich den Finger
    vom Touchscreen nehme.

    Ist das Verhalten so gewünscht? Um welches Problem handelt es sich hierbei?

    Mit freundlichem Gruß