Posts by charles.leport


    i have an other problem to move my picocom2 project to picocom4. The RS232 communication doesn't works, i can't open COM2 port??

    the application on picocom2 works well but same project compile without error on picocom4 (sdk v100) i can't open COM2 port. i've already done each solution i found on this forum without success, i check registry ,change flag,order key, etc.

    What can i do?

    help me

    i update my picocom4 to kernel XIPNKPC4_CORE_CF35_140521.bin without problem but i use TX09 display, i change mode to 2 but i have black screen.

    With my previous kernel it works.
    below the NDCterm:

    what i have to change in registry to use TX09 display

    thank you!!!!
    it works i can compile project from picocom2 (sdk v110) to picocom4 (sdk v100) but i still don't understand why i can't compile project from picocom2 sdk v110 to picocom2 sdk v120 and to picocom4 sdk v110??? what the differences between each sdk ?


    sorry it's a mistake:

    - First i use picocom2 core sdk v110 => no error and the application work swell
    - Then i use picocom2 core sdk v120 => error of linking uafxcw.lib as i show in the post above
    - Then i use picocom4 core sdk V110 => error of compiling as described above

    I try to uninstall and reinstall each sdk or just install only one by one but with the same results
    I don't know what to do now


    i try to build a previous picocom2 project (build under picocom2 v110 sdk) to picocom4 project (picocom4 v120 sdk) but i have several errors

    I compile with picocom2 sdk v110 without errors but with picocom4...

    Have you any idea of the reason? i have to change link in visual studio

    An other stange thing is if i try to compile the same project under picocom2 v120 sdk i have others errors:

    1. Linking...
    2. 1>uafxcw.lib(cmdtarg.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol IID_IDispatch
    3. 1>uafxcw.lib(olevar.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol IID_IDispatch referenced in function "public: virtual struct ATL::CStringData * __cdecl ATL::CFixedStringMgr::Allocate(int,int)" (?Allocate@CFixedStringMgr@ATL@@UAAPAUCStringData@2@HH@Z)
    4. 1>uafxcw.lib(olevar.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol IID_IPersistStreamInit
    5. 1>uafxcw.lib(olevar.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol IID_IPersistStream
    6. 1>atls.lib(atlbase.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol IID_IPersistStream
    7. 1>uafxcw.lib(olevar.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol IID_IUnknown
    8. 1>uafxcw.lib(arcstrm.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol IID_IUnknown
    9. 1>uafxcw.lib(filecore.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol IID_IClassFactory
    10. 1>uafxcw.lib(arcstrm.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol IID_IStream

    If anyone can help me ;(