Posts by Kaiser


    is there probably a problem with rs232 interface?

    I have following situation:

    I use serial connection (Modbus RTU server with 9600Baud) over rs232 interface to NetDCUA9.

    * When I first switch on NetDCUA9 and then the Modbus RTU server, everything works fine.

    * When the order is changed - I switch first on the Modbus RTU server and then the NetDCUA9, I can never establish a connection. Also after several starts of the software on NetDCUA9. Only when I stop and start the service on Modbus RTU server, a connection is established.

    I can open the COM2: port and send data - seems to work, but no reaction on server - also I never receive something on NetDCUA9.

    Reset of COM2 port after start and several reconnects didn't help on NetDCUA9 side.

    The same problem I have with other hardware with Modbus RTU server (customer machine).

    The problem is still there, when I remove serial cable and insert again.

    Do you have any idea, what could cause this problems and how I could solve that?

    By the way, I use the latest V3.8 kernel.

    New info 30.08.2024

    I have made some tests and find out an important detail.

    After power on of the board, the serial interface sends automatically the value 0x00.

    This causes the Modbus RTU server to block. No further requests will be answered. Only after restart of server, when no 0x00 received, server works as expected.

    Is it somehow possible to avoid to send something on NetDCUA9 board at power on?

    Thanks a lot.

    Best regards, Andy


    at the moment I'm using Kernel Version 2.9

    1. NetDCUA9 V2.90 - Firmware Init
    2. Copyright (c) 2013 F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    3. Build: Sep 29 2020/10:11:48

    I thought this is the latest one. But now I see, the latest is V3.8, so I will try this one.

    Thanks a lot.

    Best regards, Andy


    I have a problem that is being reported more and more frequently by customers. The display seems to freeze occasionally.

    At least that's how it looks. At first I thought it was my program because it runs smoothly from start (autostart)

    until suddenly not a single press on the touch panel is accepted. It looks like everything is frozen.

    This sometimes happens during operation and sometimes immediately after starting the display. In this case the main program runs

    normally up, but can no longer be used.

    Yesterday, however, when I had to restart the display several times while testing, it happened to me while a program did not start automatically

    the display also stopped responding. The operating system is booted, the display is blue with the taskbar at the bottom,

    but nothing can be operated - touch doesn't respond. It also looks like everything is frozen.

    However, I was able to log in via telnet and see that everything was working. Ethernet, CAN, RS232 etc.

    I started the main program and everything was visible on the display, but it couldn't be operated. But it reacted to CAN, Ethernet and RS232.

    Now I'm guessing it's a problem with the touch driver or something similar.

    Unfortunately, the problem occurs very rarely and is very difficult to reproduce.

    Touch is teached correctly by 5 points and works well usually.

    I would be happy if you could help me with this in some way.

    Extract from the registry:

    Thank you.

    Best regards, Andy


    today I found a new kernel for this hardware (XIPIMX6_C7E_V280_200424.bin) and installed it, but unfortunately no improvement on this point.

    Now nearly 4 months passed since I reported this problem but nothing seems to be done. Are you really working on this or are you neglecting this problem?

    Best regards, Andy


    I'm still waiting for good news on this point. Now 4 weeks passed...

    Could you tell me more in the meanwhile? It begins to be critical with our customers. For workaround we had to use a hardware button where we can handle long pressed situations - but this is no final solution!

    Best regards, Andy

    Hello again,

    just want to ask again if you were able to reproduce this problem?

    You wanted to try it 2 months ago but unfortunately I didn't heard something from you.

    In the meanwhile we have some problems with customers because we have to start machine by longer pressing on a button and sometimes it starts and sometimes not because focus is lost. Time is running away.

    Please help to solve that problem or give feedback if it is at least reproducable.

    Best regards, Andy


    yes thank you. This helped.

    After searching the appropriate file for approx. 1h, I finally found the needed file.

    The link of your referenced page unfortunately didn't work. So I had to search manually.

    Just for interest, the needed file is called: "VS90SP1-KB2483802-x86.exe"

    Now debugging works as expected. :-)

    Thanks a lot.

    Best regards, Andy

    sorry i just debug on a NetDCUA9 using FSVYBRID_WEC7_SDK and MS Visual Studio 2008 but i cannot reproduce the problem.


    still have the problem. Either with FSVYBRID_WEC7_SDK or with FSIMX6_WEC7_SDK. Still the same wrong behaviour.

    The only thing I do after creating a new project, is to add the 2 directories

    1. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ce7\atlmfc\include
    2. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ce7\include

    into include path. Did I forgot something?

    Could you maybe send me a small "Hello World" project, where I could test to debug? If it's not working with that, then there should be a problem with my configuration? But on the other side - debugging with a NetDCU11.2 board works without problems...

    Thanks a lot in advance...



    I have attached a short video which illustrates the problem.

    Usually the next window shuld be shown, when leaving the "Browse" button.

    But as you can see, I'm still pressing and next window is shown after a random time while button is down.

    No difference if finger or a pen.

    Best regards, Andy


    trying to configure my 4-wire touch panel but have some problems with longer pressing times.

    Everything works fine until I press longer time on button. Sometimes it works and sometimes it looses pressing signal and button goes up even though I'm still pressing button.

    I'm sure I haven't lost physical contact. Could I set/optimise some parameters in registry? I'm not sure which one could help.

    There are also two areas and I'm not sure which is the right one:


    00 "Prefix"=string:TCH \

    01 "Dll"=string:fs_touch_wm9715.dll \

    02 "Order"=dword:26 \

    03 "Index"=dword:2 \

    04 "Flags"=dword:8 \

    05 "Debug"=dword:0 \

    06 "IClass"=multi:{25121442-08CA-48dd-91CC-BFC9F790027C};{A32942B7-920C-486b-B0E6-92A702A99B35} \

    07 "Priority256"=dword:109 \

    08 "SysIntr"=dword:0 \

    09 "SampleRate"=dword:200 \

    10 "SWCalibration"=dword:0 \

    11 "InvertY"=dword:0 \

    12 "InvertX"=dword:0 \

    13 "ChangeIO"=dword:100 \

    14 "TouchSamples"=dword:3 \

    15 "SettleTime"=dword:4 \

    16 "PenDetectDivider"=dword:21 \

    17 "LoadAsyncEvent"=string:SYSTEM/ShellAPIReady \



    00 "CalibrationData"=string:2070,2087 3200,3226 935,3216 921,937 3188,948 \

    01 "DriverName"=string:fs_tchproxy.dll \

    02 "ChangeIO"=dword:100 \

    03 "TouchSamples"=dword:3 \

    For example the key TouchSamples. Which path is the right one? Or should I have to change both (in drivers and hardware)?

    Also in document WINCE_FSiMX6_DeviceDriver_eng.pdf all parameters are not listened/described.

    Hope you can help me...

    Best regards, Andy


    yes, seems that the Storage manager in Control panel shows also this information.

    On my activated F3S system, following information is available.

    Name: Part00

    Size: 515 Sectors

    Type: 0x20

    File System:

    Flags: 0x00

    Not mounted

    Name: Part01

    Size: 32576 Sectors

    Type: 0x21

    FileSystem: fs_binfs.dll

    Flags: 0x10


    Name: Part02

    Size: 96576 Sectors

    Type: 0xF3 -> Seems to be FS3

    FileSystem: f3s.dll

    Flags: 0x10


    Part00 not used/bootloader?

    Part01 is the system partition, mounted to / ?

    Part02 is mounted to /FFSDISK?

    Best regards, Kaiser


    a question about which SDK to use?

    At the moment I have 3 SDK's available to use for WEC7 on my MS VS 2008.

    FSIMX6_WEC7 (ARMv4I)


    AM335x_WINCE7_SDK (ARMv4I)

    Seems that all the 3 are working. But what are differences? Which should I use?

    Thanks, Kaiser


    I'm talking about all windows. Either system tools or own applications.

    Please see attached picture.

    The title bar should have the color as seen in the Appearance tab and a grey X button.

    But it has an light blue color and a red x button.

    Under WinXP I can configure this on right mouse click on desktop/Properties/Design. Here I can choose between WindowsXP or Windows classic.

    Best regards, Andy


    a question regarding the style of desktop.

    After installation the standard look&feel is set to WinXP - blue title bar which I cannot change with Display properties/Appearance.

    Is there a way to disable this blue WinXP style (blue title bar and so on)?

    Thanks a lot in advance, Andy


    installed the current SDK from your webpage (FSIMX6_WEC7_SDK_151015.msi and FSVYBRID_WEC7_SDK.msi). Using MS Visual Studio 2008 on Windows7pro.

    There are no additional messages from Visual Studio.

    Sometimes it works but sometimes not - don't know what's different.

    Best regards, Andy


    are there problems in debug mode?

    I try to debug - program stops at break point correctly.

    But when press the F10 or F11 (single step) program runs to next break point (like F5).

    No single step is available.

    Is there a problem or do I something wrong?

    Best regards, Andy