Posts by sfc


    I have another question regarding the MX8MP device.
    After testing shutdown/poweroff commands with the supplied image with all possible additional parameters it was found that our device always reboots.
    In the hardware documentation I was not able to locate any kind of GPIO that could be set to a different level to prevent this behaviour, apparently this is required.
    Could you please point me in the correct direction to implement a shutdown procedure that leaves the device in poweroff state until reboot is requested by hardware reset button or powercycle?

    Thank you once again


    thank you for your help.

    I have added the check for crc32 to my bbappend and installed the, so far missing, crc32 binary.
    However I still have a mismatch and byte-shift in the very first bytes
    It looks like some escape chars are placed instead of 4 bytes, does this point to the 4 bytes of a crc32 problem?
    The rest other than the marked part is 100% identical to the binary you provide

    I am now building it in your Fedore dev machine and will report back


    I have a problem with installing the uboot that I compile during the image build proccess.

    For some reason it will not be detected as a valid uboot image.

    It shows some differences in the first few bytes when comparing to what FS provides, so maybe the compiling proccess is not running correctly? The machine I am using is Ubuntu 22.04 based, can this be part of the problem.

    The file is attached

    Thank you for your help

    1. Loading /update.scr ... done!
    2. Loaded!
    3. Loading /uboot-fsimx8mp.fs ... done!
    4. 1030756 bytes read in 30 ms (32.8 MiB/s)
    5. Error: No U-BOOT image for fsimx8mp found at address 0x40480000
    6. Loading from usb 0 failed! Aborting installation..


    I am trying to create a custom .wic file for the armstoneMX8MP.
    I am basing this on meta-fus/wic/, but it uses the UBOOT_WIC_BINARY and UBOOT_OFFSET.

    Those values are not defined in the meta-fus/conf/machine/fsimx8mp.conf, only for other machines.
    Am I using the wrong wic to base this off or were they forgotten in the machine conf?

    Thank you for your help