I'm using VS 2008 pro and PicoMod4.
I've tried to compile the 27 MFC samples and always get different compiler errors (except one or two samples).
I always get this message (no error), no matter which sample I try to compile
1> WINVER not defined. Defaulting to 0x0400, which is appropriate for all supported Windows CE versions
1>_CE_ACTIVEX was not defined because this Windows CE SDK does not have DCOM.
1> _CE_ACTIVEX could be caused to be defined by defining _CE_ALLOW_SINGLE_THREADED_OBJECTS_IN_MTA, but it is recommended that this be done only for single-threaded apps.
1>_ATL_NO_HOSTING was defined because _CE_ACTIVEX was not defined.
How to fix this?
The most frequent error is
error C2039: 'AddAdornments': Ist kein Element von 'CTestWindow'
For example in ctrltest.cpp(63) of the ctrltest example.
How to fix this?
Thank you.