factory settings

  • is it possible to get factory settings without serial programs like DCUTermi?

    An employee sets the display "lcdclk" to zero.
    after this setting the picomod6 doesnt boot.
    i tried to change the registry settings via DCUTermi...
    but before i could finish it, the board shows no reaction via serial connection with RS232.
    and doesnt boot... (the serial connection works with other picomod6 boards...!)

    is it possible to set the factory settings manual with an other way?

  • Hello,
    please enable the serail debug output (bootloader command "O" ...). I think you get an exception while load LCD driver and system stops booting - right? So have only one chance to reanimate the board. Step into the bootloader again end enter "R" .... to set WCE Registry to kernels default settings.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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