Remote desktop on NetDCUA5

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to take a remote desktop on my new NetDCUA5 through an Ethernet connection.

    I've found the following documentation :…1_FirstSteps_V106_eng.pdf

    On page 20, it's stated that, in order to use the remote desktop (I'm using Cerhost.exe), we need to set the following registry key :

    Registry Settings: [HKLM\System\GDI\Drivers]
    „Display“ REG_SZ set to DDI_CER.dll

    I've done so, reg saved and rebooted the card but I'm still unable to connect with Cerhost. What am I missing here ?

  • You dont need the DLL or any registering.

    Just start cerdisp.exe with comand line "c" (cerdisp -c) on the board.
    Then lauch cerhost on the PC (and click in the IPAddess field) ...

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