
  • I am using NetDcuA5 with WinCE. I am wondering if it is possible to use antialiasing for the texts shown on the TFT. Right now there is no antialiasing and the text does not look good.

    Like described by Microsoft, I added the following two values in the registry:

    I also tried to enable antialiased fonts by adding the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\Fontsmoothing registry key.
    And I also specified ANTIALIASED_QUALITY in the lfQuality member of the LOGFONT structure of my application.

    But nothing helped.

  • Hello,
    i download the FontViewer (FontViewer) convert the project to VS2008 modify "CreateFontHandle" ( lf.lfQuality = ANTIALIASED_QUALITY;//DEFAULT_QUALITY; ).
    With the original exe i don't see antialiasing with the new one it works fine. I am using PCA5 (same kernel as NDA5). So i please you to check your font creation and selection.

    PS: the exe need dynamic links so please download it and dependencies via VS or refer the project settings.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Hello and thank you.
    I run the FontViewer Programm in Debug mode of VS2005.
    Sorry, but it did not make any difference wether lf.lfQuality was set to ANTIALIASED_QUALITY or to DEFAULT_QUALITY. In both cases I could not see any antaliasing.

  • Which font do you use? You are right using tahoma or courier new with default weight and height i also see no difference. Try arial. Regard "the "W" for example.



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    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • After deleting the values and keys I added in the registry before, it worked. It seems that it is only necessary to set the lf.lfQuality to ANTIALIASED_QUALITY while creating the font in my application.