MS Song font

  • Hello,

    We are in the proces of upgrading from the NetDCU8 to NetDCUA5. Also from windows CE 5 to Windows CE 6. Our application works fine, but the support for Chinese does not work. On the NetDCU8/CE5 we used the registry setting:

    REM Set sub font for unknown unicode chars in tahoma.ttf
    reg open \SOFTWARE\Microsoft
    reg create key FontLink\SystemLink
    reg set value Tahoma string "\\Windows\\mssong.ttf,MS Song"

    This does not work for us on the new NetDCUA5/CE6. Do we need to set other registry settings to make this work?

    Kind regards,

  • Hello,

    i see no changes from CE5 to CE6.
    One assumption, how do you get the font to \Windows? When the font is not a part of the ROM maybe it is to late available. Did you try \ffsdisk?

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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