we develop a silverlight application for windows embedded compact 7 on an ArmStoneA9 QuadCore board.
Unfortunally we have a lot of performance issues and in particular intermittent occurring exceptions which lead to application crashes.
Our configuration in detail
- ArmStone A9 QuadCore
- SDK WEC7 from 25.11.2014
- Kernel from 25.11.2014
- as well as own Kernel created with BSP from 25.11.2014 where we activated the OpenGL-Engine with the Option "#FSL:iMX6Q_SABRE_Lite:XAMLRENDERPLUGIN_OPENGLDetail:Title"
- Expression Blend 3
- Windows Embedded Silverlight Tools Version 3.0.2845.0
The exceptions differ from time to time, here are three examples:
Exception 'Prefetch Abort' (0x3): Thread-Id=060f0012(pth=c08b14b0), Proc-Id=060d0012(pprc=c08ace38) 'Application.exe', VM-active=060d0012(pprc=c08ace38) 'Application.exe'
PC=e3a00000(???+0xe3a00000) RA=40532710(xamlruntimecore.dll+0x00292710) SP=0007fae0, BVA=e3a00000
Exception 'Raised Exception' (0x116): Thread-Id=060f0012(pth=c08b14b0), Proc-Id=00400002(pprc=806635e0) 'NK.EXE', VM-active=060d0012(pprc=c08ace38) 'Application.exe'
PC=eff6ef18(k.coredll.dll+0x0001ef18) RA=8025562c(kernel.dll+0x0000e62c) SP=d805f3b4, BVA=ffffffff
Exception 'Data Abort' (0x4): Thread-Id=07e40022(pth=c0829270), Proc-Id=06f5001a(pprc=c08a68a4) 'Application.exe', VM-active=06f5001a(pprc=c08a68a4) 'Application.exe'
PC=401da068(xamlruntime.dll+0x0002a068) RA=401da03c(xamlruntime.dll+0x0002a03c) SP=0576f7e4, BVA=40986731
Exception 'Data Abort' (0x4): Thread-Id=07d0000a(pth=c08aed04), Proc-Id=07d1000a(pprc=c08abb94) 'Application.exe', VM-active=07d1000a(pprc=c08abb94) 'Application.exe'
PC=40250268(xamlruntime.dll+0x000a0268) RA=4052f28c(xamlruntimecore.dll+0x0028f28c) SP=0007f52c, BVA=00004058
Exception 'Raised Exception' (0x116): Thread-Id=07d0000a(pth=c08aed04), Proc-Id=00400002(pprc=806635e0) 'NK.EXE', VM-active=07d1000a(pprc=c08abb94) 'Application.exe'
PC=eff6ef18(k.coredll.dll+0x0001ef18) RA=8025562c(kernel.dll+0x0000e62c) SP=d7fcf3b4, BVA=ffffffff
The XAML code contains different objects. The objects which will be addressed and edited and/or animated during application runtime by code behind contain the XAML-Tag
to use the GPU.
Here is a list of the objects which are imported from the XAML-Code / Expression Blend Project:
1 Application
1 Application.Resources
6 Button
26 Canvas
1 Canvas.RenderTransform
5 CheckBox
3 DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames
6 EasingDoubleKeyFrame
1 Grid
2 LineBreak
95 Path
4 Polyline
3 Polyline.RenderTransform
8 Rectangle
2 Rectangle.RenderTransform
6 RotateTransform
25 Run
3 ScaleTransform
3 SkewTransform
3 Storyboard
34 TextBlock
4 TextBox
6 TransformGroup
3 TranslateTransform
1 UserControl
1 UserControl.Resources
95 Path
0 Font
In code behind we use the WPF interface with commands change change some canvas object angles of and especially to draw a chart with the Polyline Object (clear(), insert() or remove points ..).
The exception appear more frequently, the faster we update on the GUI.
Do you have any idea, what could be the problem in our case or what we need to adjust in the BSP to build a kernel which works fine with Silverlight/WPF?