PicoCOMA5 driving more than one LCD pin with one display output

  • Hi,

    I'd want to use specific TFT display which has 8b input per chanel. I don't mind not using the entire color depth, but I still want to use full dynamic range.
    In order to do that, we would have to use some LCD output pins from PicoCOMA5 to drive two input pins of the LCD. But I wasn't able to find any detailed list of electric capabilities of the LCD driver,
    so I'm not sure if those outputs need some boost (f.e. using standard bus drivers) or if we can use them as they are.

    Other solution is of course to connect LSB of the LCD interface to the GND or VCC. But that will have effect on the dynamic range.

  • Hello,

    this should be no problem. You can "cascade" e.g.:
    PCA5 -> LCD
    MSB5 -> MSB7
    MSB4 -> MSB6
    MSB3 -> MSB5
    MSB2 -> MSB4
    MSB1 -> MSB3
    MSB0 -> MSB2
    MSB5 -> MSB1
    MSB4 -> MSB0

    FYI: if any troubles you may increase "LCDPortDriveStrength", refer DeviceDriverDoc.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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