Use of Serial3 Interface

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to get the Interface COM3 to work. Hardware seems to be wired correctly.
    COM1 and COM2 are working fine.
    On COM3 I dont receive any data in my program. While sending data by a terminal program, I always receive the same string I sent, back.
    Is there a connection problem? Or do I have to configure somewhere in registry?
    Unfortunately there is no information in debug output while starting board in terminal.
    Only Serial1 is mentioned:
    > Drivers\Builtin\Serial1 - OFF
    In registry all 3 serial interfaces are active.

    Thanks a lot in advance...

    Best regards, Andy

  • Hello,
    according HW manual default settings for J7.9/10 are AD3/AD2. So a recontruction is required. Because warranty disappears if you did modifications you have to send board as RMA (we will do confuguration for service lump-sum).

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Ah ok, so your baord was already configured for RS232 instead of ADC (default)!

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.