I'm running a Qt application with the default Eglfs option. After sometime, the application goes into sleep state and the UI is frozen and the console has the below messages.
Find the attachment of the Messages.
Board is ArmStoneA9r2.
I'm running a Qt application with the default Eglfs option. After sometime, the application goes into sleep state and the UI is frozen and the console has the below messages.
Find the attachment of the Messages.
Board is ArmStoneA9r2.
which release are you using? Do you use an own application to test?
Your F&S Support Team
Board Rev: 1.20
Buildroot: fsimx6-B2019.8
Yes, the application is a custom one which uses QtCharts.
Can you please confirm if this bug also occurs with the new release fsimx6-B2020.04?
What CPU variant do you using? Do you checken the temperature, maybe it´s related to this.
Your F&S Support Team
The CPU variant is iMX6 Dual Lite.(u-boot platform=armstonea9r2dl)
HDMI monitor is connected to the board. (changed the mxcfb0 to HDMI in dts file).
I'll do the same with the new release.
The CPU temp from (/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp) reports
41083 before runiing the app.
48782 after starting the app.
This is with the fsimx6-B2019.8 release