Delete Folder in Windows Embedded Compact 2013 do not work!!!

  • Hi at all,

    we are currently moving prep-files from an old location on /ffsdisk partition to the internal eMMC Card.

    We have to folders '/ffsdisk/jobfiles/archive' and '/ffsdisk/jobfiles' where we delete the files with command 'DeleteFile()'.

    So everything is fine and the folders are empty.

    When we try to delete the folder with 'RemoveDirectory()' command, the result code is 1 for success but the folder are already existing.

    Microsoft says in the documentation 'the calling process must have delete access to the directory' .…ee490356(v=winembedded.80)

    We make all this in a thread, can someone tell me how we get the folder deleted or give the thread the rights to do this?

    Thank you!

    Greetings Patrick Paul (ICU Medical Germany)

  • Hello,

    assume special rights are not required. I test with a standard commandline template and create folders ffsdisk/111 and ffsdisk/111/222 by console and following works without issues:

    BOOL Res = RemoveDirectory(_T("ffsdisk\\111\\222"));

    Res = RemoveDirectory(_T("ffsdisk\\111"));

    How do you test that the folder still exists?

    Any GetLastError!=0 in spite of Res=1?

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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